WIP Wednesday – Shudder
Close your eyes. Place your finger behind your ear and slowly, lightly, bring it down to your collar bone. Do you feel that simmering tingle? It’s there, starting on the side of your neck, following the light touch of your hand. Let that sensation work its way over your shoulder blades, cascading down your spine, and finally escaping through your outreached, curled toes. It leaves you, with an explosion of your entire body, reverberating throughout. You’re left exasperated, but wanting more.

That’s what I want this quilt to personify. The shudder of anticipation, the sweet sensation of a caress, the vibration ricocheting around your body, all serving to remind us that our sensuality exists. Allow yourself to feel it.
Gorgeous work Molli!
I adore the shimmering and shuddering! Shake it baby!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com
Love your placement of the four accent prints…but I'm just not sure I need that word play, just when I should be getting dinner for the troops, Molli….
Right, I've followed the no reply tutorial, and I think I've managed it without getting too embroiled in the nasty, sticky quagmire that is google plus! (hiss, spit!)
I love this quilt. The background dredged up a memory of the linoleum my ancient great aunt had in her kitchen when I was very small. ( My childhood memories of floor coverings are very vivid, but then, when you were about two and a half feet tall, floor was a big feature in your life!) I think you've caught the frisson of frustration and pleasure very well, it's fascinating rather than pleasant to look at. 🙂
This is over the top Molli! LOVE it!! I'm talking about the quilt of course, but your post is pretty cool too 😉 Shudder on!
Wow, so love it!
You saucy minx!! Looking good x
I really want to sulk now! This is DELUX. I on the other hand made half a quilt of this gorgeous pattern, ran out of fabric bought more cut it out late at night, cut wrong and threw it in the back of the cupboard in a tantrum. Plus, y'know, you're a tease!
Oh beautiful! Your choice inbackgroumd fabric is brilliant and really helps show off the blocks.
That's quite the quilt intro! 🙂 Lookin' great!
I am not sure that post was appropriate to read in the work place…(:
Molli, it is fab-you-lous. I get the shudder thing. There are two memory triggers for me when I see the quilt; the first is a pair of favourite shorts for me from The Gap, that I just love, and the second are two types of candy I ate as a child in the UK – Pacer minty chews and an un-named chewy taffy style spearmint candy that was that exact same shade of pink. Spearmint and I are not great friends but it doesn't stop me eating it even though the reaction is a tingly sensation in my nose then a sneeze or two! I guess not too dissimilar to the reaction you are hoping to provoke with your quilt! What size is it and where will you put it?
I'm so glad I don't read blogs in the office at lunchtime any more, it may have been more than my male colleagues could have handled ;o)
That is a LOT of look, but you pull it off so well. Can you link to the block tutorial again? I'm having a moment and can't seem to find it.
love the movement and colors
Quilting feeling is challenging, you are capturing it nicely I think.
Sexy sexy quilt 😉
Wow for a minute there I thought I was in the wrong place! I thought I read about quilts and quilting, you know, what grandmas do, not this kind of sauciness:) Tenth blog on my bloglovin list and I'm really awake now! Love the quilt very shimmery and gorgeous 🙂 I'm feeling it!
Breath-taking! Yes…all of it!
Oh I HOPE this one is for meeeeeeeeeee! Pretty please 🙂 I would love it and stroke it and pet it, it shall be my squishy!!! LOVE LOVIN' the fabric choices LOVE
Really stunning and so well described. It almost looks electric to me with fireworks and explosions of confetti. Yet another magnificent piece in the making.
I love that background fabric. (What is it?!) It looks woven into the the blocks. So perfect for the design.
Very nice, I like what the crazy fabric background adds to the quilt.