Category: Sunday Stash


Sunday Stash #277 – Entwine

I hope you have your pearls on, because they’re about to be clutched! Let me know when your jaw has resumed its normal operating position. Gwen Stefani famously once said, “This shit is bananas!” and...


Sunday Stash #272 – Did You Know?

I grew up in a small country town in Oklahoma. I’ve been quilting for eight years, approaching my 100th *finished* quilting project. I’m actually a gay man, masquerading as a bejewelled, bedazzled, and believable quilting...


Sunday Stash #271 – Off My Chest

Hey all my Sunday Stashers! Isn’t this so much more fun than going to church? I do declare! I’ve got plenty of fabric to show off this week–what’s new–and I’m sure you’ll recognise much of...


Sunday Stash #270 – Blur

Oh Sunday Stash how I love thee! I have this strict rule that I can’t use any new fabrics until I present them to you for Sunday Stash. Well, I need to be playing with...