Sunday Stash #265 – Rainbow Patchwork
Way back at the end of 2017, I entered an art show at a gay dance festival called Tropical Fruits held up in Lismore, NSW. It’s a … different type of place, but what can I say, they know talent when they see it. I ended up winning an award and a fabulous gift certificate at their local quilt shop called Rainbow Patchwork. Would you believe I didn’t get around to spending it until this past January? Yes, dah-lings, guaranteed fabric money stayed in my wallet for more than a year. I can’t even.

I finally got around to building that online shopping cart, and found some fabulous finds to flex out my already over-flowing stash. I’m not usually one to go for stripes, but these circus/candy colours from Tula Pink’s All Stars range were too enticing to pass up. I was gaming for the pom-poms as well, but some other diva snatched up the last bundle before I could get to it! Mad props to her/him for knowing a good thing when they see it! My bad for not snatching a weave quicker!

I also ordered these batik-like, expressive pieces from a range called Treasure Hunt by Marcia Derse for Windham Fabrics. This was the red FQ bundle, which included that pop of lime. I’m not mad about it either. It was like the opposite of a red-headed step child! I never seem to find red fabrics that speak to me, and these have all the abstract expressionism angst I was looking for. Especially that nearly black one–jeez, give me some of that in every colour way. The 90s are back, right?
The last one there on the bottom, the tone-on-tone loose weave, is a bit weak on design. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen similar concepts in every other fabric basics collection, but those bold Xs more than make up for it. I’m just waiting to fussy cut those into a XXX-naughty quilt! Hey, I thought of it first!

I rounded out my shopping expedition by replacing my Bloc Loc HST ruler. I had a 4.5″ version, and for the life of me, I can not find it. I have looked high, low, and inside out of my studio. I keep a pretty tidy space, so this is especially weird. I dunno, blaming it on the fabric faires, whatever, but I now have an upgrade. I went for the 6.5″ for greater flexibility because a gal like me needs to be able to stretch in all sorts of ways. If you know what I mean!

The owner of Rainbow Patchwork was so lovely to deal with. I called her to complete my order over the phone (gift certificate and all that) and she was like, “Oh, are you that modern quilting guy in Sydney.” Guilty, girl! With shipping, I was a speck over my allotted allowance and she let it slide with ease. Mad thanks for that! I can’t wait to get up there next time so I have a chance to check out the physical space. If it is anything like the virtual experience I had, I may have to move to Lismore. Or at least visit more often!
I love you—and all your posts no matter how far in between they are
Be still my heart and the bold X’s
I love gift cards to quilt stores. I hoard them until I find something I really really want. And yes the pale red weave is a bit weak but who doesn’t love a blender. As for others who get to the yardage before you. I have been known to pick up bolts on the cutting table left by my predecessor and asked for my usual 1/2 meter. Cuz if two of us like it then it might not be there on my return visit. I am on my Lenten fabric fast so living vicariously through your fabric purchases.
I love those candy strips. I need some too. Yeah to gift cards for fabric, but holding for a year, it would have to be lost for me not to use it immediately.
Honestly, your life was incomplete without the 6.5″ Bloc_loc. I love mine, and use it for every which size 6″ and down. Besides, now that you bought another, the 4.5″ will turn right up.