Process & A Thanksgiving Giveaway
Back in March I posted this picture of all these tiny, Vintage Modern off-cuts from my Road to Cronulla quilt. I sewed them up into wonky, quarter square triangle units with the largest of them measuring 1.5″ unfinished. Who says I’m a size queen?! Since then, they’ve sat in a box, waiting for their turn to come out and play.

Well, this week, they finally got their turn. I needed some mindless, improv-ish style sewing to take my mind off some things and this proved just the trick. I made fourteen of these strips as shown below, each measuring about eighteen inches long. You may be a tiny dancer, but I’m a tiny piecer!

I’m going to insert some solid red in between the strips. They’re starting to remind me of Monet’s Poplar Trees, which is a direction I didn’t see coming, but I think I’ll run with it. This is the part of quilting I am so thankful for: the freedom to create in any direction you like, while letting things evolve naturally. I’m definitely not following any plan here!

Because it’s Thanksgiving, let’s have a giveaway! Here are two Vintage Modern fat quarters, and a half yard of coordinating red homespun up for grabs. I recently saw a tutorial by Nicole of Modern Handcraft at Ellison Lane for making a wine (or champagne) bottle bag that these would be great for! To enter, leave a comment with something that you’re thankful for, but it can not be your family, friends, pets, house or most importantly your sewing machine! Time to get creative! (International entries welcome, winner announced at this week’s Sunday Stash, which I’m hosting!)

Since I am in Sydney, Australia, Thanksgiving is not celebrated here (boo!) but my BGFF, Zach, and my biggest fan, his mum, Anne-Marie, have invited me over to their house for Thanksgiving dinner! Score!
I hope all of you around the world have a sparkling weekend!
Loving the tiny HST's! I have a few teeny triangles in my scrapbox waiting for their chance in the sun too! 2014 might just be my year of the scrappy! I'm thankful for so many things in my life, good health, living where I do in the fabulous city of Adelaide (widely scorned by you Eastern states types!) but of course the most important thing a quilter can be grateful for: my stash! Happy thanksgiving to you Miss Molli!
Happy Thanksgiving, Molli!
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for you & other quilty bloggers for the fantastic inspiration & entertainment that your posts provide. As a quilter who has never had a lesson, I am pretty much blog-taught so I am really grateful for the tutorials & blog posts that have helped me on my quilting journey. Love your tiny triangles! Thanks foe the chance to win.
Happy Thanksgiving. I love how you always come up with a great use for all those scraps and offcuts. Looking forward to seeing what they finally turn into. Great giveaway too, and I am of course thankful for it but I'm thankful for so much more. Right now I'm thankful for Thursdays, because for us they are playdate Thursdays. Kids happily running around for the afternoon while the moms kick back over a nice bottle (or more) of wine; finish it up with a fun dinner and an early bedtime for the tired ones then lots of sewing time for me! Love it.
Happy Thanksgiving…. I'm thankful every morning to open my eyes to a new day, just sayin' Make sure to Gobble til you Wobble
See, even fabric that you're not keen on can be turned into something you love! I'm thankful for the sewing, blogging community that gave a welcome distraction and escape space whilst I was going through a tough spot recently x
I never quite got all this thankfull for stuff … I guess I could be thankful that everything I worked on hard worked out in the end … I guess at the moment I'm most thankfull though for maybe having a topic for my Master thesis … that thing was really giving me a headache – still is …
Having recently finished mine, I know this is a big challenge you're facing! You can do it!
That quilt is going to be great! I am thankful for my church. It keeps me grounded and makes me become a better person. I am happy to belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints otherwise known as Mormons.
Happy Thanksgiving Molli and I hope you find yourself in a happy place of a turkey coma!
Those QST's are seriously tiny!
Today I am thankful, thankful that after 7 and a half LONG months my husband was offered a job he went for 2 weeks ago. I am thankful the worry, while not quite over, is reduced. (and I am secretly hoping he will go and pick my new sewing machine off layby tomorrow as a surprise and celebration!)
I am grateful for birds. They brighten my day.
Happy thanksgiving. I'm thankful for having stumbled on your blog. Your funny stories and beautiful quilts made my day. My goodness, those strips are really tiny!
This is my first Thanksgiving since I've left America, and I didn't do anything special… But I am thankful for having the amazing opportunity to move to NZ and I love it
I am thankful for the beautiful Melbourne day yesterday, followed by refreshing rain today. Happy Thanksgiving.
I'm a new follower, and enjoying the fun! Putting a price on a quilt…. Thought provoking! Love the teeny triangles! Happy Thanksgiving!!
I'm thankful for roast dinners!
I'm thankful for google and wikipedia and all the dictionaries out there. I would be so lost without it, he he.
These tiny triangles are awesome! They totally look like Monet's poplar trees! I'm grateful for an injury free training season for the first time in 3 years! I am thankful for the ability to work at my passion. And I'm grateful for Black Friday fabric sales :p
Nice hourglasses! I am thankful I finished a quilt this week that I've been working on since August. Time to move on. 🙂
I think red in between will be awesome for thos tiny triangles. I am thankful for my ability to create quilty things. It keeps me sane in a crazy world. I am also thankful for blogs like yours, which inspire and make me laugh. Happy Thanksgiving.
I am impressed, I always dither about offcuts like that, usually keep them for ages and then put them in the bin. I will endeavour to do something with them next time! I'm thankful for my GP (doctor) who has looked after me so well this year (ok I know it's her job but still she's brilliant).
OMG those are some tiny stitches…but, as always it will look amazing when your done. Enjoy your Holiday with your family and friends. Eat good, laugh, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
OMG! Those tiny triangles are amazing. I love wee things but do not know if I could pull that off! Which brings me to my comment on what I am thankful for… my eyesight! Over the summer I discovered that using special magnifying spectacles with my regular glasses (I have very poor vision) helps tremendously to 'see' each and every hand quilted stitch. Gone are the days of putting my nose right to the quilt to see what I'm doing!
Taking away my cat makes this hard. I am thankful for my roll of batting in my bedroom that means I do not need to go into any madhouse American stores on Friday to get batting. Happy Thanksgiving!
I've got a small stash of triangles left over that I keep in a jar. They are very pretty in the jar but maybe they need to be let out over Christmas. Lovley project idea! I'm thankful for the genius that invented Barry's Tea. It's a blended Irish Breakfast style and it soothes and warms and helps take a break me when I'm pondering a problem, wakes me up in the morning and makes Rich Tea biscuits make sense in the world. I'm convinced they were invented for dunking!
Wow with that bad grammar and spelling I think I need a cuppa now!
This thanksgiving I'm thankful for Flonase nose spray and cough medicine – cuz I got a gross cold and they're making me feel better! Happy thanksgiving, Molli!
I am thankful to be enjoying my first Thanksgiving "retired".
I am thankful for good books!
I'm thankful for dentists, because I can just tell pretty soon I'll be needing one…. Beautiful, teeny, tiny piecing, great giveaway!!
I am thankful for being a Texan! My parents have spent the last two years living in China and their experience has given us a renewed appreciation for the freedom, independence, self-expression and fabulous Tex-Mex food that we had taken for granted for so long.
I am thankful for the inspiration that I receive from the quilt blogs around the world. I've made a few of those wine bags and they are fabulous!
I am thankful to be connected o so many bloggers who share their talent . So much better than a magazine anyday.
Happy "UnThanksgiving" (it is not Thankgiving here in Canada either…ours is in October) but hope you have a great one!
Love your tiny pieces…I have a box full of those somewhere too. Maybe if I won this pretty fabric….??
thanks for the give away!
Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂 How about this one – I'm thankful for football and basketball games. They allow me to work on my sewing projects in the evening without feeling like a mean wife for neglecting the hubby. 🙂
No need to enter me in the draw (if Mr Random picks me, and he never does, might I suggest dividing my comment number by… let's say, 3 and adding 5 and rounding up to the next whole number if necessary to find your new winner), but wishing you a good Thanksgiving and a great Thanksgiving dinner 😀
Happy Thanksgiving from Puerto Rico
Happy Thanksgiving to you! The list is long for all the things I am thankful for. I am one lucky girl to live the life I do!
Ok so let me first start by saying I'm not trying to kiss ass to win this wonderful giveaway although I could always use some new fabric seeing I could never have enough 🙂
I'm thankful for people like you who say it like it is and do what makes them happy! I find that it's hard to please everyone even tho I find my self trying sometimes. You are a breath of freash air! Don't let anyone change you from saying it like you see it!
Thanks for taking the time to blog! I enjoy each and every post!
lovely work. thanks for the chance to win 🙂
H-mmmmmmm! I think I am thankful for each day I spend on this earth. When you are plagued with an illness that you fight every day, each morning is a gift! (PS: I'm also thankful for you, Molli!) PPS: Camille is one of our local girls and I see her often at Quiltique, our LQS! She's the best!)
Love those tiny triangle strips. Maybe I'll stop throwing mine away!
Today I'm thankful for a new job and co-workers who are supportive and fun to be with!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm really glad we have modern medicine and not much syphallis, leporacy, smallpox and the like (or I'm grateful to live in a rich western country with a national health service). Thanks for hosting this giveaway 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving – out and all, no dishes!?? I'm big time thankful for excellent doctors and health insurance this year. I will now be collecting all my triangular scraps AND sewing them together 🙂
I'm thankful for the internet and our ability to chat across the globe, share our thoughts, our ideas and our creativity! What a difference it has made in all our lives.
I am thankful for airplanes. Without them, it would take my husband forever to get home on a ship and possible more risk involved! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Very cute wee strips. I'd like to say that it's inspired me to doing the same with mine, but, err, no ;o) Maybe I'll start sending them to you lol Hope you had a fab day!
Those look great. I'm thankful that sewing came into my life. I'm thankful for a successful new start in a new (old) city and a new (old) job. I'm also thankful I found your blog because you are rather delightful :).
I am thankful for the artist inside me that allows me freedom to express my self despite having had little self esteem throughout my life. When I craft something with my hands I start to shine from the inside out.
I am thankful that I haven't completely lost my marbles yet …after having another baby at 40, some would disagree on that statement alone!!, and I can still get myself out the door in the morning function bloody awesomely at my job and be appropriately dressed at all times with labels on the inside….and if I have lost my marbles I change it to….I'm thankful I don't know 😉
I'm thankful for all the wonderful bloggers out there in cyberspace! When I was diagnosed with CSS 2 years ago, I was totally housebound for a long time and couldn't do anything except read, watch tv and play around on my laptop. The only reason I didn't tailspin into depression was my access to blogs to keep me entertained, informed and encouraged. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Molli!
I am thankful for my body.
I haven't been kind to it at times over the years and some days I curse it and what it has become.
Now that I am fighting my way back to fit and healthy tho, I've realised that I am so thankful for it! It's never really let me down, no matter how badly I've treated it and I feel blessed that I get the chance so many are denied to get on top of things again 🙂
I am thankful for our Military men & women protecting our country and for all the missionaries from the states working & risking their lives in foreign countries to bring Jesus & the bible to them.
I'm thankful for my family, that summer is almost here, that I discovered blogs and a whole group of like-minded people and for people who host giveaways and the chance to win some lovely fabric.
I am really thankful that I am NOT spending this winter living in a canvas tent on the tundra in Northern Canada.
Damn thankful for my washing machine…. my Mum used to have a "copper" to boil 4 kids nappies, clothes and a farmer husband's dirty workclothes in. No joy there. Then she had this teeny wringer thingy to get the water out….no way Jose. Electricity and machinery have freed us up! Happy Thanksgiving MS..keep sparkling our lives up!…those strips are a joy!
I'm thankful for my skills. I'm smart, creative and curious. I can sew, cook, lay tile, do woodwork, train animals, drive like a crazy banshee, ride horses …. you get the idea. I'm a lucky girl!
I'm thankful to wake up each morning–even with all the aches & pains!
I am so thankful I live in a time of penicillin & modern surgery techniques. I would never have made it into adulthood if I had lived before the 1950's. Oh & Nutella. Some days it just has to be that & a spoon. LOL
I just moved from the US to Panama (not something I was really wanting to do) and I'm thankful to be adjusting relatively well. It's a big relief and an answered prayer. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm loving the direction this quilt is taking you! I have a feeling it's going to be awesome!
Love your tiny piecing! Sweet! I'm thankful for my bottle of wine (yes the whole bottle-don't judge!) at the end of a long week (day)! I'm also Canadian and I'm thankful I get thanksgiving a month early because it gives me extra time to focus on gift making. The wine might be hindering that focus, but who cares!
I´m thankful for my beautiful smile and that I have 4 kg coffee 😀
I am thankful for my amazing son Andrew, for my family, for my good friends (both sewing and not), for my job that 'helps' to pay for my fabric addiction and quilting habit, and most of all that God has given me the talents and ability to share what I love. Thanks!!!
I am thankful for modern medicine, that keeps me sane. And this delicious cup of coffee that get's me going in the mornings.
I'm thankful for the piano activity mat that my 4mo old son LOVES. It makes him super happy and allows me some time to create crafty things while he is preoccupied for a little while.
I am most thankful for cheese…brie, cheddar, blue, and even Mac n cheese, because how could we have wine without cheese?