Sunday Stash #290 – Zeal for Teal
Back in April 2021, I recounted in Sunday Stash #282 that I have a thing for teal. Okay, so truth tea time: I think “a thing” has severely escalated to problem! I didn’t mean for it to happen like this, but suddenly, I have no less than twenty different solid fabrics that fall into this category. It’s an encapsulating word as well, with barely blues bending towards bluer greens. Then there’s value–light or darkness–of the varying hues–colours, that broaden the spectrum even more. I seem to have them all! That is, until it’s time to colour-match for a quilt and my eye/brain coordination goes into overdrive (as does my anxiety) to find the perfect choice. Except then I realise none of them are perfect and I have to order another thirty-seven fabrics to prevent it from happening again. Yet, it does, and the cycle continues.

In what little defence I have, The Solids Club I’m a part of through The Next Stitch arrived this week. Lo’ and behold, the colours delivered all belonged to the aforementioned teal family. What was I to do–send them back and say, “No thank you, ma’am?!” I think not! However, not so much in my defence, I had already placed an additional order on top of The Solids Club bundle to save on shipping. Within my selections were–you guessed it, a bunch of varying aquas, turquoises and cyans. Some people might call this insanity, but I like to think of it as serendipity!

I mean look at all this beauty! Dive into the pool, honey and drink up this colour! Yes, I fully realise to the untrained eye that half of these probably look exactly the same. (::ahem:: Hello, Mr. Sparkles!) For the rest of us, we know they are not! Then there’s the slight textural difference between Moda Bella and RK Kona. Do you have a preference? In my perfect QuiltLand world, I’d probably only use Art Gallery Pure Elements, but y’know, price and variety. So what ya gonna do? Use everything and anything, is what I say! We’re making quilts from dyed, woven threads; there is no wrong answer here!

In a wild moment of capriciousness, I did veer off the teal path to throw in some other complimentary fabrics. I’m lining them up for potential use in my Cut It Up QAL quilt (no working title yet). I’m drawing from my Tula Pink stash, and you know how she loves a tinted-tonal rainbow in her fabric designs. These should provide a bit of relief to all of her fanciful characters and motifs. And if these don’t work, well, I guess I’ll just have to go back for more!

Beautiful. I would never send any of them back 🙂
I adore teal – in my stash – there is a larger component of that colour than any other – perhaps it is because of the huge range between greenish teal and bluish teal. Be still my heart – love your colour choices.
You aren’t alone on teal… my neighbor painted all the trim on her house teal…it looked wonderful!
Has anyone introduced you to Tula’s solids? There are some lovely teals I understand 😎
Kona Celestial, I don’t know if it counts as teal or just plain blue, but it is heavenly!
They are all beautiful! It is illegal in the U. S. to return fabric! (Just kidding people do it all the time – how I’ll never know.) I’m still trying to rid my stash of “scenic” one way design fabric so I can start collecting solids (Society Basics.) Thanks
I just want to fondle all of them! Beautiful!
All of them are yummy! Of course we need all of them.