Sunday Stash #47 – Grandma Sparkles Is Leaving
Just a quick check-in today, my sparkly ones. After six weeks, Grandma Sparkles flies back to Oklahoma tomorrow, so I’m trying to spend some last quality moments with her. Here are two fabrics we picked up at Fat Quarter Friday at The Remnant Warehouse a few days ago. The left is from Noteworthy, and the right is from Notting Hill, neither of which I had in my ever-growing collection. I promise I’ll take you back to the Magic Suitcase next week (which will probably also be filled with “I miss Grandma Sparkles so much” tears).

I also want to send a big, loud, wham, bam, thank you ma’am for all of the comments of support on Friday’s TGIFF post for “A Lot of Look.” For someone who’s only been quilting for a year and a half, it humbles me beyond belief to hear you say such things. I was fortunate enough to have some Instagram exchanges with Pat Bravo and Vanessa Christenson (they both loved “A Lot of Look”), and then I squealed like a fanboy while clutching my pincushions. Yes, I am that person.
Linking up with Fiona at Finding Fifth Rachel at The Floral Suitcase for this week’s Sunday Stash-a-thon!
You should do the same.
Bye Grandma Sparkles (waving madly!), hope you had a great visit and you get to come visit again soon! Maybe next time you might make it to Adelaide and can do the Barossa or McLaren Vale wineries, with requisite quilt shops of course! Hooroo!
it's always so sad to say goodbye – I hope it's not for too long 🙁
TTFN G'ma Sparkles and come back REAL soon! I hope she has a great flight and books her flight back here as soon as she can!
I am looking forward to normal programming resuming soon. A bittersweet joy though! Bring on the return of the magic suitcase. I don't mind tear stains on fabric, they tell a story.
Big sparkly hug to you both!
Aww, *waves* to Grandma S
Six weeks? Seems like she just got here! Time really flies when you're having fun. Safe journey home to Grandma Sparkles.
Blessings to Grandma Sparkles as she journeys home. On another note… Is that another floral I see? You'll do wonderful things with it!
Bye bye! Glad you had a nice visit. One day, I'll get to go. Safe journey.
Safe travels, G-Spark!
Safe travels Grandma Sparkles. Has it really been six weeks? Gosh how time does fly.
Ms Bravo has your number ??? …oh …swoon.
Safe travel wishes for Grandma Sparkles! …And soft tissues for you! Your Lot of Look is absolutely amazing! Congrats on the kudos from Vanessa Christenson and Pat Bravo. *Squeel*