The Today Show: Sew Hot Right Now
Well, that was an experience and a half! This morning marked my live television debut (not sure why that took so long!) on Australia’s The Today Show on Channel 9. The driver picked me up promptly at 7:30am and off we went to Channel 9 studios, with my sewing machine, pillows, and a magic suitcase full of quilts.

Upon arriving, I met Maddi (Maddi meet Molli, it was meant to be!) who led me through the inner workings of the studio. Meanwhile, the stage hands took all of my sewing gear straight to set to start setting the stage. I brought eight quilts, just so they had plenty of options! After walking through the studio, it was straight to hair and makeup, where I met lovely Taryn who made me look flawless. Then I was off to the Green Room to fluff my feathers prior to my screen time. (#selfiewithsparkle)

Then it was time! Maddi escorted me to set where I had about two minutes to set up my sewing machine. I must admit, that needle damn nearly didn’t get threaded! I plugged everything in, took out some fabric, and we were good to go.
Lisa and Karl came over to say hello off-camera, and they were so fantastic! They both seemed genuinely interested in quilts. Lisa told me she is a mad collector, with quilts all over her house–a woman after my own heart! Karl wanted to buy my big D! as soon as he saw it, and I told that flirt that I am not cheap! I gave him an insta-quote of $2,500, at which he was somewhat surprised, but when I explained why, he and Lisa totally got it. Lisa also mentioned needing someone to help her make a quilt, and I madly scribbled my website on a piece of fabric (business cards why are you not ready!?) So, if you’re reading, LISA: CALL. ME.
Then the cameras were on, and it was time to be extra-fabulous (which is hard when you’re already fabulous!) Can you feel me?! Looking at the recording, I see it was about a five minute segment, but it went by like a glimmer in my eye. My heart felt like it was going to vibrate out of my chest from all of the adrenaline, and in those few minutes I probably could have whipped up an entire quilt! There’s certainly things I wish I would have said, and said more clearly, but overall I am pleased as spiked punch with my performance!
Your comments on social media have been overwhelmingly generous, and I am humbled by the never-ending support you throw my way. It really is like walking down the street with confetti cannons constantly exploding! As Emma messaged me this morning, “Just saw you on the Today Show – you are fabulous, and have inspired me to crank my own machine up again!!” If that is the only outcome from this entire experience, then it was most definitely worth it.
I’ll see you all at next week’s Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair! Now, let’s sew!
I have been following your blog, saw you on TV by chance today! Well done! Great quilts too!
Ha – love the accent Molli! Great work promoting quilting 🙂
I watched this morning (especially to see you!). Fantastic. And Karl was a big flirt! Put him in a pink hat and just try stop him fondling your big d!
Good on you – you were wonderful!
Congratulations Molli! Well done! I love that one of the hosts was a legit lover of quilts. Very funny sewing lesson!
Oh yay! Go Molli!!! Love your #-tag sash 🙂
Sparkling Superstar. May I have your autograph on a photo for my sewing room?
I didn't get to see you live because I'm in Canada, so I just watched the video now. You were amazing! Congrats and keep being the fabulous ambassador that you are!
Good golly Miss Molli! You are a Superstar! Thanks for posting the clip for all of us to enjoy. Gramma Sparkles must be proud!
You did us proud!
That was pretty cool! You were great.
Love it!
You are fabulous! Glitter cannons, what a great idea. I can just see it in my mind's eye. Keep sharing the quilting love!
You are wonderful. Well done. I just don't get why you wearing the hat. What is that got to do with quilting? Do people really have to be different to make an appearance on TV? You know I've been following your blog for a while and I love your writting style and original projects but I guess I'm just an old moron to appreciate your sparkly looks.
that's great!
Oh divine Molli! YOU ROCK! xxx
Wow! No one will forget you Molli. You're personality shined through and your student really was having fun!
Nice way to represent….
Love from across the big blue,
Nicole aka saphre1964
Molli!!! You rocked that house! And may I say, you looked gorgeous! <3 I'm so excited to see you get the recognition you deserve and I cannot wait to see more beauty come from those skilled fingers of yours (Oh behave!)
Oh man… I totally missed this until today. I have been working every day for three weeks in a row. So proud of you. Can I say I knew you when? You are fabulous. So proud to call you my friend!
Congratulations! So funny I thought you'd have a little more accent?! How silly. You looked totaliy amazing. Poor Karl. Love it. Have a fantastic time at the show. I know you will. But be sure to take a break or to to enjoy the show. Big hugs!
oh how fun! You did terrific! What a great opportunity for you AND lovely that your love of quilting was shared with others…
What an awesome opportunity! You did great and congrats!!!
How fun to see your debut on TV. You did great and I know you are going to be a huge success at the show.
Check out the hat! So famous darling. I home you get to work with Lisa soon 🙂
I really want to watch this but 'm reading this surreptitiously at work with no volume on, I must must must watch it when I get home…
Now I can totally hear your voice as I read your "Truth Tea" post… lol! 🙂 Awesome job!!
You survived well! Not so sure about your Juki … 🙂
Well done Molli! Love the hat.
OMG, congrats!!! You were so amazingly awesome!! I would have been such a nervous wreck! Way to represent!! : )
And, oh, Karl. "Maybe a LITTLE better quarter-inch seam than that, Karl." Dying over here.
Simply marvelous!
Thanks so much for sharing the clip with us all. You were awesome! Loved the hat(s), although I think Karl may need even more sparkle to help him with those quarter inch seams.
Way to go Molli!
That was awesome sauce! Congrats on your tv appearance. It seems like a huge year. Still love the blog and sparkle. 😉
fabulous – congrats and how good to see something we all love on the TV!
Well done!! You did fantastic. And I love that Carl wore your pink fedora. 🙂
So fun!! You did brilliantly! I'd be so afraid I'd get those feathers caught in my machine 😉 They should give you a regular feature so we can see more!
This is so awesome! You did fantastic! You have a lot less of an australian accent than I expected!
You ROCK!!!
I can't get the show, being in Canada, but I imagine you knocked their socks off!
Good on you!
Sparkly package going out to you this week!
Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows
Oh well done for your first appearance, I can imagine how your head was spinning the whole time.
I wish I could get to Sydney for the fair but I live too far away these days.
Fabulous Joshua, I didn't think you were going to get Karl away from that sewing machine LOL 🙂
Mollie, you were supercalafragilistic (not sure if I spelled that correctly), but you get the idea! I was so happy you were able to have the video on your website for all of us in the U.S.. I am in love with the quilt that was on display, probably because, like you, I love color! Good luck this week-end at the quilt show. Sure you have lots to tell us next week. Hugs
So awesome! Congrats to you! And hi Juki. That thing has some power!
Yee Haa Molli!
Giving up your day job yet?
That clip was fun! Congrats.
Thanks for the video: you did great!!Lots of success this weekend in Sydney!!! ( sadly too far away for me, living in the Netherlands)
"it was time to be extra-fabulous (which is hard when you're already fabulous!)" – LOVE it!
Hello Mollie,
Loved your spot on the "Today Show" Mollie you were fantastic and Karl was really enjoying himself at the sewing machine. Great Job…..
That was so much fun!!!! Congrats Molli!
Wonderful TV debut, Molli! You are TOO cute for words. This Great-grandma appreciates the respect you give to your Grandma and how fabulous your quilts have become in two short years. You did a fabulous job of promoting the Quilting world. Love You!
Wow, awesome!! You seemed so cool and collected – way to go. 🙂
Great job! You were so calm! I would have been stammering and goofing up what I wanted to say. Again, good job!
Congratulations Molli! Wish I could get to Sydney to see your quilts live! Maybe one day you can come to Hobart to do one of your colour classes??
You were great! I'll be needing your autograph.
finally snuck a few mins to watch you. Well done you were fab. Wish i was going to Sydney to the show. Will send the TOWRAGS to visit you.
Awesome job Molli!! I can only imagine how exciting that was 🙂
Yay, great fun. Broken Herringbone looks brill on set!
Way to go Molli! You were brilliant.
absolutely freakin awesome x
Very Impressive!
So very cool! Really good to see/ hear you 'in person' (almost) 🙂
Awesome!!!! I'm so excited for you…and one more question…what model of Juki is that??? It's sew's SO FAST! Again, congrats!!!
But of course you got your feathers fluffed, I do hope they added sparkle dust too! And you know what, fabric business cards would be the bomb…
Congrats on your appearance. I love the today show but missed it so I watched it through your link. You were great. I live in Nelson bay and am going to the quilt show. I am looking forward to seeing your quilts in person.
That's awesome!! You make quilting look fun – way to promote it Mollie!!
You should totally make that guy a quilt of his own. I'm pretty sure he'd treasure it. And that's why we do it – right?