Sunday Stash #101 – Celebrating With a Doe Giveaway
Oh, honey. Sunday Stash is now well on its way into the triple digits! I really wanted to buy up big to celebrate, but honestly, I don’t really need much at the moment. (How very dare I say such a thing!) Plus, and I’ve kept this under wraps, I’m moving house this Thursday, so I’ve been trying to lighten the load rather than add to it. Mr. Sparkles and I bought an apartment off the plan three years ago, and it is finally ready! I’ll have my own dedicated sewing studio in the new place, so stay tuned for all the details once I get it sparkled up.

So not only is Sunday Stash celebrating its centennial, but I’m also celebrating my 1000th post over on Instagram (IG: molli_sparkles). Who better to help me celebrate than my favourite quilt shop ever-ever: The Intrepid Thread! (Personal note to Mr. Sparkles: As soon as I get settled into the new place, there’s going to be some major shopping rectification happening.) For now, The Intrepid Thread has generously agreed to give away a fat eighth bundle of Carolyn Friedlander’s fantastic, new line Doe. It is so fresh I don’t even have a picture of it, so you get this doe-eyed beauty above.
To enter:
1. Leave any comment, but make sure I have your email address or I can’t contact you!
2. Followers of @molli_sparkles and @intrepidthread on Instagram can leave a second comment.
3. If you’re linking up to Sunday Stash this week, you can leave a third comment.
This giveaway is open internationally, and will run until next week’s Sunday Stash #102. Good luck!
Giveaway is now closed.
Thankfully, my own acquisitions this week are on the lighter side. I helped out with Pink Chalk Fabrics liquidation sale by purchasing the Jaybird Quilts Hex N More ruler, and Carolyn Friedlander’s Shirts pattern. I’ve been itching to make my own Shirts, and since this pattern can utilise my overabundant charm squares, I’ve gotta whole wardrobe to make! Since I’ll probably be sorting out my own wardrobe, I doubt I will get a chance to get back here until after the move. There’s a lot of glitter to pack, y’all. Oddly enough, I’m currently having a creative resurgence, and I can’t wait to share all of my ideas with you!
Molli, all the best Wisches to your Sundainseln Stasi and Instagram anniversary. I enjoy every staybwith you 😉 keep it up!
Those fabrics are beeeauuuutiful (I couldn't help myself – had to go look!)! Good luck with your move, Molli!
Oh, a surprise giveaway! That's awesome and I really like to see them in real. 🙂
Greetings, Rike
Oh honey, when I've moved I will be linky linking up and contributing so much your eyes will bleed with excitement. I'd love to win something, anything and from you would make it all the more special. I am contemplating adding some Kaffe to my stash cortesy of the PoP sale… that Suzie, she's an enabler… x
Congratulations on a new sewing space, can't wait to see it sparkled up!
I wrote a Sunday Stash about some wonderful Canadian friends!
Good luck with you r move and lucky you getting a dedicated sewing space. (No need to put me in for giveaway, we got Doe first in the UK and I'm already using it)
Congratulations! Good luck with the move 🙂
Following you both on IG 🙂
Congrats on the 1000th IG post and thanks for the chance to win some of the delicious Doe line!
I follow you both on IG!
I follow you both on instagram @thedukesau
Wow you kept the whole bought-a-house thing under wraps! Congrats!!
Also thrilled to see you are sounding a bit more chipper and 1000 IG posts…you go SB x
Am a little freaked at the Bambi on your blog….are you friends with all the Woodland Creatures now…. shall I send you some fox fabric LOL
Course I follow you 😉
The snippets I have seen of Doe are yummy. So please pick me! I hope the move goes well and I am keen to see your studio pics
Would love to win the fat eighth bundle of Doe
I'm linking up this week with the fantastic "The Linen Cupboard" range from the talented Emma Jean Jansen!!
Congrats on reaching your 1000 posts! And thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you both on IG
Good luck with the move. Very wise not adding boxes. Definitely on my list of least favourite things to do…
I follow you both on IG. Happy 100th post!
1000th post. Stupid fast fingers
Oooh, your very own sewing studio? Enjoy the new joint!
Hi! Congratulations how exciting. Can't wait to win! Lol I just purchased the hex and more ruler the other day! Can't wait to test it! Good luck moving hope it is somewhere nice 🙂
I trail around after you on IG, happy 1000 pics!
Congrats!! Xo (.)(.)
1000 – wow! I have loved following you for a fair chunk of that. I just reached 700 myself. 🙂
I'm so jealous of your new sewing space even though I haven't seen it! I'm sure it will be sparkleicious ! You deserve it.
I saw the new Doe collection on Rita's blog and I love all of it especially the low volume prints. 🙂
I'm an IG Stalker as well 🙂
Love this line, elegant. Would love to get my mitts on some.
That's exciting about the new apartment
Congratulations on the new digs, the 100oth post and all the rest. Can't wait to see your shirts. I have had a crush on that pattern for some time. Now, go pack that glitter.
Congratulations all around!
Congratulations on meeting several milestones. All the best with the move.
Enjoy that pattern, it is so much fun although I have yet to do anything more with my stash of shirts blocks!
Congratulations on your milestones and good luck with the big move. I can't wait to see your tshirt quilt when it's finished I am in need if some inspiration for some old clothes I would like recycled
Good luck with the move and enjoy your new sewing space!
I've linked up a whole lot of stashed goodies! You are very patient to be waiting 3 yrs for your new apartment, looking forward to seeing the new sewing space.
Congratulations on the milestones and the new place. I'm loving that doe pic!
I follow you on IG
Thanks for the chance to win the lovely fabric & good luck with your move. How nice to have a spankin' new sewing space.
So much happy news! Can't wait to see the new sewing space. Glad you're feeling better, and congrats on the posting milestones. If I don't win the fabric, could you send me the doe in the photo?
And of course I follow you and Intrepid Thread on instagram too.
I'm already following you and Julie on IG – thanks to her for a splendid giveaway.
Can't wait to see your new sparkly studio! Congrats on the move! Happy 1000th!
Shahann at yahoo dot com.
love the shirt pattern you have
Moving is both exhausting and exciting. I should know, I moved 3 times within the last 18 months (super long story). Anyway congrats on the 1000th post!
I have been following IT for a very long time (haven't visited in forever, maybe should do that) but am fairly new to you. Thanks for giving quilting a much needed lift.
I didn't now need was a requirement for purchasing fabric!
Follow you both on IG
Congrats and can't wait to see the new sewing space.
Carolyn's fabrics are wonderful, and Doe is no exception. Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you and IT on IG!
Congrats on the move, the posts, everything!
Lots of followers loving Mollisparkles! Congrats! I follow you and Intrepid Thread on Instagram @amysews.
I have the shirts too. Haven't done anything with it yet. Good luck with the move…
I follow Molli and Intrepid thread on Instagram.
Doe!!!! Carolyn Freidlander is just as fabulous as Molli is Sparkly! Congrats!
Oh is such a great line! Congrats on the milestones.
I follow you on IG, username myfabriobsession
The best new fabric line! Thanks for the chance to sample it! Congratulations on your 1000 milestone!
I follow you and Intrepid Thread on IG. Thanks
Congrats on the new home!
Good luck with the move. Hope it goes smoothly.
Enjoy your new home!
I also follow you on Instagram, I'm there as patchyroses
Love Doe. It's on my wish list.
Good luck with the move. Can't wait to see the new sewing space. Thanks for the giveaway!
Congratulations on 101 Sunday Stashs, 1000 Instagram posts and the upcoming move! Exciting stuff happening in your life =) Since I'm a wordpress blogger I'm going to leave my email here:
Congrats on your new home, how exciting!!
I follow you and the Intrepid Thread on IG! They are one of my favorite shops!
I've been following both you and the inteprid thread on instagram. []
I just bought a Hex n more too! It's fab!
Congratulations!! Enjoy your new sewing space and I'm looking forward to a virtual open house!!
I am already following you on IG and just started following Intrepid Thread there too!! Thanks for the chance!!
Happy US Thanksgiving!
And I follow you and Intrepid Thread on instagram. Good luck moving!
Congrats on the move and 101 / 1000 posts.
Oh I like Doe. I'm sad Intrepid Thread is going to be closed Thanksgiving weekend. I'm visiting visiting my sis and she doesn't live to far from Julie ' s shop.
Beautiful fabric and lovely doe. Congrats on the move. Thanks for the giveaway. Now go shopping! Ha
What a great giveaway!
I follow you and Intrepid Thread on instagram
Your very own sewing room, hurray! You are livin' the dream 😉
Also following you both on IG!
I follow y'all on IG
I follow you both in blog land and IG! Congrats on the new apartment it will be a home soon.
I absolutely LOVE this new line from Carolyn! Congrats on your blogging/Instagram achievements!
I follow you and @intrepidthread on Instagram 🙂
Good Luck with the move!
You could de-clutter your wardrobe and make the Shirts quilt with actual shirts belonging to you and Mr S.x
Congratulations on getting your own sewing space. Thanks.
Congratulations on the move! Nothing like a new perspective and creative surge that new surroundings bring!!
I love those fabrics and it is not yet available in stores. I am thinking about what I would do with them.
Have a great move. Thanks so much — I originally said oh am I glad I don't need to buy Doe, bc I still have a good bit of Arch and Botanics, but of course it has grown on me terribly and I'm starting to feel like if I don't get my hands on some I might cry.
I follow you and IT on IG, thank you again!
I follow you and Julie on IG
Congrats on the new place! It's so nice having a dedicated place to create.
crystoll at aol dot com
I follow you both on Instagram.
crystoll at aol dot com
I linked up!
sorry about the name thing – Blogger is going crazy with my ID (
crystoll at aol dot com
happy anniversary…sparkle on!
Happy Anniversary! Good luck with the move-it's never much fun! I've moved many times and it's always an adventure.
I LOVE THAT FABRIC! I also love reading your blog. You are an inspiration Senor Sparkles. I am very interested to see how that tshirt quilt ends up. Your brother is going to love it for sure. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.
What a great giveaway. Happy Anniversay.
I follow Intrepid thread and MollSparkles on instagram as marg1950
Absolutely love the look of this line. Can't afford to buy fabric right now but would be awesome to win it!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!!!
Congrats on the big events – how fun to finally be moving into the new space. LOVE Doe and can't wait to sew with some!
I'm a following you and IT on Ig!
Congrats! And thank you! A new sewing studio sounds divine.
Ps…..follow you in Instagram
I linked up!
I look forward to seeing your new space. I may be moving in the near future, so I might want to steal some of your great ideas!
Your posts are really fun to read, always make laugh!
I am loving the doe fabric…can't wait to see it
I follow you on IG, I'm @colorgirlquilts
Would love to win this bundle. I follow both of you on IG.
I added my link: my new fabric love is "winged" by Bonnie Christine from Art Gallery Fabrics. 😉
I love the new Doe collection!!! Your gonna love having your own sewing room! I just moved and got my own room a couple of months ago and it is awesome!!! Tell Mr. Sparkles not to get jealous of your new space, my husband barely saw me when we first moved in!!
Getting that final parcel from Pink Chalk was bittersweet for me. It didn't occur to me to snag a pattern with all the yardage I bought — and oh, how I'd like to make that CF quilt, too!
I linked up my latest fabric acquisitions to Sunday Stash!
Beautiful closeup picture of a doe.
I always enjoy your posts. Best luck with moving.
t_ktl at
I follow via bloglovin.
t_ktl at
Such lovely fabric! Good luck with the move.
I follow on bloglovn!
Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
Have a fun & chipper move! Enjoy your new sewing space! 🙂
Congratulations on the new digs. Exciting to move to a new place.
Comment the first…You are adorable. Thanks for the chance to win!
Comment the second…I'd follow you anywhere!
Ohhh thank you for the chance, such an awesome giveaway
I follow both on IG
Thank you for the awesome chance to win! I am already following you on Instagram where I saw this opportunity! I'm a big fan! Love your tutorials and I especially love your Mickey quilt!!!!
Comment the third…I NEED that pattern. Please, oh pretty please, can we do something collaborative with it!?!
Thank you for the opportunity to win. Enjoy your new home. I would love to start fresh on a sewing room designed to what I need rather than taking a room that is a guest room and setting up around the bed and other things.
I love the fabric Doe as well!
I follow on IG as well!
Thanks for the chance! I ❤️Doe.
I follow you and Intrepid thread on Instagram.
your such a deer…..(you just knew it was coming didn't ya!) so enjoy following the snippets of your life – here's to another 1000!
I am a faithful follower of yours and Julie's via bloglovin – love the new line of doe and would be so happy to win some, thanks for the chance to do so
I follow you on bloglovin. Can't wait to see pictures of your sewing room.
I follow both blogs!
Doe is such a pretty line. Thanks for the giveaway!
Deer Molli count me in please!!!
I linked up with Sunday Stash today. 🙂
Congrats! I hope you're feeling better. Good luck on the move!
I follow you and Julie on IG! (@Ellathrowawench)
like the material and find you on facebook and twitter.
Congrats and all the best for your move! Do count me in. 🙂
Have linked up some acquisitions, too. 🙂
I'd love to win this bundle, thanks for the chance to win.
I follow you both on instagram.
What a great giveaway! Doe is a great line for modern quilting!
I added my link with my new stash of texty goodness.
I follow you on Instagram
Thank you for the chance to win. I always love free fabric.
Good luck with the move … Can't wait to see pics of the new sewing space!
I follow you and intrepid thread on instagram
Congrats on your thousandth IG post! I love seeing all your creations!
Congrats on your milestone…good luck with your move….and Thank you for a chance to win……
Thanks for the giveaway! I also got the Shirts pattern from the Pink Chalk liquidation (boo-hoo). I've made one and it's so fun; requests from family members for many more.
I follow you and intrepid thread on IG as tooheycohen. Thanks for the giveaway! Love the Doe fabric!!
Wow, congratulations on so many milestones! I am glad you are healthy and recovered for this fun new adventure, and it will be fabulous to see your shiny new sewing space.
I follow both you and Intrepid Thread on IG (I am @quiltingjetgirl)
The shirts pattern looks fun
okay, one of about 200 comments!! I love your stash Sunday posts and visit them all. I linked up under Not afraid of color
LeeAnna email is
and one more chance to win, as a reader this time! LeeAnna at not afraid of color
Looks like congratulations are in order for both your new sewing space and your 1000th post. Thanks to both you and Intrepid thread for the giveaway.
I follow both of you on Instagram.
Thanks for the chance to win, and congrats on your new space!
I follow you both on Instagram.
Oh wow, you're own sewing studio!! That's fantastic. 🙂 Good luck with the move! I can't wait to see the pictures.
Congrats on your upcoming move – it'll be great to have your own studio space! Also, can't wait to see what the new fabric collection looks like.
Exciting news! I'm looking forward the pics once you settle down.
I follow you on IG.
And I'm taking all my chances to win so I linked up as well 🙂
Congrats on the milestones Molli – thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric!
I follow you on IG too.
I follow you and the Intrepid Thread via Facebook. Thanks again!
Good luck with organizing the new studio.
I linked up with Sunday Stash.
Hey hey Molli!
Congratulations with your fantastic fabric fabuliscious anniversay!
Congratulations.on your anniversary! This is a beautiful collection. Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm a follower via Bloglovin.
I can't wait to see Doe fabric in person!
I following follow you and Intrepid Thread on Instagram
What a beautiful low volume collection. Good luck with your move!
Congrats on the move – a sewing studio! Congrats too on 1000. Doe is one line I've been dying to get my hands on. Thanks for the chance to win.
I follow you and Intrepid Thread on Instagram (sckett)
Carolyn Friedlander's new line Doe! Very excited! Love the new designs of late! Happy Blogiversary as well! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thank you for the chance to win!
I follow you on Instagram @Adejklenck
I can't wait for Doe. Alibear167 at gmail
Follow both of you on Instagram.
Alibear167 at gmail
Congrads on your new sewing room. Thanks for the chance at this wonderful give a way!
Congrats on the new house, the new sewing space, and 1,000 posts!
And of course I already follow you both on IG!
Yaaay! and Congratulations on Sunday Stash 101 😀
And even more Yaay for a new apartmant {and the giveaway – thanks for the chance to enter!}
And I ain't silly … I follow you and Intrepid Thread on IG 🙂
Thanks again for the chance to enter!
Wooohooo, new digs!!!!! How awesome to have your own sparkly quilting studio!!! I would love to follow you on IG, but after I downloaded it, I can't figure out how to sign in*shrug* guess I'm getting old! No new stash that I'm admitting to, but now I'm off to check out Pink Chalk Fabric!!
Hope your new digs are all you dream it will be and more. Congrats on your milestones.
Congratulations on your new digs. Your own quilting space. Yah!
Now following you and intrepid thread on instagram. New to instagram in the last month so very happy to add you to my feed. Thanks for the extra chance to win some doe
I hope you've got some massive storage organised for your Sparkle stash, out of the light this time! I'd kill for a dedicated sewing space out of my dingy hallway. Congrats on all the milestones.
Anxiously awaiting pics from new apartment and of you in your sewing room. How exciting for you both. When are you moving? Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and am sending lots of good wishes and hugs your way.
So looking forward to seeing the new fabric
mdlatter at msn dot com
Congrats on ur 1000 post
I follow through email
Congrats on the new space but moving really sucks. I've been eying this fabric for some time, it really speaks to me.
Wow wow wow moving n 1000th post – it's all happening at yours! Good luck with the move can't wait for studio pics.
Moving is such hard work, but having a new place to live is so exciting when you decorate and make it your own! Especially, when you have your very own sewing studio…lucky duck! Send that new Doe line bundle here so I can make something pretty with it!
Hey Molli! So glad to hear you're gettin your mojo back!! XX!
Perhaps just a smitch of champs and a slightly rich nosh to celebrate such good news?
You must know how much I like to sit and chat, to offer three comments!! Big hugs to you and the Mr!!
I've seen a few pieces of Doe on someone's blog and it's gorgeous fabric. Congratulations on your new place.
Best wishes to you both in your new home – hope we get to see some photo's 🙂
oh i go doe eyed over this fabric…
Ah gosh , I've been a slacker and not done my weekly bit for the quilting economy . . .
I follow you here and on IG 🙂 Good luck with the move & congrats on your 1000th 🙂
I follow you on bloglovin.
Beautiful fabric! Thanks for the giveaway.
Mwahahahaaaa Give me the freebies!! Oh how rude of me.
Congratulations on several "Milestones Molli"…and dont forget the before and after shots of the "Sparkly Studio" Yeh!
You know I stalk you on IG too @appliqueensal
You sure is one busy boy…if you need to disenfranchise fabric during your move…just chuck it Nth, over the Bridge.. 🙂
I usually join the linky party, but didn't have anything to share this week! But I did have fun checking some of the blogs out…so many ideas…so little time!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you via email and Intrepid Thread via facebook!
Best of luck in your sparkly new home. Nothing like designing a sewing space from scratch.
I follow you on IG and your posts really spice up my feed.
Thanks for a fabulous giveaway.
congrats on the apartment, but what does off the plan mean?
I follow you both on IG 🙂
I love everything Carolyn F. has done and Doe is no exception.
I follow you and Intrepid Thread on IG as mcglen.
The Doe range s so beautiful, would be lovely to win some. Thankyou for the opportunity.
Love your blog!! Can't wait to see your glittering sewing space 🙂 from Korea
Updated my setting. Wonder if you can see my email address. :-/
That's a pretty amazing prize — I love that Doe line. (Win or not, I will own it eventually…)
I hope the move goes well – even when you wind up in a better living space, that's rarely fun (especially since you've been so ill – remember to take it easy!).
I follow you on Instagram. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love the Doe range. Congrats on your blogaversary.
I follow both you and Intrepid Thread on IG, thanks! wonderlandbyalyce(at)
Congrats on the new digs! Hope the move goes smoothly. Thanks! wonderlandbyalyce(at)
How exciting to be getting a new house and dedicated sewing space! I hope it's huge!!
Congratulations on 1000 posts, wow! Good luck with your move and can't wait for pics.
Thank you and Intrepid Thread for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
I follow both you and Intrepid Thread on IG (@usairdoll)
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
Beautiful fabric, thanks for the chance to win. dawnm1993 at gmail dot com
1000 posts imagine 1000 quilt blocks. That would be a very large quilt. Congratulations and I follow you on BL.
Oooh I am totally in love with Doe, and your little deer is quite cute too!
Awesome news on the new digs. I follow you and Intrepid Thread on IG
Wonderful to have your own dedicated sewing space.
I follow your blog.
Glad you're back (creatively that is)! Can't wait to see the new sewing room!
I follow you on IG and would love a f8 bundle!
Happy new house!
I can't believe I wasn't following you on IG! I am now.
good luck with the move, hope it all goes smoothly.
Good luck with the move!
So much to celebrate! Extra exciting is your new home with a separate sewing space – hope the move goes smoothly. Thanks for this lovely giveaway.
I follow you & The Intrepid Thread on IG, thanks.
Doe a dear…and sew are you for giving this fabric away!
I follow you via BL, FB and IG. I don't Twit or Twerk!
Would love to win the Doe. It will definitely never find its way to Singapore shops.
Good luck on the move and congrats on triple digits
I have been perusing your blog for months now, getting a little bit of glitter on my keyboard every time I do, which is most excellent 🙂 I would love to give this collection a go for my son, as the outdoors theme with the pop of orange is exactly how to describe the lanky 16 year old he is! And Hooray for you for getting a new pad, can't wait to see what sparkles and glitter show up. As for something new in my stash, nothing today or lately, and I shall have to change that!
How exciting to have a new sewing studio! Love the fabric bundle svonfumetti at yahoo dot com
Cute doe! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com
Yay for both IG and Sunday Stash!!! Hooray!
And, I totally follow you on IG. 🙂
I love the Doe! thanks for the chance to win.
and I follow you both on IG
What a fantastic giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
I follow you on Instagram!
Congrats on your new home!
I follow both of you on instagram.
New appartment and sparkling sewing space sounds wonderful! Have fun decorating 🙂
I'm eager to see what you do with your Hex n More ruler – you always have amazing ideas!
I follow you on Instagrram!
this reminds me i have fabric & pattern lined up that utilizes the hex 'n more – can't wait to start it!!
Hey sweet cakes! I am so happy that you'll have your own sewing room…and I bet Mr. Sparkles will be happy too!!! Hee hee hee
Thanks so much for the giveaway,
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows
Thanks for the chance to win!!! We just moved too and I had to give up stuff for the move so I hope to win to help get my stash back!
Sorry, I haven't been caught up in the Instagram world (yet), but I follow you on Bloglovin and Intrepid Thread on Bloglovin and FB.
Lucky you, a new studio in a new apartment! Time to find all new places to hide that fabric. Thanks for the chance to win Doe……. Been waiting for it to arrive!
Molli, Intrepid Thread rocks. Thanks for sharing the giveaway. Enjoy your spending spree at Intrepid Thread when u get settle in.
I follow you and Intrepid Thread on IG, too.!
Congratulations on your new pad… hope the move goes smoothly!!!
I follow you on instagram too! (kfarnz)
Doe is a perfect giveaway after you've showed off those Friedlander fabrics to such great effect in your T-shirt quilt!
Congrats on both milestone posts Molli. That doe is gorgeous – the fabric and the animal!
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
Trying my luck… aivosolunajatukset(at)
I would love the chance to win!
Love the t-shirt quilt – the best one I have ever seen. And I love the Doe fabrics.
Congrats on the new place! Can't wait to see the pics. Thanks for the chance.
I follow on instagram too!
Congratulations on all your milestones! I can't wait to see your shirts. I really need to get a copy of the pattern for myself.
I follow both you and Julie on IG.
What a lovely giveaway! 🙂
A move and your own sewing studio how exciting! But I missed your posts whilst you were unwell so be sure you don't over exert yourself now! Can't wait to hear the low down on your new pad though.
Congratulations on the new place! That's so exciting! And a dedicated studio — woo hoo! (Oh and congrats on 100 and 1000, too!!!)
Wwwwww, your own place! Congratulations x I can but dream of a sewing room whilst I (don't) sew at my kitchen table!
Congrats on all your milestones and especially on your impending move. Hope all goes well!
Congrats! And thanks for the giveaway.
Congrats! Congrats! I added your giveaway to the link up on my blog.
I already follow you both on IG. 😉
Ah, moving. Been there, done that, not fond of it. No new stash right now, unless you count batting. Having a room devoted to sewing will be awesome. I love my new sewing room, we just moved in august.
Can I throw my hat in for a bit of 'doe', thanks Molli
HI, you'll love your new space!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Congrats on all the milestones and on the move – hope it's gone well for you and that you've not blunted too many rotary cutters opening those boxes! Thanks to you and The Intrepid Thread for a really fab giveaway, Doe is just wow, I was über lucky and have some in my stash already and will defintiely be adding loads more once it's in the stores. Looking forward to hearing all about the new place and your sparkly new sewing space.
It goes without saying I'm an IG follower.
yay – you must be feeling way better ! Can Not wait to see your shirts – can only image how amazing they'll be !! looking forward to all the sparkle of the new studio too x
Doe is amazing! I would love to sew with some.
I follow you on instagram 🙂
Congrats on a dedicated sewing area! notwendy gmail
I follow both you and Intrepidthread (Julie) on IG. Thanks! notwendy gmail
Congratulations on the new studio space! Can't wait to see it.
I am following you and Intrepid Thread on Instagram. (I am @daydreamsofquilts)
Doe is so lovely… Can't wait to be able to buy some (hopefully more…) to add to my stash! Thanks for the giveaway
i just stared quilting and need to build up a good stash! great giveaway
and I'm following you now on IG. my username is @roseand cons 🙂
Good luck!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Doe looks beautiful – and so does the fabric! Congratulations on the move and having your own studio!
What beautiful fabrics in the give away… Thanks for the chance to win. Best wishes.
Don't you just love those "resurges" of creativity!!
Your blog always makes me smile. AND I'd really smile if I won your giveaway. Lovely fabric.