Sunday Stash #110 – I’m Sorry, and Special Travel Announcement
Oh, heaven’s to Betsi! Dear Glitterati, you know I’m not the type to sit around and apologise or make excuses, but I’m afraid I have to give you a big fat “I’m sorry!” I have so many things happening around me that I’m struggling to find the time to connect with you here through my blog. I thought I’d have more time this week to remedy this, but as you’ll see from the special travel announcement at the end of this post, that ain’t gonna happen!

When I started the #SewingForSydney campaign, I was expecting to make two quilts, and that has easily transformed into eleven (maybe twelve). That means I’ve squared up over 2,100 blocks you’ve sent, coordinated nearly a hundred volunteers to make the quilts, and budgeted their creation with more than the $1,100.00 you’ve donated. If I’m drinking my truth tea with a long swirly straw, it’s a helluva lot more work than I ever imagined!

So please forgive me that I’m not here as much as I want to be. Trust that I have so much to share with you though; (magazines, finished quilts, new projects, more fabric, patterns, quilt bees, giveaways, bundles … it’s all still happening behind the scenes!) it’s just getting the time to give them the dedicated attention they deserve. So please be patient with me while the #SewingForSydney journey continues, and I’ll squeeze in as much in between the madness that I can.

So that leads me to this week’s Sunday Stash. Seriously, I’ve been holding all these since last year’s Black Friday sale at Intrepid Thread, and really, I’ve just got to let it go. It’s time for you to see them all; time for me to lay them all out before you! I was going to kind of tease some of them out so I didn’t look like a total fabric whore, but well …

… I’ve been called away on a work trip to Cupertino, California, leaving this Monday for a week! Well, you know what that means? I will definitely be heading to Intrepid Thread for some fabric R&R! Not to make a big giant deal about it, but if you’re in the area next Friday, January 30, I better see you there! I’ll only be signing autographs from 11:28 – 11:57, but it will be the best twenty-nine minutes of your life. Seriously, I’ll be hanging out with the Intrepid Thread team all day on Friday until about 3pm, and I’d love to meet you, and help you buy some fabric. Come on, you know you want to shop with me, because I want to shop with YOU!
Oh man, if I were not going to be going to New Mexico next Friday I would have totally driven up the valley to meet you, Molli! *mwah* and sorry to miss you this time. Safe travels!
You're totally forgiving for neglecting your blog a bit. We all know that you are super busy doing a fantastic service on behalf of us all. Enjoy the break away – if that's possible on a work trip.
Apology not required!! However, I think to make up for it, I should go and make a purchase from I.T. and you should bring it home for me!!! Fair yes???
Have a lovely trip, and say hi to Julie for me! xxx
Lol. I'd like to shop with you. I lived there for 7 years and I sure miss it.
No Apologies required. Hope your trip is Fabulous. Don't forget to look after yourself, we don't want to hear you have run yourself ragged and fallen ill again. Much better to be kind to yourself and stay well.
Well, my first thought on the Sewing For Sydney campaign is how these things wind up being much bigger than you first imagine. That's just how quilters are. 😀
And the next thing was !!WOW!! Cupertino. About a million years ago I worked for a company that was based there and spent some really happy weeks visiting California while I was in training classes. What a fun time. You would have been, at best, a toddler then. LOL Unfortunately, I'm stuck here in Maryland or I would love to jump on out there and join you in a fabric frenzy.
Have a wonderful trip and DO take care of yourself!
No worries, we just want Sydney to sparkle :). Been following on instagram, such an amazing turn out! Have fun at Intrepid Thread … whoot whoot.
No apologies necessary, we're all so excited for the good and wonderful things happening in your life! Safe travels Mistah!! XX!
Apology accepted but don't let it happen again 😉
Great stashing, look forward to seeing what you bring home from the Intrepid Thread (or are you just looking?). Have a great trip.
Lovely fabrics Mollie. Safe journeys to you. Wish I could be in Cali to meet you. I would love that and to see Intrepid Thread for myself.
Aww man!!! I'm on the wrong coast! Midcoast Maine may as well be another country. Have a great time with Intrepid, and of course… You are forgiven!!
Stop apologising and enjoy your trip. The hash tags quilts are looking fabulous 🙂 Keep control in that fabric shop don't buy anything I wouldn't buy 😉
Busy, busy, busy! Never apologise, you've taken on a mammoth exercise with the donation quilts and you need to finish that. We'll still be here when life slows down again slightly! Have a wonderful trip!
Life is busy! Life is good. Now, I am on a fabric diet this year, menaing I can't buy any new fabric but if you were to purchase it for me and I was to pay you back that wouldn't mean I was buying it, right? Travel safe my friend.
Have a wonderful time!!
I would SO love to meet you (have just only recently "discovered" you and your beautiful work!!), and would love to meet Julie in person (VERY happy, "long time" customer of Intrepid Threads!!)… But, I'm far, far away in frozen Michigan…
Please say hi to Julie et al. for me??! Have fun!!!!
Pat T.
LOL! You and Kevin the Quilter…ask for blocks and get inundated with them! I'm not sure how many quilts he made for QOV, but is was a bunch. Quilters are so generous! Have fun in California! Hope you are taking an empty suitcase to bring home all your Intrepid Threads finds!
Molli, Kevin ended up with sufficient blocks for 180ish quilts…are you up for that many???
I knew you'd get a heap of blocks but 12 quilts – wow – awesome – and thanks to everyone who is helping out too – amazing work xxxx as its already Australia Day Monday you're probably already on your way – have fun in the US and woohoo, have fun at intrepid thread !!
Concentrate on what you have to do and the rest of us will look after ourselves until your return. Have a fab trip to the US. I'm looking forward to you coming to the UK! lol x
Safe travels. I'll be coming to do some shopping on Friday. Looking forward to meeting you! 🙂