Sunday Stash #38 – The Tokyo Edition

Next up we went to Yuzawaya (which I never would have found on my own, Lordy!). Yuzawaya is like a Japanese version of Spotlight, but with less bed linen and curtain rods, and more Liberty fabrics. For reals, they had Liberty everything, everywhere. While I’m not totally down with the flower overdrive, I did find this blue and green geometric (30cm). I also grabbed this random piece of Art Gallery (50cm) because when purple comes along, you don’t hesitate!

Also at Yuzawaya, I grabbed a metre of this London double-decker bus print that was in the clearance bin for like $5! Have you ever heard that Madonna song, “Dear Jessie,” well I found her pink elephants! Now, time for some lemonade! Oh, and Ms. Alyce gave me one of her coupons to use, and she racked up some frequent fabric points with her Yuzawaya gold card. (At least I think that’s what happened when I went to the counter to pay!)

From Yuzawaya, we headed over to the fabric district in Nippori (God love a city that has a fabric district!) There were lots of clothing fabrics in dozens of shops, but it was the hunt for quilting cottons that really got our hearts racing! In most of these smaller venues you had to purchase metre cuts, but we found a few that had variously-size bits and pieces packaged individually.

But it wasn’t until we smashed into Tomato that we hit the mother load! Yes, Tomato–that is the name of the fabric shop. One of my new catchphrases, “That’s so Japanese.” Irrelevant yes, but juicy and ripe for the pickings nonetheless! I mean, not two steps into the door, and I found a new potential for my Glitter Flecked Binding (GFB, patent pending, don’t you steal my idea, I have a lawyer).

Then there was the Echino! Now, I have to admit a slight disappointment. I really, really, really, wanted to find my Vespas and cameras from their latest line. But alas, it must be so big in Japan it was all sold out. (Or they’ve shipped it all overseas where they can make more money out of it!) Once I got over that, I was able to pick a few other sensational pieces out of this wall of Echino! (Thanks Alyce, for grabbing a photo!)

The London themed print will be a perfect companion piece for the Union Jack blocks my bee mates are furiously making me. I’m thinking throw pillows with a solid backing in those same bright, bold colours. Although, looking back, the coordinated polka dots would have been pretty awesome (um, excuse me while I make a return trip to Tomato!) AND, check out the pink airplanes I got for Mr. Sparkles. Again, maybe pillows for our new apartment?

But the piece de resistance nearly didn’t happen! As we were about to walk out the door, Alyce spotted Nursery Versery for $4/metre (have you ever heard!?) As I was standing there contemplating how the meaning of life really all boils down to the metaphysics of glitter (as one does), I turned my head, and there before me, like a magical, beacon of light, was this fabric.

Those, my friends, are unicorns. They are unicorns flying through a space filled with stars, planets, rainbows and pixie dust. Yes, this is what I call home. After finding this, I realised Japan could do no wrong. Any place that was willing to offer up to me its finest textile goods in the form of unicorns was alright in my book!

After a full day like that, and with such excellent finds in tow, we called it a day. I managed to find my way back to my hotel with some guidance from Alyce, and spent the remainder of the night in my room petting my fabrics. No, totally kidding, I went out to get my drink on, and found this!
Linking up with Fiona at Finding Fifth for this week’s Sunday Stash-a-thon! You should do the same.
The unicorn is my spirit animal.
So so so so fabulous! You have just convinced me even more than I've ever been convinced that I need to get a trip in to Tokyo, where one of my bff's has lived for 15 years now!!!!! Gawd, what a great day you had!
So much pretty!!! How did you resist buying ALL THE FABRIC?!?
Right, time to focus the job hunt further afield, Japan is looking good husband! An annual thing me thinks with guide who has experience in finding flying rainbow farting unicorn fabric, even more essential than locating shops called tomato. Safe travels!
Oh duh! I didn't even CLICK as to why you wanted pink planes! Not that you NEED a why, but I didn't make the connection, lol.
Wow – makes me want to hop on a plane to Tokyo for the day!
Oh, I die! I will dream of unicorns, glitter and Japan tonight. Oh, and that aisle of echino!
You know I can hardly believe you went all the way to Tokyo. And, yes, that unicorn fabric is fabulous, but my fav out of all your new stash is the blue and green geometric. It calms me! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pics! Safe trip home!
Would hate to a see a trip to Tokyo wasted. Good to know you're on the ball! 🙂
Ah that's were the unicorn went! They had escaped my butterfly quilt. I am happy to know that the spikey horsies are now back into quilters hands! LOL!
Looks like an absolute blast! What a great score of fabric! The unicorns – perfection indeed!
Great addition and thanks for taking us with you on your awesome trip to Tokyo.
Wow! I nearly guessed Japan in my, how lucky are you? It all looks and sounds awesome and I am totally jealous! One day I am going to get to Japan. So glad to hear the you are big in Japan, it makes the visit that much more wondrous and glittery. You got the magic in you. Love, be safe, find more great stuff! xx
Fantastic fabric find! I am amazed at your restraint 🙂
I can't see your reply, but it came on my email…. YES PLEASE!!!
Now this is a fabric hop! Great fun.
Wow, now that's defintiely what I call a day well sepnt. Loving it all. The glitter dots will awesome for the GFB and I'm loving those London themed fabrics.
Love the pink elephants! I have a piece of the airplane fabric, a fat quarter, in black. It came in a bundle I bought last year. Now I know I should make a pillow with it, because after all what else could I do with it. I think every city should have a fabric district. Think we could make that happen?
Love those unicorns…but I have to say that blue & green geometric is my fave. Glad to hear Tokyo lives up to your sparkly high standards!
Nothing better than fabric with unicorns farting rainbows! Definitely your find of the day there. Could become Rainbow Fabric Fun group's logo I reckon!
You want to watch those wee Japanese ladies, they probably know martial arts you've never even heard of ;o) I do love that you found unicorns shitting rainbows, perfect!
woooooow. What fun. And that unicorn fabric is pretty amazing. Well done.
I Adore Your Blog!!! I Covet Your Fabric!
Tokyo is so much cooler than my CA guess! Love your fabric selections, but not sure about those unicorns. : p. I am in complete agreement about purple fabric. I think it's a mandatory purchase!
Wow, I really need to go to Japan now. That wall of Echino is calling my name. Thanks for sharing all of your goodies so we can shop vicariously through you!
Shopping with Molli in Japan? I can think of worse vacations. 🙂 I probably need more glitter in my life anyway.
Am I jealous much? … "Hai!"
Ohh! Just. Swoon.
So. Much. Goodness! Unicorns and glitter? Jealous! I can't wait to see that binding!
Lovely stash you got!
Ugg. Jealous.
This was a very special Sunday Stash post. Nursery Versery, $4/meter?! THOSE NAVY ARROWS?! And you're right, the sparkle dots will do much nicer for binding glitter than disco dots. Plus you'll have the added advantage of none of the rest of us bozos being able to land our paws on it hahahaha. 🙂 Glad to read you are still in Japan and fabric shopping/having fun!
OMG the unicorn fabric!!!! SWOON. (Never play leapfrog with the little bastards, but apart from that, they can do no wrong)