Sunday Stash #286 – The Next Stitch Solids Club
This month I finally bit the bullet and signed up for a subscription fabric club. This is a completely new to me experience, which I have somehow avoided for the last nine years of my sewing life. “HOW!?” I hear you questioningly exclaim! I know, right! Me? Meeeeeee! Clutch those pearls, darlings, because sometimes I do show some fabric restraint. It’s not often, but present case in point, right? Well, recently, as I’ve been doing more improv-esque dick making (Bet you won’t hear that statement come out of anyone else’s mouth!), I’ve found myself using more solids. Then I found my solid sections to be well under-represented amongst my fabric stash.

Since I tend to be the type of quilter who uses what I have stashed–rather than going out and buying fabric for a project–I figured I’d better start a new solids stockpile. Hence me signing up for a whole year of fabric deliveries through The Next Stitch. How am I gonna be mad at that? I chose the half-metre bundle because that’s generally my go-to fabric cut, and at $56.00, I’ll probably end up saving money. You know, not actually going to the fabric store and thus buying all the extra fabric I don’t really need! I’m excited to see all the surprise fabric deliveries coming up over the next twelve months.

What’s even better!? As a club member, you also get 10% off all other solids purchases. That won’t really be helping the fabric prevention, but alas, sometimes you do need a specific colour. I’m finishing up the binding on my Molli Sparkles Lava Lamp quilt (yaaassssss it’s back from being long armed), and I needed more Moda Bella Black. Two yards into the kitty, please! Not to be an enabler or anything, but, well, I’m going to be an enabler: Head over to The Next Stitch so we can be fabric club groupies together!

Oh, I hope you’ll share your monthly allotment of solid acquisitions….being the voyeurs we are 😉
Nice club to join. Enjoy
Such yummy pinks!
I’m binding my lava lamps tomorrow. 😀