Holiday Mode
Oh, I am ready, steady, cooked! It’s time for Molli Sparkles and family to dip into holiday mode! We’re so excited, and we just can’t hide it! Okay, that’s a whole lot of cliché, but I ain’t even bothered about it. The Sparkles family is off on a two week cruising adventure, straight up the coast of Queensland into the eye of a hurricane. No, really, that does appear to be what’s happening! We will be jaunting around on the Cunard Queen Elizabeth which hopefully decides to make a bit of a detour. If not, we’re ready to rock and roll with whatever waves our way.

As a bit of a preview announcement, I’ve been working in the background to set up my own online store through my website. You can click the “Shop” button in the menu bar, or follow this link. There you will find a bit of fabrics and all of my sellable patterns. If you end up buying fabrics, see the aforementioned holiday announcement, because there will be an obvious delay. Patterns are now a direct download to you, and there are many more items to come! This 2024 is going to be a sparkling year, indeed!
Sparkle at you later,
Bon voyage!!
Enjoy that Holiday. Maybe keep an eye of FB – Higgins Storm chasing for updates on that weather up there.
So excited for you (and a wee bit jealous!) Bon Vonage! Take thousands of pic for us stuck at home with 15 inches of snow!!!!!
Fabulous Enjoy the cruise-be safe
Bon voyage! Enjoy the cruise ! Greetings from the snow and frost in my village!