Sunday Stash #84 – Seeing the Future

Molli Sparkles

Quilt maker to the stars. Spiller of truth tea.

8 Responses

  1. Kelly G says:

    Hope you had a great time shopping!
    I just got all excited – its Sunday, a very nice glass of white in front of me and I have some new fabric to show – the only problem is that my camera has decided to take a vacation without me and is refusing to come when called. Oh dear – perhaps next week then.

  2. Peaches1003 says:

    It was lovely to meet you on the weekend! I feel like I went quite crazy at the show but I didn't do too badly after all. I got myself a blocloc – I am hoping it will change my life (or at least my HST trimming which I loathe)

  3. Laurelle says:

    Hope the show went well! I splurged on a blocloc at the Melbourne show . I guess we are all suckers for gadgets that make life easier 🙂

  4. Have a great time at the craft & quilt fair… Meeting and greeting…. And shopping!

  5. MsMidge says:

    I was fascinated with the block loc rulers, but was very disappointed after watching the demonstration that they were sold out of the HST and Drunkard Path ones I wanted – boooooooo! I hope you found some!

  6. Sooli says:

    Hope you didn't get a strained wrist from all the autograph signing! A few 'Molli & me' photos on QCA too!

  7. That looks like a very useful gadget. I found your meme when Mary was hosting a few weeks ago. I thought I'd join in again today, with some fabrics I pulled from my existing stash. Nice to 'meet' you.

  8. Katy Cameron says:

    Oooh, nicely reminded, I'm about to have to make 40 sets of HSTs for this month's bee blocks, and I'd forgotten I'd picked up a Blocloc ruler at Market

Spill the truth tea.