by Molli Sparkles · Published · Updated
Dear David Butler,
If you’re at Quilt Market, and you find yourself lonely, and needing a bit of, oh, I don’t know, sparkle in your life, well, these are for you.
Tags: david butler
Molli Sparkles
Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.
You're terrible Muriel.
Oh my goodness. You are so naughty. I can't stop laughing.
You're going to Quilt Market Pittsburgh? So jealous. That's my hometown and I miss it so! Hometown + Quilts is just too fabulous. The things we'll give up for babies…
*snort* Please don't make me pee my pants from laughing so hard! Love these!!!!!
Ha!! He is a cutie. Did you see their house tour over on Apartment Therapy. It's from a couple years ago. Beautiful home. Congrats on your magazine article!
OMG, if he sees this it's going to be *awks* when you run into each other. I can hear Mr Sparkles' eyes rolling in his head from here. x x
Priceless 😀
ROFLMAO – People in my office are asking what's so damned funny! Can't stop laughing long enough to share. Thanks! 😀
Good lord I just love your mind!
You are such a floozy! The poor man's cheeks will be burning! hehehe
I really like "open or to the side"… it could so means anything. ha ha ha
too funny, I was laughing out loud. Thanks for the giggles
OMG – you should have titled this NSFW. I'm cracking up at my desk and afraid I'll have to answer questions. How to explain this one!?
Magic Molli!
So funny! Loved it!
You're too funny! Were you staying up nights trying to think of more? Great captions.
Leslie in MN
You crack me up. I agree with a comment above, it might be a bit awkward if you ever actually meet. I am sure he has seen these by now….
SHUT UP I about choked on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich looking through these!