Jagged Little Pill Block Tutorial
As I said last week, here’s the Jagged Little Pill Block Tutorial posting that will now be available in the Tutorials section of my blog. If you missed it, I’m already snuggling up with the finished quilt I’ve called You Learn. If you get a finish, make sure you let me know so I can shout it out on social media! This Jagged Little Pill Block is super quick, easy, and a great way to use up some jagged little scraps!
Fabric Requirements & Cutting

Neutral Fabric:
1 – 8 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ square
4 – 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ squares
Colour Fabric A:
4 – 2 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ rectangles
Colour Fabric B:
4 – 2 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ rectangles
Making the Block
1. Place two fabric pieces perpendicular, right sides together.

2. Sew a diagonal line from the 2 1/2” points of the top fabric. If necessary, draw this line with an erasable marking tool first.

3. Cut 1/4” from sew line.

4. Discard cut pieces.

5. Press flat. Repeat the previous steps to create four pieced segments.

6. Sew a neutral 2 1/2” square to each end of two of the pieced segments. Press towards the pieced segments.

7. Sew the other two pieced segments to opposing sides of the 8 1/2” neutral square. Press towards the pieced segments.

8. Sew the three sections together, nesting seams. Press outwards towards the pieced segments.

9. Jagged Little Pill Block is complete!

10. Rotate every other block to achieve the layout below.

The Jagged Little Pill block can be playful or sophisticated depending on your fabric choices. Go scrappy, go solids, go wild and swallow it down!
When I first saw the block, I thought, well that is a lot of white space….could be kind of boring, but put together as a quilt it is gorgeous and going on my “to do” list!
Thanks for the tutorial!
I love when I look at a quilt and I can’t quite tell where the blocks start, gives the quilt a bit a mystery. I love it! This is one of those quilts. The block itself is very simple, but the over all pattern looks complex.