Lava Lampalong: Bits and Blobs
Sometimes there’s information that just doesn’t fit anywhere else. It’s a little bit of this and little blob of that. That’s what this blog is all about—a place to capture the lava lamp blobs that are floating out into oblivion. Many of you have already started on your lava lamp blocks and are really letting your creative juices flow. For those that haven’t, or those that aren’t quite sure where to begin, here’s a magnificent place to start! First and foremost, I need to give a major shoutout to Mr. Kendall Taylor. Oh, who dat be, you ask? Oh just the person who went and created a whole instructional video on how to make the Lava Lamp block. Exsqueeze me?!
This is something I had on my palette of things to get around to, but I must say my video prowess is somewhat limited. Like, Molli can barely make a Reel, y’all. (Sidebar: When did Instagram become all about video? Can’t we just have pretty pictures. Yes and thank you for coming to my TED Talk.) Anywazoo, Mr. Taylor did Molli a solid, and made a thirty minute instructional video, posted on YouTube for free, for all of you. He then went and made a whole freaking Lava Lamp quilt. Seriously, I need to up my sewing game, because I am clearly not Lava Lamping hard enough! I even learned a few construction tips/variances about my own block from this video! Kendall, from all of us, we can’t thank you enough! (Don’t forget to like and subscribe to his channel!)

Next, another prize sponsor has joined our la la land of lava lamps! Let me introduce Patchworks Plus from Tasmania! Exotic, right?! Well, if you live in Australia maybe not, but growing up in small town, Oklahoma, I was fascinated by this little island on the other side of the world. Fast forward to now and shop owner, Sarah, has donated a $50 gift certificate to the prize pool. This prize is eligible for all participants regardless of location. If you’re looking for Kona solids, Patchworks Plus is one of the few Australian stockists to carry the whole range. Wouldn’t you love to say you had a bundle of fabrics sent from Tasmania?

Honestly, I always hate asking online/local quilts shops for money as I know they have their own businesses to operate profitably. So without a hint of exaggeration, I am extremely grateful and humbled when those businesses offer up prizes. The sincerest thank you to all of our sponsors. Please show them some love with your shopping dollars, so they will want to continue giving me things to give to you for free!
I love him. Thank you for telling us about him
Patchwork Plus offer great service. I buy all my Kona solids here. I live on Australia’s mainland. Great they are supporting you Molli. You gave a wonderfully colourful presentation at Wollongong Modern Quilt Guide in 2023.