How Low Can You Go?
What an incredible day! I hope you’re having one, too! Late last year I was contacted by Sew Mama Sew to see if I would like to contribute an article about the cost of quilting. My reply was something like, “Me? For reals? What? Are you sure? Okay! Well, then, definitely! Where do I sign? Let’s do this! Definitely! Yay! OMG Is this really happening!?”
After I was able to let off the exclamation marks I went to work. I made a baby quilt (incognito, y’all!), and proceeded to price the entire process. I think my findings might surprise quite a lot of you. Head on over to Sew Mama Sew to see my sparkly face (literally) and the full costing article. You can also download my template to use for your own process.

I think the alliteration alone is enough to lure me back… again and again :o) #yayforsuccesswelldeserved <3
Congrats on the feature – that is so shiny and cool!
But where's your 'follow with feedly' button? I feel discriminated against! Never mind, I added you in myself and look forward to following your sparkly journeys.
Found you through SMS – I'm always so happy to find other Australian quilters.
Have a great weekend x
Hi Molli! I read it on the Sew Mama Sew blog the other day! I was all – go MS! I've had a few friends make comments about paying me to make a quilt for them, and I always say I would have to charge them too much. I am happy to make them as gifts when I feel so moved, but I confess, part of me wants to ask "Do you really know how much this costs?" Thank you for keeping it real with the true cost of our hobby/passion/obsession. : )
Good for you!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats. It is well written. Sounds more positive and encouraging that your first attempt.
I just love your blog! And your take on sewing is refreshing.
BTW, I posted a pic of a really really sparkly quilt made in Klimt's style on my blog and I'd love your sparkly take on it!
LeeAnna Paylor
Really nice article, I think you got your points across really well and well written! Congrats on the feature!
Absolutely fabulous post Molli!! It is wonderful to have a cost assessment for the quilts with make! You did an amazing job with this article! Love it!! Thanks for sharing…….Marie (
Ahhh, we can say we knew you when… :oD
Molli… you slay them again! Fantastic.
Fabulous article … and I MUST agree with all that you say and rationalise … just don't let Mr Sewgiving see the spreadsheet!
I think you are fabulous!!! OK, so I just found you today through SewMamaSew and have spent an embarrassing amount of time going through your blog/quilts. Thanks for inspiring me:) Fantabulous:)
Look at you all famous and fabulous…..everyone should have the opportunity to be sparkled by your insight 😉
I agree with Vera that this is a lot more positive than the previous posts.
Since this is made with 5" squares, another way to think about pricing could be to think of them as 'charm packs'. A charm pack is roughly $15-17, which could even be worked out to find the cost per 5" square. Not sure how much that would skew your pricing, but something else to think about?
The Molli Sparkles star just keeps rising! Awesome!