Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, my dearest Glitterati! This has been an incredible year with a thousand highs and only a few lows. Instead of rehashing it all, feel free to explore older blog posts for the full Molli experience! Since it’s Wednesday, I’ll leave you with two of my current works in progress: an Anna-Maria Horner feathers quilt using Jennifer Sampou’s Shimmer fabric range, and that tiny little quilt project called #SewingForSydney.
I’ll be away until Sunday, (poppin’ some bottles and gettin’ my sparkle on!) so I’ll see you back here for Sunday Stash! However you’re celebrating, make sure you stay safe, and shine on!
Lots of love,

You are so tempting me on those feathers…
Your feathers are lovely, and I'm glad to see so many blocks for #SewingForSydney.
Happy new year, Molli. I don't know how you can top last year, but it will be fun to watch you try!
Oooh! I love the feathers in Shimmer.
Happy New Year!
Holy shit that's a fantastic stack!
Love the feathers, just a little stack you have there …lol.
Hiccy New Year!
I love your stack of feathers! I have been so addicted to them too! Hopefully I can make a quilt in 2015…love the tutorial! Can't wait to see yours when its finished!
that feather quilt is going to be fascinating and OMG look at all those #SewingForSydney blocks. Hope you have a fabulously divine New Year and everything you could wish for in 2015 x
Your stack of feathers is very impressive! But I was eyeing up your pile of trimmings!! I am big into making "scrap bears" with all my trimmings. http://butterflyquilting.blogspot.ca/2013/04/batting-bears.html
It is amazing how quickly they pile up and fill a bear (then I give them to charity)
Happy New Year to you!
Love love love that feather! The stripey fabric is divine. 🙂
Happy New Year dear Molli. You make me smile. xoxo
Looking forward to a fresh New Year on the sparkle train xxx
Happy New Year to you – love the feathers – I think they look a bit like ties!
I imagine that is a small section the collection of hastag blocks. Pretty wonderful.
Happy new year Molli, to you and your family. Congratulations – I see in your side bar that you have passed your target for the hashtag blocks. What will you do with the extras? If they're still coming in you may end up with enough for 7 quilts!
Hope you had a wonderful New Year…all the best for 2015.
Those shimmering feathers are looking great! And that's a pile of hope…