Sparkles Family Update
How are y’all holding up out there? What a crazy, mixed up world we’ve found ourselves in, eh? I hope that the majority of you have found a way to stay inside and lock the door tight! Mr. Sparkles and I are both working from home (if that’s what we’re gonna call it), getting our meals through a weekly food delivery service, and working our way through Netflix. I assume you’ve watched Tiger King? Ever wondered what growing up in Oklahoma was like? Not exactly this, but also, not that far off!

I’m somewhat terrified at the thought that some of the Glitterati might be sick, suffering, or even worse, may not be with us anymore after this terrible pandemic. My heart hurts even thinking about it. Please look out for each other in any way you can.

You’ve probably heard by now that we had to cancel our wedding. Mr. Sparkles ate the last Tim Tam, so he had it coming. I kid. Mostly. Thankfully, we could see the inevitable coming, so we had already made the decision to cancel before we were forced to cancel. That meant we were emotionally prepared when I finally hit send on that email to the venue. Oh! It still hurt, but at least it was on our terms.

We’ve managed to postpone the whole shebang for a year without much penalisation. Thanks to our wedding partners and a global fucking pandemic. So now instead of it being held on our 15th anniversary, we are gonna try for our 16th anniversary. If you thought there were going to be sparkles before … lordy. My latest request to my wedding stylist: a giant rotating, mirrored disco ball above the dance floor. Let’s make it happen! I’m seeing all of this as a blessing in disguise; a chance to make our event even bigger and better. Hopefully, after a year of further savings (and no where to go), our next level wedding will be hidden bonus level material!

Have you used up all of your fabric stash yet? Not to brag, but I’m making some serious dents in mine. Clearly, I did not have as much fabric as I thought I did. Honestly though, I have been making strides to shop my stash as much as possible. The only intake of fabric has been gifts from other people, which is alright by me! My aunt recently gave me a whole fat quarter bundle of Tula Pink’s Slow & Steady, and my mother-in-law gifted me 16 metres of an airplane logo print. I’d say both are pretty stellar gifts, wouldn’t you? Don’t be jealous of my boogie, y’all!

Right now I’m contemplating busting out my string scraps and seeing if anything happens with them. Like maybe they’ll magically iron themselves flat, and then combine themselves into the most ridiculously gorgeous quilt ever? Instead, since I have all the time in the world, they’ll probably expect me to do most of the work. I’ve been saving strings since 2012, so you know there’s going to be some wild thangs happening in there. At this very moment, which is subject to change in the next very moment, I’m thinking of hitting up some improv. Just letting the fabric dictate where it wants to go along the way. Seems like a good way to let the chaos of the world channel through me into my artistic output. If you know anything about me, you know I’m unafraid of a hot mess.

I gather there’s going to be a lot of ingenious quilts come out of this time. We are all locked in, bunkered down for better or for worse, and what better way to spend our time than unleashing it on our fabric stashes. Those quilts shops better hurry up and get themselves listed as an essential service or there’s gonna be a lot of angry quilters without their fabric fix!
We travel vicariously through you – I just pretend we’re neighbors! Anxiously awaiting the wedding. Even more glamor!! I can see it from Chicago!
Your quilts are so much fun and they are so beautifully stitched. The gold one – I had to remind myself to breath! My stash seems to be growing – people are now bequeathing their stash. The masks have been a great way to use up some of the small pieces I couldn’t possibly toss out. Mostly 42″ square charity quilt for kids and puppers. Anxiously awaiting the wedding. Even more glamor I can see it from Chicago!
So good to hear from you. So sorry about the wedding delay, but what a celebration will be coming next year when it happens. I love the churn dash (?) heart quilt-do you have a pattern, or did you use someone else’s ? And the black and gold is truly “take your breath away” I follow you on Instagram, but there is nothing like a newsy blog post. Stay safe and happy
It was so good to see your e-mail in my inbox. I am so glad you, Mr. Sparkles and your Grandmother are safe. Please stay that way! Sorry about your wedding but can’t wait to see the pictures from next year’s wedding. Keep quilting, love to see your quilts and fabric!
You know I’m jealous of your boogie! Thanks for the update and your wonderful attitude about changing your wedding date. Stay safe and healthy and Sparkle On! ( And don’t sashay away!)
Hello to the awesome Grandma Sparkles! I can think of a lot worse things than riding out C19 in the Sparkles household in Australia. Glad you can be together but so sorry about the wedding postponement.
I really need to up my binding game and work on some unfinished projects but have a bit of C-19 induced kind of block/paralysis on top of a creative drought and major loss of sewjo. As always, your words and beautiful images are inspiring. Now to get my butt in front of the sewing machine!
Been missing you! I don’t know why this post didn’t pop up in my bloglovin email lists. I’m glad you are doing well and stitching through your stash. It’s so hard to stay quarantined, the hardest for me is missing my little granddaughters’ hugs and kisses.
I’m glad you and Mr. Sparkles are healthy! So sorry about your wedding, but you have the right attitude – bigger and better next year!
And I love that airline fabric! It’s pre-1987, because CP (Canadian Pacific) Air was absorbed into Canadian Airlines that year … do you know the date? It’s a treasure!