Sunday Stash #98 – Glad To Be Back
It’s so good to be home! I spent the better part of this past week in Hong Kong–my first time there. I’ve been to a lot of places around the world, and Hong Kong has not made my list of faves. My eyes are sore from the pollution, I watched frogs being served up at dinner (while they were still twitching, mind you!) and the full brunt of consumerist society sitting on top of a city and population that must be truly blinded by it. All of it, except maybe the hotel breakfast, made me truly uncomfortable. My own bed has never felt so good!

I even went looking for fabric one night. I found literally dozens of shop fronts showcasing their wares, although most fell more into the clothing / home dec / bedding categories. I just couldn’t get on board, and walked away with nothing. However, when I got home, a lovely package from Intrepid Thread was waiting for me. This is about nine yards of Art Gallery Pure Elements Linen White which means I can finally start on my commissioned AMH feathers quilt! The Linen White is a close match to Kona Snow, but takes the level of luxe to new heights! Fire up the sewing machine, because it’s time to get busy!
Sorry to hear it was such a disturbing experience. It's nice to stash essentials but I see you already have a plan for this! I've stashed 4 yards of Kona Snow in the last week and some other stuff, will link up later once I'm back from cheering on my team (husband and daughters!) in the Great West Run!
I've often wondered if Hong Kong should be a bucket list destination. After reading your comments I'm happy I did not add it to my list. I'm certain it would not be some place I would enjoy. You would love it here at my house. When we aren't in drought conditions here in CA we have a seasonal pond and thousands of tadpoles turn into teeny tiny frogs each spring. I won't let my husband mow the lawn until all the frogs are grown and gone because he might run over them with the mower. Yikes! No frog legs (or any other critter parts for that matter) being served up at our house. roflol Am hppy tomhear that you will soon be starting your commissioned quilt cuz I can hardly wait to see how it progresses. Glad you're home!
Thanks for sharing your interesting perspective on Hong Kong. I hate to say it but I've liked cities less and less as I've grown older (with some notable exceptions). You have more white there than I have used in my entire quilting life!
What a shame! My parents lived there for four years before China took it back and I visited twice – and LOVED it! I have heard it has changed a great deal since the English had to hand it back, which really sucks! Although having said that – I was sort of expecting Japan to be similar. Wrong. Never seen such a clean city in all my life!!! Anyway – I think I bought enough fabric in Tokyo to make up for your non-purchasing 😉
what a bummer! I've always wanted to go to Hong Kong but you've made me think twice. Now Japan for sure! Though I speak a little Cantonese I will have to start learning Japanese!
Missed you, Molli. Welcome back.
Hope you labelled it so you don't get confuddled again ;o)
I've never been entirely convinced by Hong Kong as a destination (especially given the current unrest!) byt Japan I could get on board with, if only my fairy godmother would rock up with a ticket…
Welcome back 🙂 That's a shame about your trip- definitely making me not want to add it to my list. But at least you had a treat to come home to!
Welcome back! Nothing is better than coming home after a long trip. I finally get to link up some new stash items and add your blog bling to my page 🙂 That white linen does look so luxurious!
Regardless of how nice (or not nice) a trip turns out, my bed is always what I look forward to the most when I get home from a trip. At least you had some yummy breakfasts! Looking forward to seeing how you make the white linen sing.
sounds like a v interesting and culturally shocking experience. I watched a programme the other night with Richard E Grant visiting some of the most expensive hotels in Hong Kong. It was really good but a bit crazy at the same time. He loved it though! Like Lucy Japan would def be on my list though!
oooh that AGF looks good and feels even better – it will make for one gorgeous quilt !
Sigh, that's what you get when you dump me and Tokyo 😛 Sorry it wasn't much fun. I'm actually taking my own pillow when I go to QuiltCon next year – 2 weeks of sleeping in 4 different houses, let alone trying to sleep on planes? Nope, BYO pillow is essential.
That's a shame HK wasn't all that great – that smoggy good-bye photo on IG kind of said it all. I looked at that and thought, Oh god, I could never go there.
What a shame your Hong Kong trip was on the underwhelming side, Molli. I'm glad you came home to that happy mail, though, because when I'm not feeling at my happiest the prospect of starting a new quilt is absolutely the best pick-me-up . Hope you're all picked up by now 🙂 x
Glad you're home safely. Your posts always brighten my day. I know this blog isn't exactly the venue for it, but I am curious about your perspective of HK and would someday like to hear more about it. I have no opinion either way, just curious.
I've been to Hong Kong a handful of times for work and it is one ridicously crazy place. I joked with my boss that I felt like a hamster half the time due to all of the above-ground walkways, tunnels, and crazy "what can only be described as a maze-like atmosphere". Plus the whole driving on the other side of the road thing I wasn't used to at the time, I never looked in the correct direction when crossing a street.
It was an experience; but I would gladly go back again…that is if I was with someone who knew where they were going.
Glad to have you back safe and sound!
Once you've had AG, you'll never go back!