Sunday Stash #132 – You’d Betta Ruler Work & Fabric Floozy Giveaway
While at the Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair last weekend, it is safe to say I may have picked up a few things. Being surrounded by quilt enablers and their wares for five days is prone to leave one helpless, especially a fabric floozy like me (giveaway at end of post)! Some things were gifted (swag: woop! woop!), while some were purchased (bank account: boo!), but if you know me at all, you know I’ll be telling you the Truth Tea all the way home.

Before I even set foot at the show, I had a HRT Bloc_loc ruler on my shopping list. I have some secret sewing to do that this little piece of plastic heaven should totally assist with. I love me some HRTs, but damn if they aren’t an inconsistent lot. Just a small cut to the left seems to always give me a gaping hole on the right, if you know what I mean!

While I was visiting with the Bloc_loc team they somehow convinced me I needed to buy the Drunkard’s Path Bloc_loc and the Triangle In a Square Bloc_loc. They are a crafty (literally) bunch! I’ve never made a Drunkard’s Path block so maybe this will get me started. I just finished paper piecing a whole bunch of Triangle In a Square blocks like two days before the show, so the latter set felt like it was meant to be. Once I give it a whirl I’ll report back with my preferred method.

The other person I had the pleasure of meeting at the show was Bill West from Westalee Design. We were standing around talking about the Juki and he mentioned he had a high shank foot that was designed for ruler quilting work. This static foot has a thicker circular plate which allows you to guide it along a similarly thick, quilting ruler. I’m sure that is all of the correct quilting terminology!

Bill also hooked me up with some of the quilting rulers so I can start exploring other options when I want to do the quilting myself. (Long armers of the world, don’t be scared, I’ll still be sending you my quilts for quite a while!) I’m not exactly sure how I’ll get on with this, but I’m definitely willing to give it a shot for the sake of quilting humanity.

These both aid in quilting circular motifs, but they’ll probably be running circles around me for a while! Okay, I promise, right here and now, I’ll try one of them out on my next cushion. Then if that cushion doesn’t work out, I’ll just pretend it never happened and we’ll never speak of it again. We’ll call it creative editing!

So I obviously have a lot of cutting and stitching to do now! Trust me, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes around here–secret sewing, and now even secret writing! I’ll tell you about some of that later, but now, let’s get into our Fabric Floozy Giveaway! Last week Gold Coast shop, Fifi’s Fabricology (IG: fifisfabricology) offered up a full pre-cut Drunkard’s Path quilt kit for following us on Instagram. Mr. Sparkles chose a random winner, LittleLollyQuilts: Congratulations!

But this week, we’re taking things up a notch! Material Obsession in Sydney has been totally crushing on this new fabric range Byzantium by KM Studio for Free Spirit Fabrics. They even got me to fall for some KM Studio back in Sunday Stash #130. So now they want to give one lucky AU/NZ reader a 2.5 metre fabric bundle worth $60.00 to share the love!

To enter, open that Instagram app, make sure you follow molli_sparkles and prize sponsor matobsgirl and leave a comment on the prize photo. Wave your hands in the air and tag a friend for a second chance to win. I’ll leave it up to Mr. Sparkles to randomly choose a winner next Sunday Stash. Now, let’s dance!
Congratulations on your new ruler acquisitions – I love my HST bloc-loc and I'm really excited to hear your review of the other shapes too!
Very envious of your new rulers – I need me some Bloc Loc ones in particular. Have you tried the June Taylor perfect HST ruler?
I am doing a workshop with those westalee quilting rulers in two weeks. Wish me luck….
Those Block Loc rulers are what I am interested in seeing at the Melbourne show in July… Spend, spend, spend. I can't help myself
Please let us know how that quilting foot goes! I have been looking at one online but they are fairly pricey so haven't taken the plunge yet. I really want to give those quilting rulers a go. 🙂
Just checked out the Westalee site and their foot is half the price of the ones I was looking at !:) And they are local. Thanks for sharing.
I love my HST Bloc-Loc rulers and have been thinking about that HRT set, because as you said…they are a pain in the butt to cut right! You gotta let us know how the drunkards path one works! What a great haul and this 'to be continued' post!
Okay… not only are you a fabric enabler, you've branched out into rulers. And dammit. I've managed to resist Instagram for months and now I have to have it to enter a giveaway. Evil, evil enabler. I will stay strong and resist the temptation. Must. Sew. Must. Resist. More, Social. Media.
Look at you go and embrace all the rulers. 🙂 Totally interested in your produce review of the new quilting foot.
All those rulers look fun! Drunkard's Path blocks are a serious favourite of mine and I'm quite shocked you haven't done any yet! Get on it 😉
I love my HST, Flying Geese and HRT Bloc Loc rulers. With a Drunkard's Path in my future, looks like I will be doing a bit of shopping! Have fun with your new quilting foot and rulers.
Oh you are naughty. All those new tools. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Love the couple of BlocLoc rulers I have and now I will be adding a few more to the list! Thanks for sharing ( I think!)
Hi there JH aka Molli Sparkles,
Could you please enter me in your giveaway? I don't have a cell phone and you need one to open up an account on Instagram. After you have an account, you can access it with your computer, but no cell means no Instagram…boo hoo…
Quilty Huggs,
snausages22 at yahoo.CA