Sunday Stash #285 – The Next Stitch
Truth tea time: Sometime back in May, I had started writing this blog post, and then I turned 40 and apparently became immediately forgetful. Just today, I discovered that it was sitting here in my drafts folder, and well, how can I deprive us all of showing off amazing fabrics! So even though all of these beauties joined my fabric cupboard of love about five months ago, they deserve their time in the spotlight too! In fact, some of them I’ve already used up, but I’m sure you’ll see them come round again on a quilt very soon. Now, to step back in time…

A few weeks back I saw on Instagram that The Next Stitch was having a moving sale. As someone with previous back issues myself, I couldn’t stand the thought of shop owner, Wendy, having to move all of those bolts cross-country. What if she injured something? I knew I had to help, and the best way to do so from afar was with my credit card. So I did what I do best, and began to shop for fabric. I got some real dealios, and Wendy said I cleared several bolts, so I think we both came out winners!
The Next Stitch sells everything from Alexander Henry to Windham fabric houses, so you can bet you’ll find something to soothe your fabric soul. I picked up major yardage of Giucy Giuce’s Entwine range, which is this super-luxe yarn-dyed fabric. These are all destined to be quilt backings so when you’re wrapped up, you feel all sorts of exquisite!

Where my Carolyn Friedlander fans at!? Whoop! Whoop! I’m a little bit of a Carolyn junkie, even though I feel like the last few collections have gone off the rails a bit. I still buy bits and pieces, and as you can see here, I’m generally attracted to the more outlandish ones. I still have original Architextures waiting to be sewn into some grand master plan that I haven’t quite figured out yet. A whole CF quilt represented by several of her ranges is on order for the next block-based quilt I make. That’s if I can stop making fabric dicks for a hot minute.

So this is like when those world’s collide because on top is some more Giucy Giuce Entiwne, but then a CF yarn-dyed fabric. It’s like they are just waiting to get together to have fabric babies. This particular piece from Entwine is called Confetti and it’s my new favourite solid colour. Because when you’re using a solid, who says it can’t be all the colours at once? It’s like when I say my favourite colour is metallic rainbow, and I am dead set serious. Deal with it!

Okay, and as I am currently all about flushing out my flesh tone solids stash (ahem, see fabric dicks statement above), I filled my cart with some pinks, caramels, mauves, and rusty-coloured solids. These may or may not make the (un)cut for a dick quilt, but there’s no harm in having the full rainbow represented. I’m now forever on the lookout to ensure I have equal representation amongst my fabric stash.

So glad to have helped Wendy at The Next Stitch out with her move! She’s now set up her new shop, and while I may have grabbed up all the bargains of the moment, there’s always more to be had. That’s if you can beat me to them!
Never too late to gawk at your fabric. You have really good taste.
That CF looks so purple and I’m in love!