Sewing for Sydney – Have Your Say
What an emotional week, and it is only Wednesday! On Sunday evening, I sat down to watch the Australian 60 Minutes television special about the Sydney Siege that happened last December. I got about fifteen minutes in, and I literally had to turn off the tv and walk away. I think my emotional reservoir is at capacity due to being hyper-aware of this tragedy over the past two months while working on the #SewingForSydney project. So I thought I would take an opportunity this week, to give you a super-brief update, and ask you to have your say.

You want some numbers? How about the 2,169 hash tag blocks you’ve sent to my door?! Or the more than 350 packages they came in from 14 countries and 4 continents? Oh, and there’s the 60-odd or so people involved in constructing and donating materials for these quilts. But finally, that has all come together to allow us to make 13 quilts. What?! My original goal was 2 quilts, so Glitterati, you have truly outdone yourselves!
You want some numbers? How about the 2,169 hash tag blocks you’ve sent to my door?! Or the more than 350 packages they came in from 14 countries and 4 continents? Oh, and there’s the 60-odd or so people involved in constructing and donating materials for these quilts. But finally, that has all come together to allow us to make 13 quilts. What?! My original goal was 2 quilts, so Glitterati, you have truly outdone yourselves!
Now I need your advice. I’m trying to compose the words for the labels. The lovely Connie Goldfinch from Perth has volunteered to embroider all of them for the quilts, and this is what I have so far. What do you think? What would you change? What would your write? Don’t hold back, because it needs to be perfect.
Over 400 people from around
the world worked together
to make these quilts as a
way to express their love for you.
A quilt is a hug
that lasts forever.
Molli Sparkles &
The Glitterati To the Rescue
[first edit]
A quilt is a hug that lasts forever.
Over 400 people from around
the globe worked together
to create a hug for you.
Molli Sparkles &
the Glitterati Team
I think its perfect as it is, well done! 13 quilts – amazing work.
fantastic. I cried reading this. I think the label needs the year on it though… Good work…
May I suggest making it a little shorter?
A quilt is a hug that lasts forever.
This hug was made for you with love by 400 people worldwide.
Molli Sparkles and the Glitterati
I think this is a lovely shorter sentiment building on Molli's. I was going to suggest taking out the words To the Rescue at the end.
I was going to say the same about 'to the rescue'. Love the rest. And the version above. Love it all.
You done good, Molli. x x
I like the above version also 🙂 I agree about the 'to the rescue' bit. I think labels are a lovely idea.
I found 60 minutes hard to watch also 🙁
Yes,I have to agree about "to the rescue" = possibly it might sound even a little flippant. But the rest is lovely either long or shorter version.
What a wonderful effort Molli and everyone involved.
I am sitting with all these readers above – the shorter edit with the same sentiment hits the note. The "to the rescue" comes across as a little flippant which I know for sure you are not at all intending to be in this instance.
Can I just say how much admiration I have for you for having organised this epic response. I am sure that the families will treasure their quilts and understand that their stories have touched so many people around the world, not just in the immediate aftermath but well into the future. Bravo Molli! Bravo everyone who contributed!
I agree. Shorter is better while preserving all the wonderful sentiment in Molli's words.
I love this shorter sentiment – says everything, but shorter. And I agree with removing the 'to the rescue' part.
Hi Molli, I like your label. There is one thing I would want to change. Trying to think of it from a family member's point of view, I might want to take off the words, "to the rescue." I think as a family member child I might get angry at the quilt because, unfortunately, we couldn't really rescue the victims, and I'm afraid they might resent the words. I know you feel you are going to the rescue of the family with a beautiful snuggly hug in the form of a quilt, but the only true rescue they want is to get their lives back without the victim ever having been killed. I know that these families will love your quilts and that they will be a wonderful symbol to them of how much strangers do care. I could be all wrong about that phrase bothering anybody. I just think that the names of you and the glitterati are great and that phrase is not really needed. I hope that my opinion doesn't upset, it's just honestly something that hit me as soon as I read the last words. I wish we could truthfully be to the rescue and make none of it to have happened. Unfortunately, that's not in our power. What is in our power is to show them that, when led by the proper man, humans can come together and show their, softer, kinder side.
Had the same feelings when I read it. Everything but the rescue part is great! I also like AMMs suggestion of making it a little shorter!
I don't think you could say it any better. It brought me to tears. Perfect.
I agree with others on revising just a bit by removing 'rescue' reference and adding month and year of the quilt's completion. Hugs to you Molli and Glitterati for all you do.
I agree with others on revising just a bit by removing 'rescue' reference and adding month and year of the quilt's completion. Hugs to you Molli and Glitterati for all you do.
How about:
The community of quilters around the world
have made these quilts to hug you
and let you know that we remember
and you are not alone
…or something like that…
Wow… 13 quilts is amazing and thank you for organizing such a large and important effort. I think the suggestion by AMM above is lovely.
Great result! What a number! I agree what others have suggested.
stunning – bet you never realised it would strike home to so many and what you would be taking on. I like your words but I do agree with removing "to the rescue" although I understand where you were coming from. you are just lovely!
AMAZING work and effort and well done to everyone involved (including those who sent in small blocks!)
Agreed, to the rescue is not right in the words, we didn't rescue them. My take…
Over 400 people from around
the globe worked together
to create this quilt for you.
A quilt is a hug
that lasts forever.
much love and hugs from
Molli Sparkles &
The Glitterati
Thank you for doing this. It still makes me tear up when I think of these poor families ripped apart by senseless violence. It's amazing to see our little blocks represent so much love.
Wow!! 13 quilts that is fantastic Molli, you are amazing…your words made me cry!!! I can understand you having to turn off the tv programme. Like all the words suggestions.
Wow, 13 quilts, what an amazing response and collaboration! You've done such an amazing thing here. Oh, the challenge of what to write on the label…..always a tough job! I do agree with those above regarding the 'to the rescue' but I'm also thinking perhaps you could sign off in your real name? Sorry, Joshua, I'm probably being a bit old fashioned, but I reckon it's a lot more long lasting and personal and those that revive the quilts will connect more with a real name? If you wanted to shorten the text, ' created for you with much love and hugs from Joshua Helms and over 400 people from around the world. A quilt is a hug that lasts forever'.
how about signing off "Molli Sparkles and the Glitterati Team" ?
Danielle x
Love both the long and short version, but I have to agree with the "to the rescue", and with adding the month and year the quilt was completed, AND with saying Joshua Helms aka Molli Sparkles and the Glitterati Team. One thing – I did the embroidery of the 12 labels for the guys deployed to Afghanistan with my daughter and some of those labels took 5 hours each to do, so the number of words is definitely something to consider, as a consideration for your embroiderer. Love that you got enough blocks for 13 quilts!!! Totally incredible…but quilters seam to just be very generous!
I love your wording, but most of all your dedication at getting this together. I agree that 'to the rescue' sounds a bit off, but have no need to reduce any other part, unless you are thinking of the one making the labels! I love the kind and careful wording of everyone's responses.
So many really good thoughts have been expressed here, and I agree completely with those suggesting a shorter version and adding the year. I also like the idea of removing "to the rescue" (for reasons that have already been well said) and that you should give your real name. This just makes it a lot more personal, and besides, your fabulous nom de plume (or should that be nom de ostrich feather?) "Molli Sparkles", which we quilters know and love, could conjure up images of happy times when this is anything but.
Molli/Joshua you are just the most compassionate man, and this project is a beautiful, loving gesture towards these heartbroken people. Thank you for all you're doing to co-ordinate the quilt making. I hope to know more next week, and will be in touch 😉
I think you're getting a consensus here – remove "to the rescue" and add the date. I like the longer wording. =)
WOW what a fabulous job done by all. The words for the label are great and I am sure you will add the date.
Molli you are awesome!
I agree with Kassey it's perfect just needs a tizzy touch that only you could supply.
May I humbly suggest:
Over 400 people
13 Quilts
A World of Love
Assembled by Joshua Helms/Molli Sparkles
and the Glitterati Team
What an incredible job Molli, well done! I agree about the rescue bit, other than that, amazing!
xxx you've done great SB you don't need any advice from me, you'll get it right 😊
That's so wonderful!
I think the words are lovely. What an amazing reaction from so many people and the total of 13 quilts is brilliant. Well done for having the idea and getting it accomplished.
I agree with AMM's take xxxx Love.
I agree with the shorter version of the label. Personally, I would love to see photos of the 13 quilts. The one in the photo above is beautiful but I would like to see the others too. You have done an amazing job Molli Sparkles!
I'm voting (days late!) for option #2. Where are the 13 all going?
My little ditty for the suggestion box –
400+ People
A World Apart
13 Quilts
Hugs from the Heart
Assembled by Joshua Helms/Molli Sparkles
and the Glitterati Team
I love option 2 Molli. I'm so proud of you for bringing this all together – 13 quilts is an amazing show of love. I'm so glad I was a part of this. Kayt in Brisbane
I just found out about this project. Amazing.
In the U.S., I've been part of the Mother's Dream project for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Maybe your readers would be interested in that too?
See here:
and here:
Take care! <3
Molli I agree too about taking out 'to the rescue' bit.
I really luv what 'SUSAN McGLASSON' and 'QUILT and CRAFT DIVA' have written too.
And I also agree with your real name then aka Molli & the ….. with the date as well.
I cannot wait to see all the quilts finished Mollie.
I luv you to the moon and back for you luving and caring nature and HUGE heart that you pocess. xoxo