Sunday Stash #41 – Whiny Bitch
“Stop being a whiny bitch and make it work.”
That’s what I said to myself last night, finally, after wallowing in self-pity all week. Y’all know about my sewing machine dramas, and it totally put me in a funk. Am I addicted to sewing? Simply, yes. So not having a quality sewing machine this past week left me at odds with what to do with myself. There were moments where I lay in a comatose heap, paralysed by my inability to express myself through quilting–now that is drama!
After all that woe-is-me bullshit, I remembered one of my life mantras: “Do what you can, with what you have, when you have it.” Basically, press on without excuse. With that in mind, I put the whiny bitch back in the box and got Betsi out of hers. I wrestled her down and managed to complete a Broken Herringbone block in purple (I’ll show that tomorrow). I then went and sat with my fabric stash, found some zen, and started brainstorming for future projects.

One of those future projects has to involve me some David Butler / Parson Gray! Which is why I did some major stockpiling of it during a recent flash sale at Intrepid Thread. You saw the first half of my acquisition last week, but check out these geometric beauties.

When I was zen-ing with my fabrics I even found a fat quarter of that raindrops-esque design in the blue colour way hidden in my stash. Score! Who knows what they’re destined to be yet, but they’ve joined the queue of quilts waiting to be made. It’s getting to be quite a backlog!

But that wasn’t all that showed up in my box from Intrepid Thread. In order to make best use of my shipping charges, I asked Julie to just fill ‘er up with some solids. Well, not just any solids, with Art Gallery Pure Elements. I said, “I’m gonna be a total snob, and I only want to use Art Gallery with Art Gallery,” and she said, “Sweetie, I feel you, and I got your back.”

Does that make you want to just grab a bag of Skittles and Taste the Rainbow, or what? Speaking of Skittles! Serendipitously, this week also saw the arrival of a little bag of goodies from Jess at Pesca Presents. I sent her some of my blessed unicorn fabric in exchange for these coordinating goodies. I think we both came out ahead in terms of the fabric, but Jess also sent me a pack of Skittles and some sparkling, beaded snips that have already been put to great use. So it was totally a rainbow week!

Now, if you’re in that whiny bitch phase, it’s time to get someone to slap it out of you. Ashley at Wasn’t Quilt In a Day likes to keep her rings on; I know from experience!
Linking up with Fiona at Finding Fifth for this week’s Sunday Stash-a-thon!
You should do the same.
I love your mantra … one of mine is 'suck it up, girly' but I have to be careful where I say it!! Fabby fabric, as always 🙂
Pretty rainbow. I like pretty rainbows. I also like G'ma Sparkle – say hi to your G'ma from me! I think I have a plan for the B&W she sent my way… I have an abundance of monochrome hair on my couch, think couch needs protection from Miss Monochrome's shedding… you wear black you get the white, you wear white you get the black, you sit on the couch you get the lot!
See, Betsy was good for something! She got you out of the deep no-sew-pit! 🙂
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com
Oh that lantern fabric is gorgeous!
I love that rainbow of goodness. Art Gallery fabrics just feel so nice. I can't wait to hear about your trip to IKEA. I love IKEA. It's about two hours from me here in NC and I make a pilgrimage about once a year. I am getting the itch to go soon. I am also eagerly looking forward to Grandma Sparkles visit and the Magic Suitcase V2.0. Now I have to go sew some more broken herringbone blocks. 23 down, 7 to go and I will have no sewing time after Wednesday of this week. Hubby and I are going on a little trip to be in a race. Just keep stitchin".
Wow, Grandma Sparkles is going to love IKEA, just make sure you let her sit down and rest every so often, its a big place! I hope she has a terrific stay (can't wait to see what's in the next magic suitcase).
Hope you and Grandma Sparkles have loads of fun!
My heart skipped a beat or two looking at your fabric selection! I can hardly wait to see what you do with it. I just know it's going to be fabulous! Enjoy your time with Grandma Sparkles!
That's some gorgeousness happening up there! I hope you have a new machine heading your way soon. Cause if you are anything like me when I can't sew, it isn't pretty 🙂
We have an ikea here about an hour away, been three times. Only so much fits in the Prius. Just got the big expedition. I'll let you know once it is stuffed. Can't wait to Mitty grandma sparkles!
I LOVE the solids Julie sent! Grandma Sparkles sounds like my kind a girl, she'll love IKEA.
So Pure Elements is a big yes huh? I've been pretty much all Kona all the time, and I've about got myself talked into indulging in some Pure Elements for a for-me quilt (if I ever get time to make another for-me quilt, ha!). Jess sent you some AMAZING fabrics, holy moly.
Impressive. I think I need that Parson range. To go with the other. Sigh…..
I always say "Time to put on my big girl panties", but it works about the same…
love the rainbow solids!
Looking forward to seeing the lantern fabric reappear one day. Glad to hear the snips have come in handy already, I love those things, I have a pair in nearly every room but I'm forever losing the lids.
Thanks again for awesome swap (:
That stack of solids is just gorgeous. And the three prints at the bottom. The colour is so vivid.