Sunday Stash #63 – Tokyo Grab & Stash
Oh heavens to Besti! You don’t know the half of it! I took a quick jaunt over to Tokyo last weekend, and I’m talkin’ on the ground for sixty-eight hours quick. Of course I made time to do some fabric shopping, more on that in a hot minute.

What I didn’t make time for was a hurricane-blizzard-kamikaze-typhoon that hit Tokyo on Saturday and pretty much shut every form of travel down. My nine hour flight home turned into a thirty-nine hour travel adventure. This included sitting nine hours on the plane parked at the gate waiting to leave, followed by being kicked off the plane to sleep in the airport terminal when they finally decided to cancel the flight. As we were leaving, we were reminded, “Please don’t take the pillows.” Exsqueeze me? Fortunately, when the lounge opened in the morning, I high-tailed it straight there, where I spent another twelve hours waiting for the next flight back to Sydney.

But once I finally got home, I got to dive into all this fabric deliciousness that I purchased from Tomato and The Anonymous Shop in Nippori Textile Town. Because I was fighting a snow storm, and trying to get back to make my flight (the irony!) it was a quick grab and stash affair. Blossom Heart Quilts has a great travel guide for fabric shopping in Tokyo that definitely came in handy!

I found all of these old Echino half meter cuts at The Anonymous Shop for like five dollars each. Ridiculous, right? I think I could start a business model of flying to Tokyo just to stock an Etsy shop of Echino fabrics, hot damn!

Once I got to Tomato, I headed to the quilting cottons level on the fourth floor and proceeded to ravage the colour-sorted bins. I think I still have a few callouses thumbing through thousands of fat eights and fat quarters.

You’ve heard of Radiant Orchid, right?

Most of the fat eights are selvage-free, but you know I opened each one to make sure I got one with a selvage. I work hard for the fabric!

Why not add just a bit of Laura Gunn? When I finally make this quilt, it is going to be a wash of textured water colours. I want to dive into that ocean!

I didn’t buy any Briar Rose, (I must admit I’m not an HR devotee), but a fat quarter of the Whimsical Cricket in the Clover, ah, might as well!

These two prints from Pat Bravo’s Bohemian Soul line were such a surprise find! That is what I love most about this shop, you’d be just as likely to find Mendocino and Neptune as you would the latest Violet Craft. They’re just all tucked away together, and you know I can smell a fabric find from miles away! Lord!

Speaking of Violet, I finally picked up some half yard cuts of her Waterfront Park line. Very clever design work at play with these. That yellow on the bottom is a half yard of Art Gallery’s Lace Elements–not my typical style, but it is Art Gallery. Enough said.

Your entire post is filled with fabric deliciousness. What spectacular finds! I am with you on the HR fabrics. I pretty much think "meh" whenever I see them. She's an amazing artist… her style just doesn't speak to me.
So I have to go to japan to find Neptune? Oiy
Lots of fabric love in there that i'd love to have!!! Good work
Crikey, talk about extreme stashing. This could be a reality show! Glad to see you did the hard yards (!) and came home with some lovely fabric to add to your family.
You bought that Laura Gunn for me right? What an adventure! Stuff the Etsy fabric shop, you should start a fabric shopping tour group!
Whoa! I didn't even know Tokyo just went through a typhoon, hope it's not heading our way. Fabulous fabric finds, I'm loving those airplanes ones especially!
Long may you continue to roll like that you star! Run away to Japan with me?!?
gorgeous fabric, but that journey? Oh my god – I can't imagine!!
Stuck in a fabric shop? There's the dream! Wonderful fabrics! I am not a big fan of the Echino. I like a softer hand, personally. Art Gallery? Divine!
Awesome fabric finds! Sounds like nightmare airport adventures. How on earth did you survive that! would have killed me. I have used up all my keyboard fabric on my geeky kids lap top bags and ipad covers. Great find
Well done, enjoy the happiness of new fabric high. 
Oh the Echino airplanes! And what is that yellow/black buildings print? It reminds me of the children's book "Lyle, Lyle Crocodile" : ) Glad you made it home safely despite the travel snafus.
Wow, quite the adventure! Nothing is ever boring with you, is it? :-). Glad you got some pretties on your trip -the polar bears are my fave!
Such fabric goodness! Love the new Echino prints
Fabulous stashing as ever, I want those polar bears! Funnily enough, just after reading your post last week, I read about the problems with flights in Tokyo, and wondered if you'd get caught in it
What an adventure! Great fabrics and super deals! Good for you
Good grief! What a travel saga… though I love what you managed to bring back! I can't even decide what I like best… though the Waterfront Park prints are right up there.. I added some Domino to my stash this week. I totally understand about digging for FQs and FEs with selvage. I love me some selvage!
That kind of airport adventure is why I am always knitting, especially when I travel. I love the new fabrics and so wish to visit Tokyo, maybe one year.
I would love to be trapped in a fabric shop, not so much the plane though ;p I'm liking the squares fabrics the one in grey and green, what are they?
Wish I could just pop over to Tokyo, although that trip back sounds horrendous! Love those radiant orchid picks!
Nine hours on the plane, ugh. That would be torture! At least you can walk around in the terminal, and have a nice martini! Love your Tokyo stash.
Totally not jealous of your travel woes, but, completely jealous of your Echino finds!!
I have some of the Shattered prints from Waterfront Park, but those birds are such a delicious motif, aren't they?
Oh, Molli! Your trip home sounds like a nightmare. At least you had all of that new fabric to ease the pain!
Speaking of radiant orchid… that's what I was planning on this week! Tokyo fabric shopping must be lovely, except the storming of course. What a terribly long length of time to be traveling let alone getting stuck on an airplane that long!
It is always fun to get a deal on quilting fabric and it looks like you have a whirl-wind blast! Best deal I ever got was $2.50US/yard on yardage…yeah, I bought BOLTS!!!!! On a fabric diet this year, shopping my stash so I have some hope of using what I have before I die!!! Drooling over your beauties is as close as I'm going to get this year, so thanks for sharing!!!
That's a post that I could eat. I feel pretty honored to be in the middle of that sandwich