Typecast of Characters Blog Tour – My Name Is Molli
Oh hey, y’all! I’m sure I need no introduction, but for those of you who’ve been devastatingly absent from the glitter parade, my name is Molli Sparkles. See, it’s in the banner right above! Yep! That’s me! I throw glitter in the air and call it a Tuesday! So welcome to my hot pink corner of the web.

Today is my stop on the Whole Circle Studio Typecast of Characters Blog Tour. I’m pretty sure I was assigned the letter “M” for my marvellous name, but who’s to deny other equally delicious namesakes such as Madonna, Mariah, and the Minogues? Who could possibly tell?! If any of them are reading (as they’re prone to do): Call me, I’ll make you a quilt! Now that we’ve got that all figured out, let me show you what I made!

My first step was to take the Paper Pieces templates that Sheri from Whole Circle Studio sent me and glue baste my fabrics around them. It was the first time I’d ever glue basted, and what a breeze that was! I used the Sewline glue pen, and while I probably over did it on the glue, now I know for next time.

My goal was to make a new English Paper Piecing travel pouch that would also hold my sketchbook, pens, and various sewing notions. You see, I fly a whole helluva lot for work, which requires that I put my carry-on baggage in the overhead locker. I’ve been wanting a pouch that holds all of my in-flight, creative options together. That way, I can pull them out of my baggage collectively as soon as I’m on board. I mean, once I’ve got my departure drink in hand, I need my sketch book! Obvs. Then I have everything with me in one place, and I don’t need to be rummaging through my suitcase again throughout the flight.

I made the pouch a bit oversized at 10″ x 12″ but it now holds all the things I want! For the front I used an Alison Glass fabric combined with some Liberty of London tana lawn. I’d also never EPP-ed with Liberty, so that was a special treat! The back came courtesy of a piece from Libs Elliott, and then I topped it all off with a neon green zipper. I don’t think there will be any mistaking who this “My Name Is Molli” pouch belongs to!

Oh, but here’s the kicker! If I’m gonna put all that stuff in it, it needs pockets right? I’d never sewn a pocket before so I had to hunker down and dive deep. Not saying that I’m an expert, but I’m pretty chuffed with how they turned out. So professional! Now I want to put pockets in everything! That lining is Mirror Ball Dot, and I continued on with my Liberty spree by lining the pockets with that silky ooh la la!

Each of my pockets, linings and exterior pieces were stabilised with some Pellon lightweight fusible interfacing. I’m glad I did it, but I also learned that the Liberty tana lawn reacts differently with it than normal quilting cotton. There are a few bumps here and there, but with the wear and tear this bag is going to get travelling around the world with me, I doubt I’ll even notice!

I’ve already started filling this technicolour beauty, as I’m leaving for a trip to California tomorrow! I’ve got fourteen hours on a plane to really get good and comfortable with my Typecast of Characters – “My Name Is Molli” pouch! If you want to get started on some EPP characters of your own, the Typecast pattern guide and paper packs are available at the Whole Circle Studio shop! Also, check out the other creative types who’ve made their own letters and projects as part of the Typecast of Characters Blog Tour!

TYPECAST OF CHARACTERS BLOG TOUR hosted by Whole Circle Studio:
• Wednesday, March 27: Tour Introduction by Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 1 — A: Kate Brennan of Aurifil
• Tuesday, April 2 — B: Mathew Bourdreaux of Mister Domestic
• Wednesday, April 3 — C: Tara Curtis of Wefty Needle
• Thursday, April 4— D: Leah Day of Free Motion Quilting Project
• Friday, April 5 — Week 1 Wrap Up featuring A-D and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 8 — E: Jess Finn of Paper Pieces
• Tuesday, April 9 — F: Sylvia Schaefer of Flying Parrot Quilts
• Wednesday, April 10 — G: Giuseppe Ribaudo of Giucy Giuce
• Thursday, April 11— H: Hilary Jordan of By Hilary Jordan
• Friday, April 12 — Week 2 Wrap Up featuring E-H and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 15 — I: Kim Soper of Leland Ave Studios
• Tuesday, April 16 — J: Yvonne Fuchs of Quilting Jetgirl
• Wednesday, April 17 — K: Karen O’Connor of Lady K Quilts
• Thursday, April 18 — L: Kristy Daum of St. Louis Folk Victorian
• Friday, April 19 — Week 3 Wrap Up featuring I-L and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 22 — M: Molli Sparkles of Molli Sparkles
• Tuesday, April 23 — N: Nicole Daksiewicz of Modern Handcraft
• Wednesday, April 24 — O: Scott Hansen of Blue Nickel Studios
• Thursday, April 25 — P: Pat Sloan of Pat Sloan
• Friday, April 26 — Week 4 Wrap Up featuring M-P and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, April 29 — Q: Joanna Marsh of Kustom Kwilts
• Monday, April 29 — Q: Lindsay Széchényi of Lindsay Széchényi (and Patchwork Threads)
• Tuesday, April 30 — R: Andrea Tsang Jackson of 3rd Story Workshop
• Wednesday, May 1 — S: Sarah Thomas of Sariditty
• Thursday, May 2 — T: Rachel Rossi of Rachel Rossi
• Friday, May 3— Week 4 Wrap Up featuring Q-T and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, May 6 — U: Kitty Wilkin of Night Quilter
• Tuesday, May 7 — V: Jenn McMillan of Fabric, Ink
• Wednesday, May 8 — W: Jenny Meeker of Bobbin Roulette Studio
• Thursday, May 9 — X: Stephanie Kendron of Modern Sewciety
• Friday, May 10 — Week 5 Wrap Up featuring U-X and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio
• Monday, May 13 — Y: Debby Brown of Debby Brown Quilts
• Tuesday, May 14 — Z: Nisha Bouri and Kim Martucci of Brimfield Awakening
• Wednesday, May 15 — Week 6 Wrap Up featuring Y-Z, Tour closeout and GIVEAWAY at Whole Circle Studio

That pouch is great and so much more eco-friendly than a ziploc bag. Love the inner pockets. Who wouldn’t be organized with that gorgeous tote.
What a fabulous pouch that is going to be perfect for your travels. The zippers in the interior look perfect.
Love that pouch!! Just perfect, and such a cool idea to make an ‘over sized’ bag! I think it would be so much fun to sit next to you on a long flight, chatting, hand sewing, and sipping cocktails …
Your pouch is awesome!!! Perfect size and the pockets (so essential) are perfect. Most pouches are too small to fit everything you need in just one!