Quilt Finish – Great Dividing Range

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

3 Responses

  1. Karen Seitz says:

    Those are such great colors placed in just the right order. Beautiful!

  2. Joan Sheppard says:

    Great choices of color, the quilting set them off so well and love the tiny “fingers” on the binding. Really making them move! I have never been to Aus. but sent my daughter there one July August – summer? winter? And I have a similar picture from her trip! Now I really have to go if for no other reason than to SHOP!

  3. Mania says:

    I am delighted! A beautiful quilt and a beautiful description of the motives for its creation.
    Greetings from Poland

Spill the truth tea.