Sunday Stash #168 – Travelling Sunday Stash 03
Could anything be better than patchwork and pastry? I’ve been known to dabble and nibble on both until the wee hours of the morning! So when Irene from Patchwork & Pastry volunteered to host Sunday Stash, I knew I had a winner. I also knew I wanted a donut. That could be because it was Tuesday though. Because trust me, if you sit pastry in front of me, there won’t be much of it left by the next day! Anyway, make sure you head over to Patchwork & Pastry to say hello to Irene and link up to this week’s Sunday Stash.

So I ducked into @joann_stores this evening in between cocktails to pick up a few things! I explained how I was from Australia, and could they spare a 40% off coupon? Check out lady gave me 40% off the entire order! I saved $30 just by asking: #winning! Pre-#sundaystash!
These are the few notions I picked up at Jo-Ann’s while in the US for QuiltCon. As you can see from the caption, I scored a hefty discount just by batting my eyelashes. (I didn’t even have my falsies on!) Have any of you used the Omnigrip non-slip rulers? I tried mine very briefly and it didn’t feel completely non-slip, so I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. Further cutting actions need to be taken! I’ll be back from holiday in April, so it has until then to get sticky with it!
I wore my Omnigrip rulers out so they were pretty good, but now I much prefer Creative Grids rulers. 🙂
I have 2 omnigrid rulers, but I don’t think they’re non-slip. I bought a pack of ruler grips and they worked well for a while, but now they’re all fuzzy so I’m going to try washing them. A couple of weeks ago I got an olfa ruler, one of the frosted “non-slip” ones, lets just say if it’s non-slip, I’m the Queen of Sheba.
The accent gets them every time. 🙂