Sunday Stash #118 – Stash Tour
After last week’s post about shopping your own stash, I thought it might be a great opportunity to show you my own stash in its entirety! When we moved into our new apartment I made sure to have one of our built-in wardrobes outfitted with adjustable shelving for perfect stash storage. Forget hard wood floors, marble bench tops, and designer furniture, this is truly what quilter’s dreams are made of!

I love that this wardrobe has doors to protect my precious fabric from any sun damage, let’s call it SPF 1000+! I’ve rearranged it a few times, (there will probably be a dozen more), but I’ve tried to organise it in a manner where the items I use most are at a perfect viewing angle and easily within reach.

The top left is where I keep yardage that could be used for backings, or foundation fabric for a project. The eagle-eyed amongst you might see that half this shelf is full of Tula Pink fabric, mostly from her out of print Parisville range. Right in the middle on the bottom is 4.5 yards of the Cameos in Sprout, and 1+ yards of many others. A quick scan through Etsy implies I might be sitting on a gold mine and didn’t even know it! Mama, needs a new pair of shoes!

Below this shelf is where I keep some of the collections I’d like to hoard save for projects of their own. This is where I can give David Butler the heavy petting he deserves! Ow! He sits next to Carolyn Friedlander’s collections, as well as Cosmos by Laura Gunn, Color Me Retro by Jeni Baker, Noteworthy by Sweetwater, Oh Deer by Momo, Kate Spain varietals, and Comma by Zen Chic. All of these are still eligible to be mixed and matched with other projects, but for now they like hanging out with their brethren.

As you get a bit lower, you’ll find my collection of solids. These are grouped by Art Gallery, Kona, and then non-designer brand homespuns. The front row is predominately neutrals, with a few “Where in the hell does this fit in?” pieces scattered throughout. (We all have those, right?!) Every time I look at this shelf I want to make a black and white quilt! Must make all the things!

Back up to the top right is where I store the fabric bundles. I don’t generally buy entire collections, but sometimes it just has to be done! Shimmer, Doe, Get a Clue with Nancy Drew, Pretty Potent, it’s a pretty eclectic mix up there, much like a dinner party at my house. Of all these bundles, the Nancy Drew fabric still has me stumped the most. She’s like that family member that you have to love, but you don’t really like, so when she shows up for Christmas dinner you spend the whole night trying not to get stuck next to the bowl of egg nog with her crazy ass. Yes, exactly like that.

This is probably my most used section. These are all fat quarter and half yard cuts in a rainbow spectrum across countless fabric ranges and designers. This is where my creative juices get their juiciest because I’m free to play with all sorts of colour and design elements with abandon! Having all these colours on one shelf allows me to pull some surprising colour combos–some disasters, some delights.

Further down is my shelf of batiks, Echino and other linen blends. This is a shelf I’d love to use more, because many of these fabrics were purchased in Japan and hold such pristine memories. My couch can only hold so many cushions though, and I’ve yet to make a pouch of any kind. Bad quilter, I know! I love sneaking batiks into my quilts, so maybe it’s time to do so with the Echino as well.

The bottom half of the wardrobe is where I store fabric strings and selvedges, WIPs, books, rulers, batting, my princess crown, and other miscellaneous sewing goods. Trust me, it’s not always this organised, but I cleaned it up to get some good pictures for you! The only thing I haven’t shown you is my scrap storage, but that’s a whole other post and a half! I hope you’ve enjoyed checking out my relatively small stash–at least that’s what I’ve been told–and can take some inspiration from it to build and organise your own!
Hi! Looks fantastic and beautiful! Your fabrics collection is gorgeus! It's so nice to see the Fabrics on the open selves but surely better to be behind the doors. I think I may do the change later. Now I have just organized my NEW sewing room so leave it for a while. x Teje
A walk in closet filled with fabric would be a dream, love the behind the scenes pictures!
I think this is the perfect sized stash! Not so small that you have to shop for every project but not so large as to be overwhelming!
Hay! I AM that crazy relative hovering up all the eggnog!! Nicely done with the fabric.
Nice job. Great organization. If you want some ideas for the Nancy Drew, Google it. Madame Samm had a blog hop Get a Clue with Nancy Drew when it came out. Lot of folks made stuff and it might give you an idea of where to start.
Ooooh, I have serious cupboard envy! And may I say, lucky Carolyn being next to David in there in the dark!
Thanks for the tour. It's like looking inside someone's medicine cabinet, but with their permission. I have many of the same fabrics. This southern belle (Nashvill, TN) nearly fainted at such loveliness.
I tried not to 'go to the light' when I saw this…but alas, I believe I just crossed to the other side! Wowzers!!
I know what Leica means about looking in someone's medicine cabinet without their permission. Compared to mine you have a fabulous stash, but I'm only just off the starting blocks. It's given me ideas on how to organise mine – need to buy a wardrobe first though! lol
I speed the Tula Pink Parisville right away! You have an amazing stash! I may be willing to chip in to your shoe fund for some of that Tula! My link shares that I found a TP bargain – 1.25 yards for $6 at a fabric outlet store!
I would starve to death because noone could pry me outta there!!!
But, hey mister, where's the brown??? Such a sadly neglected color.
I just found your blog today! Where have you been all my (quilting) life?!?! I love your sense of humor and your quilts! Your stash is so organized and purdy!!! It's so…hard to use so many of the fabrics we covet!!!
Hey Cathy – You're a no reply blogger, so I couldn't email you back directly. I hope you see this so I can tell you how happy I am you've finally joined the party. This is where the Glitterati hang their feathered boas and sparkly fedoras, and call home!