Sunday Stash #89 – Alien Influenza Virus
My disco ball stopped spinning around, ’round about Tuesday. I’ve been whacked with the alien influenza virus that feels like I’ve swallowed steel wool and moth balls. It’s completely foreign to me because I don’t get sick; like, it’s been years since I’ve been knocked down by anything other than a champagne overdose. So, please forgive me for the radio silence. I finally managed to get out of bed last night, and I managed to do a bit of prep work for a quilt. Let me tell you now, it’s whack-a-doodle-do! I’m calling it Farmhouse Chic, but I think it’s just a direct influence of how I’m feeling on the inside. (muted, congested, brown, etc.) Inspiration comes from all places! Plus, if I get this quilt out of my system now, there will surely be something magically bright ready to spew forth once I’m feeling better.

Oh dear Mollie……I knew there was a reason we didn't hear from you all weekI Hope you feel better soon.Don't over do it and get lots of rest. It may take another week.xo
Heinous Winter lurgies!
If it makes you feel better I'm not sick but have some funky sinus hayfever thing happening and have lost my sense of smell and taste for 6 days now….my sister tasted my oh so healthy smoothie this morning and informed me it tasted like rotting grass LOL
Hope you feel better soon – if you're making something 'congested and brown' you really can't be well at all.
Aw, that's not nice! Congested and brown sounds awful…
Hope you feel better soon .. we all had that too … absolute shocker!
Feel better! I am suffering a similar bug and it is unpleasant!
I bragged last week that I have not been infected once this winter by all the disease carrying teenage mutants that live in my house, coughing and spluttering all over the place. Then guess what! Last Saturday it got me 🙁 I console myself with the thought that I got over it soooo much quicker than any of those sooks because of my robust disposition and the fact that who else is going to do all the shit (chores ) around this mad house! 🙂 Now my Hubby has just taken himself off to bed because he's got it. Woos. 🙂
Hope you feel better quick Molli, you sound like you got it way worse than me. x
Yuck to the brown insides! Hope you're feeling much better and more colourful soon xxx
Feel better soon, the local fabric economy needs you… ;o)
Sorry you are under the weather, Molli. Get well soon.
Sounds nasty, glad you are on the mend.
Mollie, I hope your suffering will soon be a thing of the past and you'll be the happy, glittery sparkly person you normally are.
I hardly ever get sick either, but when I do, watch out, it's like a brick building just collapsed on top of me. Get well, stay well and come back to us, because we miss all that bottled up energy that flows so freely from your brain to your fingers. Hugs
I hope you feel better soon
Feel better! And I'm curious what a not-very-colorful Molli Sparkles quilt looks like… hmm… this I gotta see!
Sparkly sprinkles of heath be bestowed upon your whole body! Hope you are feeling your normal, chipper, colorful self real soon!!
Don't you breathe on me! I've managed to avoid any dreaded lurgies so far this winter and I don't want to start now! Look after yourself, and on the bright side at least you have 3 quilts to snuggle under now that you're a quilter! Get well soon!