D! – Getting Bigger

Dayum, girls! This D! has gotten so big I can no longer mount it on the wall. Huge! What was I thinking? I have to fold it up every time I’m finished for the day, and as you can imagine it’s a lot of effort to stuff it back inside. As you can see from the photo, it’s a complex beast that is getting harder and harder to manage. I promise this top is approaching the end though, and y’all know what happens then … a sparkle explosion!

Woohoo! It's good to see this is growing! Also, still loving your photography. I know that's a weird thing to comment on, but it definitely stands out from the crowd. 🙂
Cannot wait to see this one done!
Sweet! I love projects that are too big to tame.
Blue is my favorite color, I love all of the different blues you have used in the quilt top.
Looking great!
Looking good and extremely big!
D-lighted to see the end is in sight!
**Sigh** Molli, you are the only man in my life that makes any sense to me!
Snicker…so, you are saying he will be very satisfied when you are done?!
That's a quilt gun, right 😉
That quilt top is fully-loaded. What a fun…if not a bit over the top photo. 🙂 Do it to it.
Ha ha Molli, you brighten up my Day!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com