Sunday Stash #293 – Warehouse
Whew! I haven’t done a Sunday Stash in over a year! Let’s not pretend that the fabrics aren’t still coming into the warehouse either. As much as I keep trying to use them up, it seems I’m gonna need a forklift soon to keep putting things away! I recently told Mr. Sparkles that I was going to redesign the cupboard of love (read: closet) where I store my fabric. If it’s gonna stay there, and keep multiplying, it needs to have purpose-built custom shelving. That might slow my fabric habits down for a bit?

Probably not, especially if these latest acquisitions are anything to go by! For now let’s say I’m entering another phase of my quilting career (more on that later) and to that end, I’ve been re/stocking up on my solid fabrics. The above photo shows Art Gallery Pure Solids, Moda Bella Solids, and Robert Kaufman Kona Solids. If you’re in Australia have a look at Bebeloush Designs and The Next Stitch, as they’re responsible for making my carts overflow! I was also able to score fabric charts for two of the three. If anyone knows where to get a Bella card, please do let me know!
More fabrics have been ordered, so I’m sure I’ll be back with another Sunday Stash soon!
Those are some beautiful solids. I’ve been sorting and reorganizing my stash this year, and DANG! I need to work on some projects! I find that I am “safe” from online shopping because I really need to touch the fabric. That tactile element is really important for me. How about you?
Gosh…. I’m dreaming of Tula neons…. Sigh
Beautiful pull! I’m currently trying to manage a stash reorganization. Too many fabrics in and too slow at finishing!
No such thing as too much fabric. Enjoy it all. Never know what special shade you might need one day.
You can purchase Bella Solids colour chart as a fabric panel.