When Juki Met Molli
Well here I am! Today was bump in for the Australasian Quilt Convention being held at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne. What a glorious start to the week! Have you ever walked through an airport terminal with a blue sequinned top hat and a suitcase full of quilts? Oh, you have? Well, then you are fully aware of the intrigued looks and mandatory autographs you have to sign along the way. The airport security screening attendant wanted a #selfiewithsparkle, but it just didn’t feel right holding up the line for that. Instead, I gave him a whisper of glitter and went along my merry way.

Once the clouds parted and I dropped into the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, I got to meet the wonderful Juki team. It was like showing up to a blind date, except there was one of me and five of them! I know I’ve got the love, but whew, I had to put on the charm offensive to break that ice quickly. These are my new peoples for the week, and we’ve got a quilt show to impress!

I promptly set about hanging the six quilts I brought with me: Shudder, #MSBHQAL, Sparkleworks, Union Jack Surprise, On the Flipside and #SelfieWithSparkle. The immediate feedback I got from the Juki team, “Your quilts are so big!” Well, um, yeah. I guess compared to the smaller, intricately-pieced quilts of Victoria Findlay-Wolfe on the neighbouring wall, mine are ginormous. I just see them as quilts that need to be big enough to cover my toes! By the way, how unbelievable is it that I have quilts hanging under the same banner as Victoria? (I just peed my pants a little bit, right then). Completely different styles and presentation, but well that’s Juki, bringing out the best in every quilter!

Day one is already a success and the Australasian Quilt Convention hasn’t even started! I’ve got all of my outfits ironed and laid out for the week (cute!), the sequinned hat ready to go, and a blue glitter pen on-call. Tomorrow promises to be another historic milestone in my quilt career, and I hope you can share it with me. Make sure you catch all the latest on Instagram (IG: molli_sparkles) as I’ll probably be chasing my proverbial tail until Sunday Stash. Melburnians: If you want to test drive the best straight line sewing machine on the market, the AQC is the place to be, and my Juki is ready to work hard for his money!
How awesome to see your quilts hanging together in the Juki space. I hope you continue to have a rewarding and sparkly excellent time!
What an absolutely stunning venue for a quilt show, convention, etc…… just the venue is inspiring, let alone all the beautiful quilts! Enjoy, Sparkle and represent all us happy Juki users well! We know you will 🙂
enjoy enjoy enjoy
Molli, this is amazing. And that little paragraph about you? You're basically the shit.
Hope you have a wonderfully awesome time at the AQC!
Lol! Have fun. I'm so sad I can't make it now – so post away and I'll live it vicariously.
Get you! Fabulous! Love my Juki 😘
I love the 'casual' way your Union Jack quilt is 'thrown' over the wall – gives it lots of movement and it looks FABULOUS 🙂
ooh looking forward to more info on the Juki and especially your views on the new long arm machine and frame !
I just see you coming through Tullamarine airport in your sparkle hat!!! Lol!!! Wish I had been there! Your quilts look amazing hanging at the stand…hope to see you Sunday.
Sooo envious – I was in Australia three years ago and missed the Australasian Quilt Display by one day – I have a photo of the banner that was hanging and that was all that was left. It still makes me sad.
What a gorgeous venue!! I'm looking forward to your one-of-a-kind and always entertaining blog posts on this! Have fun! Some how I think you could have nothing but fun!
You deserve it! Enjoy!
Thanks to MasterChef Australia, I actually knew from your pics that you were at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne. Not too shabby for a Canadian who's never set a toe in your faraway land! Wish I could stop in for a visit… have a fabulous week. As though you wouldn't!
Thankyou for your kind words. You are amazing. My way of appreciating what you do is to spread the word…
Wish I could be there to see you wuuurk it! Have fun 🙂
i am so thrilled for your first day! I know they will continue to impress and get better and bigger!
and ps, I think 1 to 5 is just right, don't you??! XX!
Off topic question. Who is the author and what is the correct title of the short story about the yellow wallpaper. Is the title just "The Yellow Wallpaper"? On topic. Wish I had that Juki setup. And love the colorful braided quilt.
Off topic question. Who is the author and what is the correct title of the short story about the yellow wallpaper. Is the title just "The Yellow Wallpaper"? On topic. Wish I had that Juki setup. And love the colorful braided quilt.