Sunday Stash #115 – California – Part IV – Bonus Edition
Okay, okay, okay, I’m late! I’m currently in holiday mode for the next two weeks which means my days are all starting to blend together. I woke up late this Monday morning to realise I hadn’t published Sunday Stash yesterday. My saving grace is that I believe it’s still Sunday is some parts of the world. (I’m sorry you have to go to work tomorrow — I don’t! Yay!) Originally, this California series was going to include three parts (one, two, three). Then as I was reorganising my fabric stash this week, which is a typical Tuesday night affair, I looked up to see a few bundles I had completely missed!

So this week is California – Part IV – Bonus Edition! And what a bonus it is. Y’all know I’m working on an AMH Feathers quilt in Shimmer by Jennifer Sampou. I actually have to have that quilt top done by this Friday (eek!) Mr. Sparkles has been lusting over it so much, that before I left on my trip to California he said to me, “I want you to buy more of that Shimmer fabric. As much as you can.” Exsqueeze me? Trust that I didn’t ask any questions, except for “Where’s are our extra suitcase?”

Even though my name may be Sparkles, I haven’t been hugely enamoured with the metallic trend in fabrics as of late. I often find them a bit too trendy and over-worked. Jennifer Sampou’s Shimmer range though, is just so spot on for me. By using base fabrics in earth tones that are slightly muted, but still containing a range of values, it makes them more timeless. The metallic embellishments are more geometric which gives the whole range more sophistication and luxury.

So instead of just buying one fat quarter bundle, I bought two! I mean really, Mr. Sparkles said so! I picked these up from Auntie Pami on Instagram and she also has an Etsy shop. She’s always got strange and terrific fabrics showing up on her Instagram, but you have to be quick because they get snatched up by people like me!
The other bundle that I had completely forgotten to show you really needs no introduction. This is of course the infamous Doe by Carolyn Friedlander. I’ve never bought a fat quarter bundle of her previous collections, but I love all of the various pieces I have so much, I thought it was certainly time to do so with this one. I had Julie at Intrepid Thread reserve this for me as soon as she was taking pre-orders because I knew they wouldn’t last long! I can’t wait to mix and match Doe with Botanics and Architextures because they coordinate so well together. Can you even believe I’ve hardly touched any of them?

So tell me, what’s in your stash that you’ve been hiding? Link up below!
My goodness, how could you really forget these beautiful bundles! Thanks for hosting the link up even while on vacation! 🙂
I think the Shimmer line does it in a classy way. Not brash.
More More More!! Now, that's what I like to hear!
Hmm, i might see if I can get hold of a FQ bundle of Shimmer. I ended up having to bring an extra suitcase home from Missouri when I visited MSQC.
When the man says buy more, you buy more! Who are you to disappoint him?
The colours of the Shimmer fabrics are very much like a certain Mr Butler's collections?! No surprise you like them 😉
I've nothing to show this week so am drooling (from a distance) over your FQ bundles, I have my own bundle of Doe but that Shimmer looks good, 2 bundles is a fantastic amount
This may be my favorite Molli stash building post to date. You know me and my love of all things Carolyn Friedlander, though. Shimmer, I must say, I have yet to try… but I'm so very tempted seeing all of your gorgeous bundles. And if Mr. Sparkles loves it enough to INSIST that you buy as much as you can, it must be fab! I'll be linking up tomorrow, since, well… if you can be late, so can I! 😉 Hope the linky is still open!
Very interesting colours and love the shimmer, can't wait to see what they materialise (pardon the pun) into!