D! – The Big Reveal
It’s finally here! My pants are up and the D! is done! I’ve assembled 2,108, 1.5″ finished squares, combined with larger sections of Kona White to get where I am today. Whew, no wonder I drink so much!

I’ve been working on this quilt top since September 2013 starting with some initial sketches, that led to this pixelated design. I used a spreadsheet, overlaid with shapes, and then colour fills to create it. Don’t you worry, due to popular demand, there will be a design deconstruction once the entire quilt is complete. If you have followed me on Instagram (IG: molli_sparkles) for a while you would have seen this image posted last year. Thanks for helping me keep my D! under wraps!

I told you last week my D! was so large that I needed seventeen people to hold it up. Well, in fact, it only took six! I grabbed my family members on Mother’s Day and put them to work. In the back row you have Mr. Sparkles, his mum, his brother, and his dad. In the front row you’ll see Mr. Sparkles’s brother, and his brother-in-law (which makes him my brother-in-law-in-law?) Obviously, the brother in the front row–Luke–needs some lessons on how to hold a quilt top!

I brought this king-sized D inside to see how it fit on my European Queen bed. Kings on queens, mmm hmm! I am still gaga over the patchwork sea of blues, and I’m so, so happy I included the Supernova print with the flecks of yellow (Supernova in Gray and Teal). It was originally going to be cut from the fabric lineup, but now I see it adds a counter-balance to the blue. Flecks of golden glitter, I dare say?! Damn gurl, look at all those perfect points. Yessss, I will pat myself on the back!

Uh oh. That is some serious over-hang. I now realise that I designed the D entirely too big. I thought I could get away with it, and shrink the hell out of it. No amount of shrinkage is gonna make this D go down, so I’ve started thinking about a re-design. I am definitely not in love with those floppy ears, and how it lays on the bed. So expect something a little bit different, when I show it to you post-quilting. (As in, I’ve already taken the seam ripper to it).

And what about that quilting?! I am in consultation with Gemma of Pretty Bobbins to do an edge-to-edge design featuring either stars and moons, or some diamond geometrics. White thread? Ice blue? Variegated? If you have any quilting ideas, feel free to drop me a line. I am going to use the Supernova in Purple print in conjunction with other Constellations scraps for the hand-sewn binding. As much as I have enjoyed working on this one, I’m glad it’s nearly done, because I am spent! And I’m not even fakin’ it!

You thought D! stood for dick, didn’t you? I would never! Disney, my dears, D for Disney!
That is one massive sucker! Nothing worse than a Mickey with floppy ears, I'll be interested to see the changes you make (as if you were ever going to leave out a sparkle of yellow!).
Love it!!! Sorry you are having to go back and rip, but your final finish will be awesome, I am sure.
Love love love love D!!!!
I got to say that those men in flip flops are taking away my attention. The quilt? Yeah it's cool but not jaw dropping effect for me. Sorry to say.
maybe Im one of the blind once lol but I really cant see anything wrong with the ears lol, I really love it, and it just looks like incredible work to me
You realize that it isn't the quilt that is the problem. You just need to get a bigger bed! LOL Love, love, love the color.
That patchwork is AWESOME!
That looks amazing!
That mother is huge! Can she quilt a Minnie Mouse in the white somewhere? Would be fun… Well done!
I LOVE IT! And I'm so glad you took a photo on your bed. It really gives us a perspective. If it helps at all, the King size quilt that I made recently ended up shrinking by a whopping 4 inches on ALL SIDES after quilting and washing. Anyway. This is totally awesome.
Love this quilt!!! Blue is my absolute favorite color and that variety of shades/fabrics work so well together. Hate that you have to redo it. Can't wait to see the finished product.
You did an amazing job! The floppy ears don't really bother me either, but it does look like it drags on the floor a bit. Good luck with your quilt surgery!
I love it! Which means I really. really like it – it makes me smile! Buy a bigger bed!
It's fabulous! Don't make it too much smaller because the quilting will shrink it. I lost 6" on my last big quilt!
I honestly thought the "D" was a special name!!! I love your design. My dear hubs is a comic book artist for Disney(in Europe) and for years drew Mickey and his antics!
It glitters! Well done MollyS! Gemma will do a fabulous job for you. Love her quilting!
DICK! LOL Oh you make me laugh with every post. Your quilts are only a sidebar to your funny posts. I have to say I was pretty surprised it was Mickey Mouse you were working on this entire time. Ah Disney. Whatever.
Obviously you just need a bigger bed, right?
Great job! Pixelated quilts are so. much. work.
bloody hell, that is a HUGE quilt! It's fantastic!
You did a fabulous job! I love Disney n this quilt is adorable! I want to make one in pink! You are one crafty guy! Sorry you have to do some surgery on Mickey. Be well happy quilting! Cheers
This is seriously amazing!!!
Well, you ARE the queen of the double entendre… I especially loved "no amount of shrinkage will make this D go down." Just about choked on my diet coke.
Great job, Molli. I have no quilting ideas whatsoever. I'm still agog at the size….!
Love! If I may suggest for quilting… An all over design with the big 'D' head randomly placed maybe about the size of a handprint. It would mirror your piecing. I love the idea of variegated thread too!
Well done! I think it's great. Make it smaller If you must. I think ice blue would be fantastic with the whites and blues. Then again, a sparkly silver would be fun also 🙂
Molli THIS IS AWESOME!! You just need a KING SIZED BED!! I love the fabric that you used and I think that a verigated thread or even a gold thread would set it off perfectly. You did a bang up job with the tedious work…damn those are a LOT of 1.5 inch squares Girl!
Wow that has to be a new record number of squares pieced in one quilt top, yes?
Just can't get the staff these days…
Can't believe you put Mickey on a diet!
Holy cow, it's so big!
(That's what she said!)
I know, I just said it!
I agree with the previous commenter that you just need to have the recipient get a larger bed. 😀