WIP – Molli & The Three Quilts
This might be the best work in progress shot evah. Three quilts traveling across Australia to meet their new long-armer host-mommies, Pretty Bobbins and Quilt Jane. I am most excited about that middle one. That lovely is the infamous No Value Does Not Equal Free quilt. I hold it responsible for me even still being here. Let’s forget how much it costs, and just relish in its impending beauty. Meanwhile, I’m going to try not to think about all the hand binding that will need to be done in a few weeks!

Glad to read I'm not the only one still doing it by hand … 🙂
Love the fedora, Molls…totally completes you! 🙂
*sigh* jealous…
🙂 can't wait to see the no value!
Yay for hand-binding! Looking forward to seeing the No Value quilt 🙂
Your gorgeous three babies are goin' to come back even more beautiful!
ironically hand binding is one bit I quite enjoy, in front of the television with a nice cup of coffee.
Can't wait to see these! Thanks for your advice Dahl on feather idea and your New Bloggers 2013 post, no links for me this week to busy exposing myself on the 2014 Hop 😉
Oho ooh just saw the Fedora pic wish I had less hair so I could borrow it!!!!!
Please tell us Melburnians that you are coming our way for a color – or whatever 'class/workshop'
Dawn! You're a no-reply blogger, eek! If you find a Melburnian LQS that needs a little bit of sparkle you send them my way. I'm open for business! Mwah!
REally looking forward to seeing these, especially the most defintiely far from no value quilt.
ssooo exciting!! i have a few i need to send out myself; just really dragging my feet on getting it all done!