No Girls Allowed Quilt Bee 2 – Round One
If I didn’t love John Q. Adams so much I’d probably be turning this into a mini quilt and keeping it for myself! John has given us members of the NGAQB2 carte blanche when it comes to adding borders to his centre block. After much deliberation, I decided to take inspiration from the seasonal, woodland colours of John’s feathers. I imagined them drifting through the dappled light of the sun, falling to the ground onto a bed of golden leaves. I also wanted to reference the structured shape of these paper pieced feathers. To do this I chose to use all equilateral triangles and diamonds to achieve a controlled, improvisational vibe.

Over 266 pieces later I have created the beginnings of a quilt top measuring 23″ that I think will be right up John’s alley. I mostly used my Bloc_Loc Diamond in a Triangle ruler, but also hand-drafted a few paper piecing templates for the corners. I have even surprised myself at what a wildly different look this is than when I used the same ruler to create my Shimmer 2 cushion! I knew I wanted it to look painterly, with large brush strokes, and thankfully after piecing it all together it is exactly as I had envisioned. (There was a moment half way through when I hated it, and thought it would never work!)

This is the first time I’ve participated in a round robin, medallion style quilt bee. I already think I’m going to love it! It is allowing me to bring my own creativity and style to each quilt top (unlike the prescripted nature of a block style quilt bee). Now then, let’s bring on round two!
Oh I like this. I think a medallion be would be really fun and kind of intense. You couldn't even plan ahead too much because who knows what the person before you would do? Kind of like pressure sewing
Woah! That's a lotta pieces. Looks fab x
It's a beautiful first round for John, so much work too!
AWESOME! WOW! Looks great! You have set the bar high for the next border.
This looks amazing!!! The triangle and diamond "painter style" works SO well in the medallion setting! How big are those lil triangles!?
This is truly amazing! I really love your addition to John's quilt.
wow – this is really impressive – as we say here in Boston – wicked pissa!
Gorgeous! I love how the blue is coming in from the edges!
It looks amazing, Molli, and I think a huge part of the creative process is pushing through the doubt and (as my husband and I call it) the "ugly duckling phase" of a project. I'm glad you trusted and kept going, and it is going to be a delight to watch these medallions progress.
oh yeah! Your result is obviously inspired – nicely done!
This is gorgeous! A mini would be perfect! I am perplexed at how the Bloc-Loc ruler works with diamonds, I love my HST rulers…they are magic! I've had moments where a project looks like a hot mess. It can be hard to keep going, but most of the time its worth it…you just never know!
really love what you completed and the colors are perfect – not sure I would have been able to plow through that many fiddly pieces
That's really smashing Molli! I love the look of it – make sure you show pics of the actual finished quilt. I know what you mean about the "I hate it stage" Be glad you persevered on this one.
And have a great day!
wow you really went to town on that. fabulous colour combo. love those tiny diamonds
I love watching people work on medallions and this is a great way to frame and pull colours from the feathers. I like this a lot!
I think it's beautiful as it is – just keep it and hang it on your wall (for a little while anyway) 🙂
Liberty prints, paper piecing, croikey… what's next?!
This is amazing! Would look so good on my wall!
I am so obsessed with this. It's funny because when I first saw your progress shot I didn't think I would love it because I tend not to love such contrasting colors together, but then I saw this and my mind was blown! So just let me blatantly copy everything you do already!!