The D! Is Done!
Literally, oh. my. stars. This journey is over. Can you believe, what started in September 2013 as this seemingly simple idea, has taken me on a nine month quilt journey. The irony of this D! giving me nine months of swollen feet, aching backs, and seeing stars is not lost on me! That’s what they do, right ladies? (Fortunately, there was no morning sickness!) What I was left with was a king-sized baby that will forever be loved by both me, and my BGFF (best gay friend forever), Zachary Horder.

After a few late night drinks (isn’t that always the way!), I started playing around with some designs. I knew I wanted to use Lizzy House’s Constellations range, and for my magical friend Zach, this image doesn’t get much more iconic. I also couldn’t think of any better way than honouring our friendship than with 2,108, 1.5″ finished squares. That pretty much says what I think of him.

I started imagining what the D! would look like.

As most do, the D! started small.

Then it quickly started filling out in a pretty impressive way.

But a pretty remarkable shape.

And it tried to get all creative.

Finally the D! was fully exposed, and it took a lot of hands to hold.

But it wasn’t until now that the D! IS DONE!!!

Title: D!
Size: 100″ x 100″
Quilting: Long arm quilting by Gemma at Pretty Bobbins using Aurifil 50wt, colour 2600 Dove
Binding: hand stitched with Aurifil 40wt, colour 2024 White
Backing: mystery blue marbled blender, Mickey Mouse cartoon print from Japan, and Jeni Baker’s Color Me Retro
Label: pending the perfect match
Favourite Part: That this king-sized D! is finally done, and Zach will love it more than anyone else possibly could.
Linking up with TGIFF and Crazy Mom Quilts!
I can stop making dick jokes now.

Wow! love it!!!!
Magnificent, Josh!
Omg Im so in love with it, love every bit of it, and my little 2 year old so it and squealed the whole time: Mickey Mouse *g*
Hooty ba-tooties! its done! . . and not a corner mismatched.
Take a bow.
Its amazing.
it's absolutely perfect!!!! That binding must have taken a while 😉
LOVE this baby!!!
It is gorgeous, as everything you labor over is bound to be beautiful. Doesn't it always start with a few late drinks?!
I can't believe you hand sewed the binding. Fabulous job. : )
I love it! It really is absolutely magnificent. That's one very lucky friend you have.
Wonderful! That is one big D. Love the back as well and the quilting is awesome. What will you do for entertainment now?
Please, there is always time for dick jokes.
Well done, my mind boggles when I think of how much work this entailed. I wish I had a BGFF because my BFF would never make something like this for me. *insert sad mickey face*
Wow! That is a labour of love!! He must be a very special BGFF
You are a wonderful friend! Amazing indeed! Lizzy's fabric works perfectly for MM…almost makes it sparkle! Any tips on piecing all those teeny tiny squares?
Though I'm not a lover of the Mouse, I still think this quilt is amazing. If only for the sheer madness of a king sized quilt featuring 1½ inch squares… it makes me a little queasy just thinking about it.The star and loop FMQ is perfect. And I love that you took it to a novelty place just a little on the backing with that black & white cartoon print. And that's the truth! 🙂
How freaking fabulous!!
Such a signature piece for you, the blues sparkle on the white background; thank you for sharing the process and the magnificent finish.
It is *BEAUTIFUL*! Well done!
Why a great way to honor your BGFF. And a bow to your perfect piecing!
Amazing! And I love the back.
Amazing finish! It is so sparkly. The star quilting design is a perfect choice and I really like the cartoon print on the back!
Just WOW! Awesome job!
Yay! This is incredible! (And yay for being done! Are you exhausted?)
What are you gonna do to top this?! Well done!
Beautiful! That's a lot of little pieces!
That's pretty awesome. But please don't stop making dick jokes. They are just too funny 🙂
Very nice! Zach is lucky in more ways than one.
perfect! right down to the binding 🙂
You and Gemma did beautiful work!! Congrats!! The photos look surreal (that's a good thing. Like from another world, that's how awesome they are).
Is he going to borrow it for your booth? 🙂 I can see it is huge but I would guess the squares are even smaller than 1.5" – you did a fab job!
From one pixelated quilt maker to another…Fantastic job!!!
Awesome! The End.
This came out great (as all your quilts seem to). Thanks for sharing with us!
Wow, truly amazing and a quilt to be cherished!
Holy cow this thing is so freaking amazing!!!
Amazing!! Love it!
That quilt is positively spectacular and worth every labor pain you endured!!! Who wouldn't enjoy something this incredible…..I know several great grandchildren who would positively freak out, if their great grandmother would be crazy enough to even attempt something like this, even on a smaller scale. So happy you shared this with us!
An random idea turns into an amazing artwork, stunning
Fabulous job!!! Definitely worth the nine months of growth 🙂
Magnificent!! Beautiful job, friend! I can't imagine Zach not loving it forever. Thank you for showing us.
Ye-harrr! I know that monster quilt finish feeling – enjoy 🙂
Oh my stars indeed! the design, the quilting, the fabric – fabulous dah-ling!
Ha ha…a nine month labor..
But I won't take the Mickey any more…..
Ta D! Beautiful! Great job, Ms. Molli!
D – E L I C I O U S
Its Mickey D! That's one enormous Mickey, love the Mickey cartoon fabric on the back too. Gorgeous quilt!
LOVE it! The stars in the quilting are perfect and the Mickey cartoon fabric is AWESOME!
Well I hope he appreciates all those Damn squares! Looks fab though
Hope you still have time to do awesome works like this after you become a TV Star.
That is one fabulous quilt! And you have wayyy more patience than me!
You could….but I kind of doubt you'll stop 😛
Marvelous use of Lizzy House Constellations!!! I love that line and this is just stunning! A Micky for grown-ups. After all that I am sure Zach knows what an amazing friend you ARE!
D.efinitely a d.oozie! Shine on Sparkles. We'll light a sparkler in your honor and in honor of your latest D.azzling creation on the 4th! 🙂
That quilt ROCKS! The palette, the layout, the quilting (Jemma-you kicked ASS!!), just PERFECT!! It's going to be a hit at the show! Go and dazzle them!!t
Amazing! Zach is one lucky BGFF to inspire this wonderful quilt!
Incredible! What a fantastic gift!