Sydney Mardi Gras Photos 2015
I promised photos of my participation in this year’s Sydney Mardi Gras, so here they are! I was the photographer for the Free Gay & Happy community group’s parade entry called, “Come Out Come Out My Pretty!” As you’ll see in the photos, it obviously had a Wizard of Oz theme going for it. The idea behind the float, was that there are still a lot of people in our communities that need help coming out, and we should still treat them with love and respect when they need it. Everyone’s journey is different, but we’ve all been down theyellow brick road! Mr. Sparkles was the driver for the float, and you’ll see an example of the crowd in the last photo. This is the 37th year for the parade with more than 10,000 people taking part, and over 300,000 lining the streets! Check out our spectacular costumes and camaraderie below as we contributed to the half a ton of glitter that’s also used for the event!

Wow! That looked like some crazy fun!
What a freakin' party that must have been! Thanks for sharing.
It definitely looks like fun was had by all which is how it's supposed to be. Yay! And thank you for sharing your great photos 🙂
What a BLAST!!! I am so very glad! Thanks for posting all of these great photos, and especially a little smoochin'. Love it!
Ps, I have my name on my underwear, too. But I never thought of writing Lunch. Clearly, my loss.
Wow! that looks like so much fun! Fantastic!
Oh thank you for sharing your photos, it looks like you had an amazing time!! All that glitter!!! Wow!!!
Looks like a blast. What a great time
fabulous photos! Thank you for sharing. So much fun!
Makes me smile! Looks like fun was had by all! And, I might add…love that the theme of the float was supporting those who for whatever reasons, haven't 'come out' yet.
Look at all of the beautiful people!…and glitter!!!
Ahhhh! So much fun!! I'm so glad you shared the photos. 😀 Also it was REALLY kind of Mr. Sparkles to get you two firemen for the event. ^_^
Aah, the glitter! 🙂
Would love to get to Sydney to see that one year. Fabulous photos.
Your glitter pot went evvverrry where!
OMG that looks such fun!!!