Author: Molli Sparkles


Worth More Than a Cricut.

Get ready y’all because I put the kettle on this morning and the truth tea has been brewing heavily. The past four months have been unbelievably hard for an untold number of reasons. I have...


Sunday Stash #251 – Fabric Party

Sunday Stash this week is once again brought to you by A&E Fabrics in Pensacola, Florida. I really can’t say enough good things about this down-home fabric shop. After last week’s hung over post, I...


Sunday Stash #250 – Hong Uver

Keeping it real today, and you best believe I am so hung over that my alcohol-soaked sparkles could combust with the tiniest of sparks! So let’s not get too flaming around here today! This weekend...


Big Ass Cushion no1

I’ll tell you a little story that I’m sure 83% of you can relate to. About a year ago Mr. Sparkles said to me, “I want some new cushions for the couch.” The implication there...


Gold Dust

Ya know that niggling feeling that occurs when you have thirty-seven other works-in-progress on the go? All you wanna do is finish what’s in front of you. But then there’s that little itch. It starts...


Selling Juki – One of Us Must Go

The time has come. It’s time to sell my Juki. (Let the penny drop!) Okay, let me clarify. My TL-98P ain’t goin’ nowhere. If the house were on fire, he’d be the first thing I’d...