Quilt Top Finish – City of Earthly Delights
This City of Earthly Delights quilt top has been a journey! I was gifted these fabrics with a challenge to make something incredible way back in June 2015 by Kathy at Material Obsession. As I first reported in Sunday Stash #130, I struck up a conversation with Kathy at a quilt show. I started to mention that tone-on-tone blenders were more my thing, and she back handed me with a large-scale multi-coloured fabric called The Garden of Earthly Delights designed by Kit Miles. “This is what your sophisticated soul should be using.” I went to apologise, instead suggesting some solids, and she then proceeded to whip me with a selection from Alison Glass’s Handcrafted range. That’s a true fabric friend, right?!

Anyway, after much starting and stopping over the years, it finally got here. Trust that there were many here, there and everywheres that led me to this final version! You can see some preliminary work at the #CityOfEarthlyDelightsQuilt on my Instagram. I don’t think I was ready to make this quilt–in both skills and perspective–when I started it. I’ve learned over the years that quilts will often tell me when they’re ready, not the other way around. I have to be open to listening to the fabric and my inner dialogue to produce great results.

This quilt started with the idea of my own emigration from a small, country town to the big, bright but sinful city. Through that journey there were temptations, entanglements, and freedoms that shaped my lived experience. As I picked up this work more recently, the pandemic was also weighing on my mind. The developing lockdowns throughout the world, in both rural and urban areas, became symbolic of a stasis ready to burst back open. That felt like my own life as young person—isolated but knowing in the distance there was freedom. Esoteric much? I know.

The quilt top is all paper pieced with some meticulous fussy cutting happening in the cityscape. That glorious fabric is Big City in mint by Alexander Henry. I’m pretty sure I’m going to quilt this one myself, with some trapunto action happening across the iron gating that runs across the quilt. I’ve got the quilt back already made, so I best get to work! A quilter’s work never ends! I’m extremely proud of where this quilt has taken me, and excited by the places it will allow me to go next.
It is a work of excellence and art. The blue is it grunge? chambray? Quilt quite deserving of your personal touch in quilting. Your attention to detail sewing is letting us concentrate on the story. Drama! Love it.
I love that you fussy cut the city scape.
this may be my favorite quilt of yours ever. the stylized chainlink fence, the utopian city which is a hotbed of good-for-the-soul temptation, the garden taking over the world, starting to wrap around the fence. And then it’s the city winning, bagels and cheese danish over salads, plazas over tangled underbrush. In the end, perhaps there is balance, squirrels of the city, Bigfoot in drag in those sexy, sexy overgrown vines, peeling grapes for you.
thank you. my heart sings.
Another of your beautiful inspirations! This is amazing! I love to see your creativity!
Wow! Completely gobsmacked by this one. Love that you share the inspiration and story with each quilt finish. It is a peek in to the process of an artist and I find it so inspiring.
What a stunning piece of art! 😍😍
Wow! Just wow! Totally amazing, incredible work.