Sunday Stash #112 – California – Part I
You know how I mentioned I was in California last week single-handedly saving their economy with my purchases? If you’re anything like me, you’ll completely understand, and you’ve probably done it a few times yourself. It wasn’t until I showed up at the hotel and already had five packages waiting for me though, that my work colleagues understood my level of dedication. (It’s okay, one of them is fairly new, so she’s still learning that my only way is all the way!)

Of those five packages, four of them were fabric related. Instead of giving you all my goodies at once, I thought I’d break it out over a three part series. This first one is the most exciting because it happened last Friday when I got to spend the day at Intrepid Thread. I told owner, Julie, that I was coming to town for our anniversary number three, and that we should just play it cool. No big hoopla, just a small announcement that I’d be there for the day, and if anyone wanted to come say hello they could.

Glitterati: We’re gonna have to call you the Paparazzi because I barely got time to do my own shopping! Amongst all the lights, camera, and Justin Bieber-style action, I couldn’t even see what colours of Art Gallery Pure Elements I was buying. I saw one little girl weeping into her charm squares, and this other lady threw her voile under garment at me! Y’all are crazy, and I love you.

After about six hours of signing autographs, I did manage to make it out alive (my shopping bags a bit shredded), and see what I actually bought. Well, huh. Yeah, those top three are … um … intense? I’ve been doing a lot of sketching with those exact colours, so it seemed only appropriate that I try to replicate them in real life. Art Gallery Pure Elements, two yards of each, please, and a pair of sunglasses!

While I was there, Anne from Play-Crafts stopped by, and she was completely talking to someone else as I heard her say, “Art Gallery has such a wonderful navy.” Seriously, that’s all it took for me to buy not only Nocturnal, but Moonstone as well. Plus, Anne and I have a theory that dark and saturated is going to be coming back in a big way, very soon. I’m gonna be prepared, are you?

You know, and then the conversation turned to the whole “Kona Wasabi is like the best colour in the history of the world.” I know you’ve had that same conversation with at least one of your friends. Well, lil ole me, has never actually owned any Kona Wasabi (I’m still hoping to!) To stay on my Art Gallery trend though, I bought a similar looking Lemonade, and paired it with Tile Blue (?) for some bold contrast. Are you ready for 2015 to be all about solids? Looks like I am! Apologies for my complete lack of confidence in the names of these colours, but it was a whirlwind in there!

I LOVE ALL THE COLOURS!!…sorry for shouting but I got a little excited,and Wasabi is awesome but I think I have to get the top three elements!!!
Molli from the block, oh my! I don't care about your drama combos but your style just makes me smile.
Hahahaha woohoo! Citron + Navy and a little aqua and hot pink to boot! Hell throw that orange in there and I bet it'd work too. Rainbow + navy is the new rainbow + lv. 🙂 I can't wait to see what you make with all those gorgeous solids!
Loving the solids this week, Molli, and thank you for providing me with the name of the perfect midnight navy colour for an imminent project! I had to laugh when I read that you have packages delivered to your hotel when visiting the US as I do that too! I have been known to have a porter bring more packages than the amount of luggage I had arrived with…. Twice I have returned with Weber BBQs (the full size 22" kettle ones!). Part of the beauty of Amazon is you can see the shipping weight of what you are buying and so you can ensure you don't breach your baggage limits! Keep up the good work on that US economy!
That navy is gorgeous! Loving the intensity of the first three also – looking forward to part 2!
Sounds like a fantastic trip, must be exhausting being just so popular though 😉
Gorgeous colour choices, navy is such a tricky one to find in fabric I think, I have just one piece in my stash sadly.
You crack me up!! Thinking of making some voile knickers for myself now, you know just so I'm prepared should I ever run into you!! Love those bright colours and am definitely loving all the wasabi I've been seeing, might have to add that to my next stash buy 🙂
Molli, you take the most colorful selfies I've ever seen! You're going to have to spread your colorful selfie glitter magic around a bit, or else I'm going to have to rename my people palettes "Molli Palettes"!!! I LOVE your brights and have recently been working with those same brights on a navy blue background (as seen on IG)–so you're already cool! lol I SO wish Maine were closer to California so that I would have been able to meet you in person, but perhaps I can find a Glitterati paparazzi van somewhere along the way and hitch a ride for next time.
You and Julie – adorable super duo!
I am completely distracted by the quilt behind you and Julie – do you know the name of the pattern?
Looking good! It is going to be fun to see how you use the bright colors. The Studio Stash print looks like the only way I'll willingly sew with hexagons… 😉
Wish I knew you were there boo. Love the pink blue n orange colors. Yummie looking the quilt behind you is really pretty. Cheers
Thought I could make it but didn't so thanks for the play by play. Gorgeous pic of you and Julie although next time maybe see up a shirt got youself that coordinates with the backdrop quilt like she's wearing.
Anne does love navy! I love the three brights you picked, and have the same colors in my solids stash. In the right project, contrast is great. Kona Charcoal is my go-to dark & saturated color. Sorry I missed Friday, but I'm glad we were able to catch up while you were there! Kisses!
You make my Sunday! Your wit, charm and exuberance for life is positively infectious. So there.
I'm waaaayyyyyy ahead of you on the Kona Wasabi – I bought some on a whim last June. Recently paired it with some navy and some magenta and white. Thinking about a design – still elusive in my overactive imagination. But LOVING the richness and I've vowed to use solids this year – FOR THE FIRST TIME!! I'm new, so I have an excuse 🙂
For Karin the pattern is called Leaded Glass by TraceyJay Quilts. It was in American Quilter's Society magazine and you can still get it if you are a member on their website. We will also have individual patterns soon I am told.
Oh my. Those colours are stunning!
Wasabi! *drool.
Lol Molli!!! FAbulous!!
You crack me up!
Oh yea, this navy is perfect! Thanks for the shopping tour I should be up the in a few weeks and I always try and go to Intrepid Theead!
So so funny! Voile undergarments and such! can't wait to see the rest of your purchases!
I'm rather jealous you got to spend the day with the lovely Julie! Still, your adoring fans let you get away with a good haul…
Nothing this week so I will live vicariously through your travels and fabric purchases! Glad to see you had fun and survived the Glitterati!
I feel like I need to get your postal address so I can send you some Wasabi… mind you, I'm probably not the only one thinking that and you'll be inundated. 🙂
Just found your blog and subscribed to it already!!! Love your energy & creativity. Hoping to be inspired.
(I am not a no-comment blogger. If you click on my name, you can access my Google+ profile and my blog.)
I am so sorry I missed you when you were in CA. Julie is a dear and I would have loved an excuse to visit her shop. The pink-turquoise-orange combo you bought has me drooling on my keyboard. I might clicking over to Julie's site as soon as I hit send.