Sunday (Monday) Stash #130 – Material Obsession
Wowzers! What a weekend! I ended up not being around much on Sunday, so had absolutely zero time to get my Sunday Stash post up. But believe you me, there are some purchases to talk about! I hope you have some too, otherwise I’m gonna feel all shades of guilty. Last Sunday Stash I told you about Kathy Doughty’s fabric shop called Material Obsession and how I’d never been there, despite it being only twenty minutes away. Well, I took the plunge and found a way to get there! (It’s funny how when you make an admission to the world, you try to correct it pretty quickly). I told Mr. Sparkles that I needed to borrow his Vespa for the day (mine is only a 50cc which is not very powerful to traverse the Anzac Bridge) and he kindly agreed. “What do you need it for,” he asked. “Oh, nothing really, just need to run a few errands across town.” <<insert evil laughter here>>

I ended up spending three hours at Material Obsession, and came away with over five meters of fabric. Oops! I was feeling so inspired surrounded by the walls and walls and walls of fabric. There was such a wide range, including fabrics I didn’t even know existed. Did you know Alexander Henry makes fabrics other than kitschy novelties a la the pin-up series? Me either. I think I could have bought a little pinch of everything. So what did I get? Well, I needed to buy more of the Alison Glass Handcrafted, and the Garden of Earthly Delights as the quilt I’ve started making with them is suddenly bigger than expected. I’m sure you’ve been there, eh? Then as I was browsing, that same quilt started taking on new life, in a completely different direction. My mind was whirling with inspiration as I found Alison Glass’s Ex Libris (drool) and Anna Maria Horner’s Honor Roll. I promise these are going to mesh together, even if I don’t know how myself yet! Plus, there’s a secret fabric that I’m not going to show you yet because it needs its own ta-da moment. Seriously, it’s that good. All-in-all, I think I’m still drunk on fabric.

As an aside, there’s always lots of discussion about how to take really great photos in the quilting world. Well, due to my lateness, I wasn’t able to take these photos with natural light, instead using indoor LEDs. Even with my futile attempts at colour balancing, they still have a yellowish glow to them. So lesson for us all: natural light is our friend!
I'm going to have to find out about the Anzac bridge now! 3 hours in a fabric shop? So easily done, I think you must have been so restrained at bringing home so 'little'!
Love that Allison Glass. I've got a stack of it….hmm might have to go look at it again.
The best kind of drunk. No hangover.
I just bought my first ever Alison Glass bundle! I'm always behind the 'fad' and this is no exception! If you are going to hop on a Vespa, you had to make the trip worth while!
Leave it to Molli to always start my day with a laugh. Love your turn of phrase, "drunk on fabric" and picturing you zipping across the city on a Vespa to go fabric shopping! Maybe you've seen this photo of a fellow that only had a bicycle to take fabric shopping? ;o)
Natural light is our friend, but I am also a huge proponent of "good enough" and those fabrics sizzle beautifully in their own right. Jenn @A Quarter Inch from the Edge was definitely worried about your missing link up, and I am quite glad that my assertion that you probably had a great story and would most certainly still have some stash to share was correct!
must admit, I would love to visit this shop – quite a trek from the UK! lol you keep introducing me to new fabric – I love it!
I have the Material Obsession book and so wished I visited the shop when we were over there. I can see you borrowing the Vespa a little more often…
If you're not 50 shades of guilty, you're not doing it right!!! XX!