Bright Sky QAL – Echo
It’s time to pop some bottles of Vueve, because it’s my stop on the Bright Sky Quilt Along! Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts created this giant, one-block, quilt pattern that allows you to showcase some of those larger-scaled prints you have hiding in your stash. During this week of the QAL, Alyce is chatting about piecing the centre star, so I want to share some of my experiences.

When I was first asked to be a part of this QAL I almost said, “Eh, um, not so sure…” because I don’t have many large-scale fabrics in my stash. However, I knew I couldn’t let my girl Alyce down, so I agreed to make it work. My first fabric pull was full of Laura Gunn florals because of their scale. This was at about the same time I was screaming at The Fully Sick Quilt for being so full of fabric that I wasn’t feelin’. Laura Gunn florals are lovely, for sure, but if you know me at all, they’re certainly not in my wheelhouse. After spending days trying to make them work, I refolded and put them back in the stash.

Tip #1: Use fabrics that inspire you right now, because your quilt is worth it.
That left me confused about the centre panel. Heavens to Betsi, I was in a fabric mess! Then I found the yardage of Tula Pink’s Saltwater line I had amassed. Again, nothing felt right until I unfolded my lone fat quarter of Sea Stripes in Aqua. You’ve probably never noticed, but I don’t really like using stripes because of their potential for directional chaos. This time though, I thought I could fussy cut it to turn those stripes into a feature. Immediately, I started seeing sound waves, or the resounding sounds of an echo. Quickly and quietly the other Saltwater prints fell into place.

Tip #2: Think outside the square for your centre panel.
Once all of my fabric was sorted, I was ready to start cutting and sewing. Be aware that there are some bias sewing requirements in this pattern, but don’t run away! A lot of people use pins to assist with this, but I’m a big, heartachin’ fan of Clover Wonder Clips. Seriously, just get them. Once I got all my pieces cut out, I thought I’d even go a step further and spray starch some to assist with those bias edges. Uh oh. As I ran my iron over these starched pieces I saw them shrink before my eyes! Let’s just say that I sent frantic text messages to a whole bunch of people, drank a lot Vueve, and then set about cutting those pieces again.

Tip #3: Clover Wonder Clips, and starch your fabrics before you cut them.
Once that little drama was over, the rest was as smooth as a drag queen’s chin at the beginning of a good night out! I really enjoyed putting this quilt top together, and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a simple, effective and quick quilt finish. I haven’t decided how to quilt it yet (or a backing for that matter), so I know I’ll be paying attention to the free motion quilting posts towards the end of the QAL! Speaking of the end, there’s gonna be some great prizes to win for all those that enter the linky. I can’t wait!
If you’re on Instagram (IG: molli_sparkles), you’ll find all sorts of activity for this QAL. Tag your progress with #brightskyquilt to see what everyone is up to. Even better, Alyce and Patchwork Threads are giving away Limited Edition Bright Sky shirts for those that tag their pics with #pwtbrightskyqal. This QAL has its own shirt, have you ever?! Okay, I think that’s all you need to know to get started, and let’s hear it for the boy as I figure out how to get this one finished!
Bright Sky QAL Schedule
Getting ready:
Monday, 29th September – Choosing Fabrics Tips – Blossom Heart Quilts
Week 1: Centre Star
Monday, 6th October – BHQ
Wednesday, 8th October – Molli Sparkles (<– That’s me!)
Week 2: Piece Outer Star
Monday, 13th October – BHQ
Wednesday, 15th October – My Fabric Relish
Week 3: Piece Quilt Top + Backing
Monday, 20th October – BHQ
Wednesday, 22nd October – Ms Midge
Week 4: Quilting
Monday, 27th October – Pretty Bobbins free motion quilting guest post here at BHQ
Wednesday, 29th October – A Stitch In Between (Bright Sky mini)
Week 5: Quilting
Monday, 3rd November – Elven Garden Quilts free motion quilting guest post here at BHQ
Week 6: Final Linky
Monday, 10th November – Linky opens at BHQ for a week
Monday, 17th November – Linky closes and voting opens for Viewers’ Choice award
Friday, 21st November – Winners announced!
So glad I discovered your blog!! You are a treat … and this quilt and your fabric choices are fabulous!!! 🙂
Love the way you used Salt Water for this!
I love the use of Salt Water here – I have had many of those same thoughts about the striped pattern, and featuring it in the center of the star instead of as a border is fantastic.
Ooohhhhhh, drooling over the fabric in that center square!!! Totally sound waves!!!!! I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, this isn't all about me – it's all about your quilt – fabulous! I'm off to see if I can score some of this…deep breaths…fabric!
Scored 2 yards!!! I broke my year-long fabric fast for this!!! It's all your fault, Molli!!!!!
My dear, you have done it again! I can see why this range is called Saltwater – it truly does feel like some magical underwater range with swirling currents and drifting sealife.
It's great! Love those stripes. And I like that you used prints all over. I have a solid for my background and I'm thinking I might want to add some extra corner pieces to the outside.
It's very pretty, rather lovely in fact. Soundwaves for sure. Another gorgeous finish for you.
Oh yes, you need to starch then cut. I learned that lesson once too!