Broken Herringbone – And Again

I like rainbows for a lot of situations: babies, parades, flags, but not in my own version of this quilt. When I start assembling mine, you’ll see it is toned down. Hey! That doesn’t mean I am toned down, just that my colour selection is a bit more discerning. Yeah, and that sashing is gonna lose some weight.
My favorite parts of the quilt process are the fabric selection, design, and quilt composition. The sewing is just something that has to be done, and I’d gladly have a studio of assistants to complete that for me. I don’t feel guilty about this, instead, rather liberated by its honesty. If I don a white wig and start calling myself Andy, get worried.

Quilting on a domestic machine is hard work, and I don’t necessarily enjoy the process, but I love the outcome. That being said, I became severely familiar with back stitching, and I’d never known about it before these quilts. My Pfaff machine (aka my MILs Pfaff machine) loves Aurifil thread. The lint that is left behind is so fine, few and far between it’s like the fur from a dust bunny’s ass.
Joining my binding ends had me in a fit, until a clever quilty friend sent me to the Canoe Ridge Creations tutorial. Er, except it had me sew my joined binding seam in the opposite direction as the rest of the seams in my binding. (Totally my fault, but just be aware!)
I love putting notches in binding. So much so, that for now I’m making it my trademark (patent pending). They’ll no longer be known as notches (so common), but as flecks of glitter left behind.

Red fabric has major potential to run. Use Colour Catchers liberally, even if you have to tape those suckers to the front of your quilt.
I need to figure out a labelling system I like. I once thought I liked the Sharpie Stained hand-written solution, but I’ve changed my mind. For me, it looks a bit too crafty (the irony, I know). I want Molli Sparkles tags (similar to what Hilltop House Creative Works suggests here) and now I must get.

I learned a lot, no? I need you to know that I’m still learning so much with every project (every step in life really!) and my hope is that some of these insights might help you as well. I think I could be considered an expert on this block, and I am thinking of hosting a QAL (quilt along), so raise your hand if you’re interested!
Some quick quilt facts:
- Size: 44″ square
- Blocks: eight by bee mates, the ice blue one by Molli Sparkles
- Sashing size: 2.25″ finished
- Quilting: outline quilting with Aurifil
- Binding: machine/hand stitched
- Backing: green Denyse Schmidt to protect against grass stains
- Label: portion of a herringbone block on back
- Favourite Part: the two white notches in the binding
Find yourself. Love yourself. Be yourself.
Yeah, I might do a QAL with you, not before September though… way too much happening in the next 5 weeks!
I love your quilt! And thanks for the link to the tutorial. I'm very interested in a quilt along. I just became a follower, so I'll be here in time and won't miss out LOL.
Dutch greetings
Love the corner label. I always put a wash/dry label in the corner of my Kwilts with Kwilty Pleasures tag. Beautiful work!
I'm raising my hand! I always love reading your posts – you can never have too much laughter and smiles! I'm with you on the quilt labels – I only recently made my first quilt label and confirmed why I haven't done them in the past. I think I'll wait to see your quilt labels and then order some too! Colour Catchers are fabulous aren't they? I always toss a pack into my shopping trolley whenever I'm down their aisle. Whether I need them or not!
Sparkly QAL, hmm worth considering 🙂 Those blocks look just gorgeous!
I'm still laughing at the 'fur from a dust bunny's ass' comment! I like the look of the pre-made tags but I like to personalise my quilt labels with the name of the quilt and recipient, the date etc so I'm not sure they'd work for me. I'm sure some of the QCA girls have ordered labels before, I'm sure they could help with consumer feedback on different makers.
I don't always enjoy sewing either, plus I find cutting stressful in case I do it wrong or slip and then don't have enough fabric left! And I loathe making binding, I'm going to check out that link you gave, I have to join mine straight when I get to the last join, I just can't get my head around joining it on the diagonal, even though I do it when I'm making the full length of binding!
Also, I hadn't seen your 'Mr Sparkle says' before, I have the exact same 'I'm so excited to show you my fabric' conversation with my husband, every single time! Sigh, they just don't understand, but at least they try! And 'Can't you just glue your charm squares to the background fabric?' loooool! 😀
Lovely lovely lovely! I'm not going to steal your binding glitter idea, but please know that I think it's super posh! 🙂
(laughing!) Oh, please don't start calling yourself Andy. ;D I love "Molli" too much~! Really loving these rainbow herringbone quilts. The binding flecks of sparkle are terrific. And why should you feel guilty about admitting you'd love to just design and direct a bunch of sewers on your work? If Raphael can do that with hundreds and hundreds of sculptures and still get the glory, why shouldn't anyone else?! Glad you shared your post at TGIFF.
Great finish!!
QAL – I'm intrigued – tell me more 🙂
Super quilt, love the binding extras!
QAL, I would be very interested if you could wait just a few weeks….LOVE your quilt, it's beautiful! Really like your little add-on to the binding, it gives it some pop!
I love this quilt and the block is so cool. I would love a QAL with you for this one. And I love my labels btw. I just reordered and tweaked mine a bit. Definitely get some!
You can actually get your own labels printed at Spoonflower, if you're okay with fabric ones, then you can put exactly whatever picture/font/whatever you like. They come out great, but if you order a sample, do remember to get round to ordering the actual yardage…
I would love to do a QAL – finding the time will be the challenge. I do need to make a serious dent in my stash. Thanks for making me laugh.
Turned out beautifully! I love the flecks/glitter in the binding!
Flecks of glitter? Perfect. It's a beauty Molli!
Stunning, of course!! I think that joel dewberry bird in the yellow just chillaxin' there is my favorite part. Well that and the glitter in the binding!
BTW, do you ever watch HGTV's design star? Somewhere around Season 3 there were two Joshes and one of them ended up being called Sparkle Josh. My brain keeps reading your posts in his voice.
Oh dang, now I want some of those labels too
AhhhH! I love it!
Lovely quilt, and thanks for the binding tutorial. Binding is my nemesis always. Yours is fabulous though. Beautiful quilt.
QAL, eh, yes please. Another stunning finish and I'm loving the flecks of glitter.
You should totally host a QAL – half the time I join with the best intentions and watch from the sidelines but I do make a good cheerleader!
It's lovely, well done, I am off to have a look at the tutorial
Very nicely done! I do have to say, I think the quilting you chose was a challenging design. It's fabulous, and looks like it was worth the work, but…work it must really have been! I love the teal corner in the backing, and the signature notches in the binding. Another good one!
I had sworn off QALs after doing 2 at the same time but Hell yes! I would join a Sparkly quilt along 🙂
Love how this came together. Those blocks are all so saturated. Notches/glitter adds a nice touch.