Sunday Stash #51 – Overwhelmed
Defending your worth takes a lot out of you, ya know? It’s such a fine line of a concept: monetizing your art, or your craft, or wherever you fall in between. Every comment, both the good and the bad, strike very personal chords, and strike at not only my worth as an artisan, but as a human being. Well Goddamnit! I am worth it! And if you don’t think so, I promise you don’t have to buy a single thing I make. Can I get an “Amen!” up in here?!
That being said, all of you rock! Such wonderful conversation is still happening in the comments on both posts: TGIFF – No Value Does Not Equal Free and No Value Does Not Equal Free – Some Reponses. There’s been over 10,000 views (yeah, I don’t know how either) in forty-eight hours of that first post, so I’m hoping it’s changing some minds about our worth as artisans.
But you know what? Let’s put all of that aside for a minute, and talk about what we’re really here for! The fabric. Drool. Okay, I fully admit that I have a problem. I’m just not ready to address it yet, so please give me until the new year. I promise I’ll do one of those Fabricson Diets, no stripes after six, Echino only for breakfast, and Comma will be a once in a while fabric treat. UNTIL THEN!
Here are all the goodies that I bought in Tokyo Nippori Textile Town and at the Yokohama Quilt Show with Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts. (Who by the way, has a great article on buying fabric in Japan if you’re planning a visit). She is such a good friend for always encouraging me to buy. Except that one time when she told me to put the Comma down. (Whatever, if I already have 7 fat quarters of it at home. Your point?) Soooo … there’s kind of a lot here … but there’s a winner at the end!

I needed some blues and purples for the stash. Subtle Japanese flair.

Art Gallery? Just Type yes.

Textured Basics. I have this in orange already, so I was trying to complete the set!

This was totally one of those moments where I saw the last booth at the quilt show and immediately thought, “OMG, there’s no more fabric to buy.” And well, since I was literally buying all the fabrics, I may have just impulse purchased. I’m sorrrrry! Okay, no I’m not.

Some Echino for my stash.

What’s black and white and read all over? Oh, you’ve heard that one before?

Will these not make the best backings for baby quilts?

Just some randoms, but that Architextures fat quarter was only $2. I know, right?

These come from the Moda booth, and I didn’t have them, I promise!

So I might have had some of these, but I’m sure you’ve totally done that before too. Right? Uh, right?

Called Winter in Kyoto – how could I not?!

Noteworthy in grey – how could I not?!

These are the best robots I have ever seen! Eschewing all the technology for patchwork robots, I die! And only $4 for the yard, uh duh, yes.

These are meter yard cuts of an Echino style fabric, but not. I hope you can see how trippy that blue and teal fabric is! Hello, M.C. Escher called.

Laura Gunn. That is all.

Well y’all saw what happened the last time I played with ombres. I had to replenish!

I’m a USA Guy, and I wear Converse sneakers, and use a retro film camera.

For Mr. Sparkles.

AND OMGEEEE I was so excited to find these! Mr. Sparkles is a Vespa nut, and I’m a camera dork, so as soon as I figure out how to make a pillow, these are becoming ones! (Ignore that piece of Echino solid photobombing this pic, I tried to shoo her away, but she was half off!)

This is the prize for my A Hundred Thousand giveaway from Sunday Stash #49. And they are going to ….

Thanks Cheryl, I think so too! I’ll send you an email!
Linking up with Fiona at Finding Fifth for this week’s Sunday Stash-a-thon!
You should do the same.
A big announcement next Sunday. Mmm hmm.
Congrats on the win Cheryl! Molli, I'm going to have to stop coming round. You are giving me stash envy! Again!
I am so coming to play at your house, just to fondle the fabrics… yum!
Wow, what great fabrics. You have good taste, but I am sure you know that. Not a clunker in the lot. I would love to see a picture of all your stash together. Just sayin'.
Oh my. What a selection. Purple cats, type, collage, robots, ombers and so much more yumminess. Enjoy. Oh what am I saying, of course you will.
Thank you thank you thank you! And such drool worthy stash fabrics!
Love your stash reports.
I'm saying nuffink on buying lots, I've just put together my wishlist for FQS in preparation for the BF sales. Err, 38 1/2 yards isn't a lot, right?
Loveliness. I would never discourage your fabric buying as I live vicariously through your purchasing! I say keep buying fabric!
Oh, I love the cats and robots so much. Need those Collage prints.
You're gonna have to buy a bigger house to fit all your fabric, son!
You made out like a bandit there. And it doesn't matter if you've already stashed some Comma. There's no such thing as enough of that fabric.
Another superb fabric investment! Don't stop!!
I've been on a fabric buying binge since September. (Good to know I'll have fun company at the rehab center, BTW!) If you need someone to validate your purchases, look no further. I am the queen of coming up with good reasons why a few more FQs of Comma were needed. As if that needed any explanation at all. Right?
Oohh I love that first stack of purple and blue. I also can't get over that orange deer print for some reason. Those robots ain't bad either. What are the deets on that black and white bluebird fabric? Impossible to find outside of Japan (I'm hoping not)? Nice haul!
Oh WOW …..i am jealos and envious and not in the 'im your friend so im happy for you' kind of way but more that 'that bitch' side if jealous n envy ;o)
Oh my word, now that is a stash-replenish if I ever saw one!
I know those robots! My brother bought the wallpaper of the design for a friend of his who had a baby boy. The paper was unbelievable expensive, so you are incredibly lucky to have found it in fabric! Wished I had it last december when I copied one of those robots in patchwork! 😉
Mmmmm that's a lot of gorgeous fabric!! And thanks for the link to Alyce's writeup about buying fabric in Japan. 🙂 I have a friend who heads out there pretty frequently, and I need to give her some guidance. 😉
Omg, I love, love, love that totally bizarre Escher-esque print. I think I have a thing for completely weird fabrics, but I'm okay with that. I love the colourway and is that a rabbit in a mushroom hat? Very Alice, I think; with the butterflies adding a Lolita splash. I would have freaked out and bought five yards. Other people have commented that this seems like a stash replenish, but looking over those prints I have to see it seems like you were super restrained!
Love the blue & red tear drops! Also the green print under them! Great finds, my friend! =)
Molli, pretty glitter covered please, tell me any info on those robots!?!
This is my favorite magic suitcase to date! Great adds to your fabric stash. The raindrops are great, love the purple kitties, and I look forward to seeing the pillows. Who produced the robot fabric? I'd love to pick some up if available in the US. The Escher-esque fabric is a trip! Is the cat biting the fish?
Will you celebrate Thanksgiving? It's one of my favorite holidays, because how can you beat food, friends and family without any commercialism attached to it? I love to cook and feed people, so I plan for weeks. I just roasted a giant jarrahdale pumpkin in preparation. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hmmm I seriously feel Mr Sparkles will be arranging a stash intervention sometime soon! That robot fabric is absolutely my favourite of all your goodies this time! Too cue!
Ummm, that would be too cute! Ooops!
No such thing as too much Comma!! Love the tear drops.
A stunning selection of stash, great you had fun buying them 🙂 Thanks for allowing me to view
OOH, love them all. That blue and teal trippy one is so cool. Cats and dogs in hats, turtles, mushrooms, hands, butterflies, birds, fish, dolls, insects Bees or flies?) … I need some of that! Can you tell me what it is, please? 🙂