Sunday Stash #124 – Beggin for Thread
Beggin for Thread is my song of the moment. The artist, Banks, isn’t really talking about sewing, but I love it when my quilting and pop worlds collide even the tiniest of bits. Serendipitously, my Sunday Stash this week is also about thread.

Stooped down and out You got me beggin for thread To sew this hole up that you ripped in my head Stupidly think you had it under control Strapped down to something that you don't understand Don't know what you were getting yourself into You should have known Secretly, I think you knew

You should have known! Secretly, I think you knew! It’s no secret that I use Aurifil thread, but what I’m not always understanding is what colour to use for piecing?! Now, I ain’t talkin’ no quilt police here (pfft, we’re all past that, right?), but what’s your go to colour you’re always beggin for? I’ve always used Aurifil White #2024, but Ms Midge swears by Aurifil Dove #2600 as the best blender. She gave me this a few weeks ago to try out, and as soon as I’ve sewn through all my white bobbins, I’m gonna get it under control.
And, ya know, just because shadows are fun. Hehe.
I use 2600 for everything! XX!
Yeh .. the colour of Sydney's skies.
…. that shadow looks awfully naughty.
Is that thread in your pocket or are you just happy to be sewing?? 😉
I use loads of different threads. I prefer 2021 off-white most of my piecing, and on ocassions 2600, but 2021 is generally my go to and I always have at least one spare in stock. If I'm stitching a lot with dark background fabrics and strong colours then I will switch to the background fabric colour, usually black.
I seem to flip flop between 2021 and 2024, mainly because I can't tell the difference between the two!
V Hair – You are no reply blogger… fix that shit so I can reply to all of your funny comments!
I use Aurifil 2000 and 2600. The choice depends on the warmth or coolness of the fabrics I'm using.
I use a lot of grey. Light grey, medium grey or dark grey. Mostly Aurifil…but I'm not 100% married to it, I like to step out once in a while and play the field! Great shadow picture ~ I often refer to fabric, thread or sewing pictures as my 'quilt porn' or 'centerfold' pictures!
Lovely, little naughty shadow – and really wonderful song that I'm so glad to find out about. I need to listen to current Pop more, clearly. So, I'm two big smiles up on the day and it has barely started – no wonder we all love you so 🙂
I love 2600 as a piecing thread, but I will pretty much use any available grey that I can get my hands on for piecing. My grandma actually taught me to use grey thread for piecing back when she taught me a bit about quilting and I made my first quilt 20 years ago (eep, how can it already have been so long?).
I have a cone of 2021 so use that on my machine but I use 2600 for hand piecing and English Paper Piecing because it blends so beautifully!
The picture had me laughing and the spam comment above seems so appropriate!!! 😉
2021 is my cone of choice, but I do have a stash of others if necessary (and you tell that Vicki ;-))
2021 is my go to color for piecing but the door is wide open for quilting. And love, love the shadow pic!
Aw thanks, lovely!
you're terrible Muriel, but I did chuckle at the pic. A change and a mood lightener after a heavy 24 hours. I'd say a grey would be a good blender, I was skeptical but have been pleasantly surprised at just how good it is.
Aurifil 2600 is awesome as a quilting thread for FMQ, I used it recently on a pillow which had everything from low volume to red to navy and it worked wonderfully.
I have always used 2024 but my collection is growing and I need to expand my horizons! Also, if you buy two spools of thread and use one to wind bobbins and the other as the piecing (upper) thread they will last the same amount of time! And then you won't have any bobbins that don't match.
Never used Auriful, will give it a go. Thanks for the laugh its been a shit day here. Oh to answer the question I always use grey for piecing.
2600 all the way 🙂
I use 2600 Dove for everything, too! It's also my panacea quilting choice. It goes with everything! ps. that shadow!! are you SERIOUS! ? LOL
Aurifil all the way – 2021 mostly but I also use light grey or cream depending on fabric.
I usually use white, which is probably at least in part because I have a cone of it and it's going to take a long, long time to use that bitch up. But I also have cones in a pale grey and a deeper charcoal, because if I am working with mostly blacks, then I'll use something darker to piece. (I haven't actually started using either of those cones yet, though. I need more bobbins so that I can wind up some spares in those colours and then maybe I wouldn't always default to white.)
I use grey for piecing a lot! It seemed to make sense to me. Have never been told before what's best to use so interesting to hear that Yvonne's Grandmother recommended grey to her. We can learn a lot from the experienced Grandma quilters 🙂