#MSBHQAL – Week 03

Well, now that you have some pulsating tunes (#iheartdanniiminogue), you should have no problem pumping out those broken herringbone blocks this week! The suggested rainbow colours this week are yellow, green, and teal, but feel free to go rogue and make a third of your blocks in your own colour ways. Also, just so you know, I received a lot of fan mail this week that many of you were a little bit behind. Don’t fret petals, we’re all in this together, and we will make it through! I’ve got a few contingency plans–along with a ham sandwich–up my sleeve.

I’ve also had some recent questions about how to square up your block and make the appropriate cuts if you don’t have a square ruler. I scratched my weave for a bit, and then thought, mmm, let me give that a try. So I took some pics while using only my 6″x24″ ruler, showing how I line everything up. If anyone else needs help with that leave a comment and I can put a post up. (The pictures aren’t super pretty as they were done while I was balancing my rotary cutter in one hand, and a vodka martini in the other–and I’d already had three! Whoops!)

As you can see I deviated from last week’s assignment and made a yellow block instead of pink. It must have been the martinis! However, I did get a lot of fabric strips cut, and sewn into strip pairs. It was the first time I worked in volume, assembly line style like that (rather than focusing on one block until completion), and I must say, it seems to be faster! If you’re struggling with time constraints, give that a rainbow whirl!

Finally, here’s nine blocks from you fellow MSBHQAL-ers–such a talented lot, you are! The polka dot sashing (slayed!), the all grey monotone (dying!) and a rainbow (flattery will get you everywhere!) are just small details that are gonna make your final quilt glitterific! Keep updating the Flickr Group with your photos so I can share the love! Also, I have to show off Ms. Toni’s orange blocks with black sashing because it is giving me smouldering contrast that I can’t live without!

1. Broken Herringbone, 2. DSC00904, 3. practice block, 4. Block 1, 5. pink block, 6. Rainbow Broken Herringbone, 7. 2nd orange block for the MSBHQAL, 8. And then there were 4, 9. MSBHQAL Top Completed?
P.s. Althea Dene — you’re still a no-reply blogger for me! Reach out with an email address and let’s get to work!
Do you guys ever get Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model (as we get the Aussie one on some obscure satellite channel, I'm assuming we might be returning the favour) if so, your hero is the newest member of the panel for the series that just ended here, so you could get a 12 episode overdose of her!
Great minds think alike – no, not about Dannii Minogue, sorry! – I had only a smidgen of time to sew this last week and I went production line style by slapping my strips together first too. I did manage to get 2 more blocks put together but not to snap a photo. This week has been about trundling my MIL back and forth to hospital to visit my FIL and also to visit my sister in law in a different hospital on the opposite side of town (naturally). Shame you can't get frequent flyer miles doing this or I'd be going well! This week I might get some sewing time Wednesday (fingers crossed!). Photos to come!
Great blocks. I'm not feeling behind. I'm just procrastinating = my style 🙂
Oh I'm so behind 🙁 I really need to get on this cause these blocks are fantastic! Also, I used only a 6×24 ruler for my practice block and got along just fine 🙂
Those are all amazing!
MAN!!! Look at all that beauty! This quilt block reminds me of the Swoon quilt. It's hard to make an ugly one. The orange with black sashing is Awesome!!!! Love them all and the tutorial is great, martinis or not. You should go ahead and post it, since it's already written and photographed…see easy peasy! I am up to 16 out of 30 done and the strip sets does make it go faster. Off to sew I go.
Gorgeous – love seeing some prints from my stash in your blocks, delighted that you've used that funny yellow batiky one that I got in a fugly swap! I'm delaying starting more blocks until your strips arrive – that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Lots of fabulous blocks there. it's lovely to see them all progressing. I too made a yellow block last week so there will have to be pink this week, along with finishing the red that is almost done. Working in volume is defintiely the best way to sew these blocks although I find it takes a little extra orginisation, especially when there are a few bubbles being drunk. So I'll toast your martinis with my bubbles and get back to my machine.
Hi Mollii (yes, the new spelling!)
I'm not a little bit behind, I'm a lot bit behind. Think of me as you're hoisting another martini, please? 🙂
Dearest Mollii (you should have done that ages ago!) – I found that working the blocks factory style made them go super fast since you can chain piece. I would do 4 blocks at a time, and do each step for each block as i went.
Also, I thought I was the only one who had heard of Dannii! I listened to her quite a bit in my unemployed days. (I'm not sure what that says about either of us.)
I figured out how to add my photo…and that I need to lay off the wine before hopping on the computer. Ignore the bad lighting and let me know what you think!
Ah…Molli…with one OR two i's…you DO bring a smile to my face! I only got 3 blocks finished and head out on vacation next week. It's okay tho. I'll catch up!
Mollii, you always make me smile. ;D