Sunday Stash #53 – Magic Suitcase V2.0 Part 06 – Oval Elements
I think I’m still a little drunk on the idea of hosting Sunday Stash in 2014! I’m furiously working on a button, so rest assured you will be the first to receive it!
But finally, this week, in what feels like a decade and a half, we are returning to the Magic Suitcase V2.0! Hells to the yeah! A lot has happened since Part 05 when I went to Japan. If you’ve been around since then, girl you know it’s true! (LR!) If you’re scratching your pretty little head, wondering, what’s a Magic Suitcase… oh dear, start here. After you’ve finished all that, pour yourself a drink and let’s have a kiki about fabric!

So anyway, dolls, so many of you la-la-loved A Lot of Look, I thought what better time to pull out the Oval Elements that were stashed in the Magic Suitcase. These are all Art Gallery–thanks be to the goddess that is Pat Bravo–and not only do they feel sexy, they ooze saturation. Mmmmmm. I know it’s hip to be square(d elements) at the moment, but my heart will forever belong to these babies.

Linking up with Fiona at Finding Fifth for this week’s Sunday Stash-a-thon!
You should do the same.
SMS Giveaway Day tomorrow! Woo!
I love Art Gallery fabric…and these look wonderful!
Oh, my! I love Art Gallery! That green is calling my name! I have a thing for circles too, I must get that checked out! Is there really a need for a cure though?
OOOh yeh . . . . Goddess with a capital "G"
Ahh, I do love me a good oval element
These are beautiful. You keep showing me I need more fabric, but what do I tell my husband? He would die if I told him how much I spend on fabric. Art Gallery has the softest most wonderful fabrics for sure. Okay, don't tell, but I'm going shopping now.
Serious fabric envy going on over here….LOVE them!
Love all of these…just beautiful.
Your new button is much anticipated Josh. Counting down.
What could be better than a great cocktail and beautiful fabrics!
Love these Oval Elements. Well, all the oval elements, even. The colours are so vivid (and Art Gallery fabric does feel fantastic).