Lava Lampalong: Announcing
Are you ready to get groovy? Because it’s time to let your troubles melt away and light up your life with the Molli Sparkles Lava Lampalong! So what is a Lava Lampalong?

We’re gonna sew, we’re gonna groove, and we’re gonna share it with the world. This is a no pressure sew along, where you make what you want, when you want it. You do you, boo! I’m gonna give you some general guidance, a bit of a “whoop-whoop! You got this!” when you need it, and a few surprise prizes all along the way. Are you getting the vibe yet? We’re gonna keep it chill, laid back, and most importantly let the lava flow.

The Lava Lampalong will run over eleven weeks, beginning Monday, 18 March – Friday, 31 May. But listen, these dates are mostly for me, so I can get my own quilt top finished! The blog posts and resources will stay up right here at, so you can reference them anytime. You can join this lava flow now or later! If you want to make one block or a hundred blocks, that’s totally up to you. If you want to make a cushion cover, or a king size coverlet, that’s also your prerogative. For the record, I’ll be making a sixteen block throw quilt to replace the one that sold at QuiltCon last year! (I may enter it into QuiltCon again, as well!)

With this Lava Lampalong, I’ll give you some links to resources on foundation paper piecing. So there’s no delightful delusion, I will not be teaching you how to foundation paper piece. There are so many qualified people out there who have shared that knowledge better than I ever could. But I will share some tips that are relevant to my specific pattern, including fabric selection, pattern components, piecing construction, stitching and what works for me! You can use them or lose them.
All that being said, there are only twenty-three pieces in this entire block, and the six background pieces you just cut to the size of the paper with no piecing! So even if you’ve never foundation paper pieced before, this is a pretty easy block to get into the groove with!

What would this Lava Lampalong be without my pattern? Let’s just say you’re not gonna get very far without it! While I’ll be hosting this Lava Lampalong for free, and joining and participating is free, the pattern does cost $6.00 AUD. You’ll find my Molli Sparkles Lava Lamp pattern available for purchase in my shop right here. While you’re purchasing, you can peruse a few of my other patterns or some of the fabrics I’ve listed for sale. These have come direct from my stash and are hoping to become part of yours. All of the proceeds from your purchases go straight into my bank account to help me with future fabric and diamond purchases. Because I’m just a material girl, living in a material world, indeed.
Purchase Molli Sparkles Lava Lamp Pattern

I want to give you some inspirational options when using my Lava Lamp pattern. As I’ve mentioned, I’m making a 16 block throw quilt size. The block finishes at 12”x16” which means my quilt will be approximately 48” x 64” without sashing. I’m still undecided on how big I’ll make my sashing strips, but we can figure that out together in the coming weeks. However, please use my pattern however you decide; there’s so many ways to let this lava flow!
As you can see, I’ve been having a funky old time making promo buttons for the Lava Lampalong. (There are many more coming!) Feel free to grab one for your own socials and rope in some of your sewing buddies too! Let’s light up the world with lava lamps! If you want to get even more groovy with likeminded individuals, please come join us in the Facebook group. There will be lots of support, sharing, and exclusive tips and tricks posted there too!
Molli Sparkles & The Glitterati Facebook Group

For now, just start thinking about if you want to get a bit groovy with us all! Check out the schedule below—remembering that it is flexible to your needs—and go start fondling some fabric. I’ll catch up with you in a few days with my own thoughts on fabric choices for the Lava Lamp block. This is your chance to really let loose, mix and match, and get a little drunk on fabric play. Until then, stay mello as a cello!

Woohoo! I’m all in! Our last sew along was awesome! Thanks once again for spearheading such a fun project! I can’t wait to see what’s created!
I’m in! Just bought the block and ideas are whirling in my brain!
I’m in!!! Also, just bought the pattern. I just looked at some ideas of real lava lamps on pinterest and am almost ready to play with my fabric. I’m thinking that I’m going to try to match my VW Van wall hanging I made a couple of years ago.
Oh My! How fun is this going to be! I have had 2 lava lamps in my life! So Groovy!!!
I’m downloading the pattern now!